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想把这个问题搞清楚.发现一些内容. 抛砖引玉.

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Fog lamps are designed to emit a diffuse beam of light with a wide beam pattern that has the potential to seriously dazzle other road users, particularly if they are not installed in a dipped position. The proposed rule contains a provision that would prohibit the use of fog lamps for purposes for which they are not intended (i.e. in conditions other than severely reduced visibility).
© Copyright 2002 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Vancouver Island Traffic Services
Fog and Driving Lights

What is the difference between fog lights and driving lights and what are the requirements for them?

Here is everything you ever wanted to know on that subject!

Fog Lamps

Identifier: SAE + F + Part number on lens
Number permitted: 2
Color: amber or white
Maximum height: below the center of the headlamps
Minimum height: 30 cm. below the center of the headlamps
Wiring: must permit simultaneous operation of tail, parking, license & clearance lamps.
Aim: adjusted and aimed so that, at a distance of 8 m from the lamp, the centre of the beam is at least 10 cm below the height of the fog lamp. Symmetric lamps: ± 150 mm either side of vertical. Asymmetric lamps: ±100 mm either side of vertical

Driving Lamps

Identifier: SAE + Y + part number on lens
Number permitted: 2
Color: white
Maximum height: 106 cm.
Minimum height: 40 cm.
Wiring: to high beam side of dimmer switch
Aim: the high intensity portion of the beam is, at a distance of 8 m from the lamp, at least 12 cm below the height of the lamp and, at a distance of 25 m from the lamp, not higher than 1.06 m from the road surface. Lateral aim ± 150 mm either side of vertical.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请教各位老司机:雾灯(fog lamp)是不是必须的?记得国内好几年前要求汽车全部要装雾灯的,安省有没有类似规定?
    • 帮你up一下。不过觉得为了自己的安全,这点钱还是应该花的吧。
      • 多谢up. 我也知道这个钱不能省。就希望没有硬性规定,拿到车子可以多转几家,找个价格合适的再装上。
    • 没有硬性规定,好像也没看见什么人开后雾灯;当然有用,尤其是后车开着大灯接近你时
    • 无所谓。因为许多新车上没有雾灯。
    • 有当然最好。可以自己后装
    • 多谢楼上各位。再问个问题:雾灯到底是装前面还是后面?以前一直以为是后面,这两天看到网上有些照片好像是在前面。(拜托别笑我白痴。最近去某汽车论坛问了不少问题,不好意思在那里再问了。)
      • 最好前后都有,实在不行就装后面的
        • 谢了。就是说后面的一定要有,对吧?看到的那张照片前面装了4个灯泡。
      • 装在前面用于在雾天给自己照明,但装饰作用大于实际用途;装在后面防止被追尾;如果原车没装、如果你不是热衷装饰汽车,建议还是免了吧
        • 应该不一定是装饰作用. 我的车的前雾等正常就看不见.
    • 97年左右的时候, 国内好象有过相关规定. 但当时的理解实际上是另外一个刹车灯. 保证在高速上刹车时, 雾天后车能看到. 而对这边雾灯的理解是前雾灯. 在大雾时能看到前面的路, 在正常情况下没有多大用. 除非是能见度极低的情况.
      • 多谢。也就是说,这里的雾灯一般是装前面的?
      • 北京是要求安装后雾灯,防止追尾用的;不是高位刹车灯
        • 刚刚去问了同事, 他好象没有听说谁的车有后雾灯. 但或许他不知道吧. 我的车原厂配的就是前雾灯.
    • 想把这个问题搞清楚.发现一些内容. 抛砖引玉.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Fog lamps are designed to emit a diffuse beam of light with a wide beam pattern that has the potential to seriously dazzle other road users, particularly if they are not installed in a dipped position. The proposed rule contains a provision that would prohibit the use of fog lamps for purposes for which they are not intended (i.e. in conditions other than severely reduced visibility).
      © Copyright 2002 - Royal Canadian Mounted Police - Vancouver Island Traffic Services
      Fog and Driving Lights

      What is the difference between fog lights and driving lights and what are the requirements for them?

      Here is everything you ever wanted to know on that subject!

      Fog Lamps

      Identifier: SAE + F + Part number on lens
      Number permitted: 2
      Color: amber or white
      Maximum height: below the center of the headlamps
      Minimum height: 30 cm. below the center of the headlamps
      Wiring: must permit simultaneous operation of tail, parking, license & clearance lamps.
      Aim: adjusted and aimed so that, at a distance of 8 m from the lamp, the centre of the beam is at least 10 cm below the height of the fog lamp. Symmetric lamps: ± 150 mm either side of vertical. Asymmetric lamps: ±100 mm either side of vertical

      Driving Lamps

      Identifier: SAE + Y + part number on lens
      Number permitted: 2
      Color: white
      Maximum height: 106 cm.
      Minimum height: 40 cm.
      Wiring: to high beam side of dimmer switch
      Aim: the high intensity portion of the beam is, at a distance of 8 m from the lamp, at least 12 cm below the height of the lamp and, at a distance of 25 m from the lamp, not higher than 1.06 m from the road surface. Lateral aim ± 150 mm either side of vertical.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • thanks a lot.
      • 装前面的和装后面的用途看来不一样,国内开车要求后面必须有。前面能照明?不太相信
        • 又找到一点材料, 不过是广告.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛What are Fog Lamps Really For?

          A good fog lamp produces a wide, bar-shaped beam of light with a sharp horizontal cutoff (dark above, bright below) at the top of the beam, and minimal upward light above the cutoff. Almost all factory-installed or dealer-optional fog lamps, and a great many aftermarket units, are essentially useless for any purpose, especially for extremely demanding poor-weather driving. Many of them are too small to produce enough light to make a difference, produce beam patterns too narrow to help, lack a sufficiently-sharp cutoff, and throw too much glare light into the eyes of other drivers, no matter how they're aimed.

          Good (and legal) fog lamps produce white or Selective Yellow light, and use tungsten-halogen bulbs. Xenon or HID bulbs are inherently unsuitable for use in fog lamps, and blue or other-colored lights are also the wrong choice.

          The fog lamps' job is to show you the edges of the road, the lane markings, and the immediate foreground. When used in combination with the headlamps, good fog lamps weight the overall beam pattern towards the foreground so that even though there may be a relatively high level of upward stray light from the headlamps causing glareback from the fog or falling rain or snow, there will be more foreground light than usual without a corresponding increase in upward stray light, giving back some of the vision you lose to precipitation.

          When used without headlamps in conditions of extremely poor visibility due to snow, fog or heavy rain, good fog lamps light the foreground and the road edges only, so you can see your way safely at reduced speeds.

          In clear conditions, more foreground light is not a good thing, it's a bad thing. Some foreground light is necessary so you can use your peripheral vision to see where you are relative to the road edges, the lane markings and that pothole 10 feet in front of your left wheels. But foreground light is far less safety-critical than light cast well down the road into the distance, because at any significant speed (much above 30 mph), what's in the foreground is too close for you to do much about. If you increase the foreground light, your pupils react to the bright, wide pool of light by constricting, which in turn substantially reduces your distance visionÑespecially since there's no increase in down-the-road distance light to go along with the increased foreground light. It's insidious, because high levels of foreground light give the illusion, the subjective impression, of comfort and security and "good lighting".

          US-DOT headlamps have historically tended to provide relatively low, arguably inadequate levels of light in the foreground and to the sides. Many US DOT headlamps have what seems to be a "black hole" in front of the car, with essentially the entire beam concentrated in a narrow band or ball of light thrown into the distance. With headlamps like these, a decent argument can be made for the use of fog lamps to fill the "black hole", that is, to add-back the missing foreground and lateral-spread light when driving at moderate speeds on dark and/or twisty roads. Of course, lamps to rectify inadequate foreground light must be thoughtfully and carefully selected, correctly aimed and properly used. Otherwise, they're useless at best and dangerous at worst.

          In some places, the law prohibits the use of fog lamps without the low beam headlamps also being on. Whether or not this is the case where you drive, it's vital to realize that fog lamp beams, by definition, have a much shorter reach than headlamp beams. If you drive in conditions foul enough to call for the use of fog lamps without headlamps, it's essential to have good fog lamps that are up to the task and are properly aimed, and it's imperative that you slow down because even with high-performance fog lamps, you can't see as far with fog lamps and in poor weather as you can with headlamps and in clear weather.

          If the road is wet or slick with ice, but there's no falling precipitation, fog lamps should be used with discretion. Their extra downward light can help compensate for the tendency of water to "soak up" the light on the road from your headlamps. But, this extra downward light hitting a road surface shiny with water or ice will also create high levels of reflected glare for other drivers. Since we're all "other drivers" to everybody else on the road, it's well to think of roadway safety as a cooperative effort. In most driving situations, fog lamps are neither useful nor necessary, but more people use their fog lamps when the prevailing conditions don't call for their use, than use them when the conditions do call for their use. Nobody thinks your car is cool because it has fog lamps, and glare is dangerous, so do yourself and everyone a favor: choose them carefully, aim them properly, use them thoughtfully, and leave them off except when they're genuinely necessary.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 这是我这两天看到别人介绍的,PIAA的雾灯据说不错,看起来也都是前面的。
          • 看了一下国内的网站, 好象那种后雾灯这边很少有人用. 而前雾灯是比较普遍的(原因不清楚). 原厂配的雾灯好象效果是不太好. 不过我没有机会在大雾天开过车. 但有时见别人改装过的雾灯特别亮.
      • 哈哈,有趣。没听说过把雾灯装前面而不装后面的。而且雾灯大都是单独一个(不成对的)装在后面的,除非有钱多加一个还得改线路。如果雾灯装在前面当照明用,那高灯干什么用?难道雾灯还比高灯亮吗???
        • 不知道你在这边买过新车没有, DEALER会问你是否要雾灯, 一般的概念就是前面的两个. 后面的一个怎么象楼上说的高位刹车灯.
          • 后加的独立、外置后雾灯,从外观上看确实有些像高位刹车灯;而原厂内置的,就是在灯罩下(记不清具体哪个灯的旁边)加了一个高亮的灯泡,红色,和高位刹车灯的外观就完全没有关系了
            • 又知道多一些东西了.


            • 对后雾灯和高位刹车灯的亮度比较有概念吗?
              • 后雾灯要亮很多、很多,非常刺眼;在国内的一个主要用途就是,当车辆开着远光跟在后面开时,得打开或不停开关后雾灯,提醒他换成近光。
                • 原来不知道, 多谢.
          • 兄弟,看清楚我的中文语法。------“没听说过把雾灯装前面而不装后面的”。雾灯存在的最基本作用就是装在后面防止追尾。
            • 那是中国的说法, ROLIA可是在加拿大啊!
        • 高灯的确比雾灯亮,但是在大雾的情况下,你开高灯更有可能把自己眼睛晃花(由于大雾的反射作用)。而前雾灯安装的非常低,反而照明效果更好。
    • 所以觉得REAR FOG LAMP和FRONT FOG LAMP的作用大不相同, 设计应该也不同. FRONT是为看清路用的, 应该比较亮, 而REAR是为别人用的, 应该比FRONT亮度低, 比普通的刹车灯亮, 不知道理解是否正确.
    • It's optional. I made up my mind to have front fog lamps installed when I experienced heavy fog 2 years ago. Fog lamp improves your visibility in rain, snow and fog (help you to see the Yellow line in the road).