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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Please support repealing the AB 1726 bill.

I am a Chinese-American high school student from a high school in California who has just completed 11th grade 6 days ago. I value education and hard work, because I have been taught that if you worked hard, were passionate about your education, and believed in the American dream of opportunity, you can at least open more doors of opportunity for myself (in this case, one of my stepping stones to success is to be accepted by a good college/university). At school, my teachers had taught me that if I worked hard academically and maintained a balanced and well-rounded lifestyle, I would improve my chances of getting into a good college. After all, the teachers were at least fair in the sense that if you studied hard for your test, you'd reap the reward of scoring higher on your tests on most occasions. Indeed, it made sense to me that since America's Olympic game's basketball team (composed of not a single Asian) didn't pull a good portion of the current players from the team out, on the basis of racial diversity in representation, to be replaced by a non-NHPI Asian-American players in order to strengthen non-NHPI Asian-American's foundation in the area of sports, it didn't occur to me that a different rule based on race would need to be applied to the educational field. However, I was never told by my teachers that I would have to score much higher on my SAT and have a much higher GPA than my non-Asian and NHPI classmates sitting right next to me in class, because I was born into the "wrong" race (in terms of college entrance): the Asian race. This year, I witnessed some of my Asian classmates who were just as qualified or more qualified (from both the high school I had transferred from and the high school I currently am in) be rejected, rejected, and rejected by all of the IVY league schools. Many of these Asian-American students were well rounded and excelled in school. In the end, I learned that NONE of these non-NHPI Asian-American students from both high schools had been accepted by the IVY league schools. Who got in to the IVY leagues schools from both schools? The answer is, students from non-Asian decent did...because of the need for "diversity".

Some people, seem to value the need of diversity over how much time, energy, effort, and sacrifices I have put into my education. They seem to think that because of the need to help other races have a leg up in education, it's ok to take advantage of the non-NHPI Asian-American students through Affirmative Action laws, such as AB 1726, by giving away their rightfully earned spots into their dream university to another equally qualified, but of non-Asian and NHPI decent, applicant. They seem to think that it's ok to plant the idea into thousands of non-NHPI Asian students' minds that no matter how hard they work, they will have to sacrifice more and suffer through more of the pain in conquering more obstacles in life in their academic field, because they were born as an non-NHPI Asian-American. In this sense, they seem to think that it's ok to hurt thousands of dedicated non -NHPI Asian-American students' motivations, ambitions, dreams, and innocence in believing in equality.

As a high school student, fresh out of 11th grade, I can testify that it is extremely discouraging to have to fill in the bubble on my answer sheet of being from an Chinese-Asian decent on my SAT bubble answer sheet, my 15 AP test bubble answer sheet, my ACT bubble sheet, and my college application-related bubble answer sheets. Why? Because I know that I will be categorized by my race and judged for that by the colleges that I have worked so hard to get into. I know that the moment the college admission officers see a dark bubble next to the word "Asian", they will expect a much higher SAT/ACT score, a much higher GPA, and an amazing extracurricular profile. In essence, they will be asking me to be a nearly perfect student in the eyes of many to get into an IVY league school.

Assemblyman Bonta and SEARAC, how would you feel if you were in my shoes? How would you feel if your possible future children and grandchildren went through what I have to go through right now? How would you feel if your brothers and sisters had to go through this?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 这文章写得不错,大家可以有空看看。11年级的华裔小女孩写的 +3
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Please support repealing the AB 1726 bill.

    I am a Chinese-American high school student from a high school in California who has just completed 11th grade 6 days ago. I value education and hard work, because I have been taught that if you worked hard, were passionate about your education, and believed in the American dream of opportunity, you can at least open more doors of opportunity for myself (in this case, one of my stepping stones to success is to be accepted by a good college/university). At school, my teachers had taught me that if I worked hard academically and maintained a balanced and well-rounded lifestyle, I would improve my chances of getting into a good college. After all, the teachers were at least fair in the sense that if you studied hard for your test, you'd reap the reward of scoring higher on your tests on most occasions. Indeed, it made sense to me that since America's Olympic game's basketball team (composed of not a single Asian) didn't pull a good portion of the current players from the team out, on the basis of racial diversity in representation, to be replaced by a non-NHPI Asian-American players in order to strengthen non-NHPI Asian-American's foundation in the area of sports, it didn't occur to me that a different rule based on race would need to be applied to the educational field. However, I was never told by my teachers that I would have to score much higher on my SAT and have a much higher GPA than my non-Asian and NHPI classmates sitting right next to me in class, because I was born into the "wrong" race (in terms of college entrance): the Asian race. This year, I witnessed some of my Asian classmates who were just as qualified or more qualified (from both the high school I had transferred from and the high school I currently am in) be rejected, rejected, and rejected by all of the IVY league schools. Many of these Asian-American students were well rounded and excelled in school. In the end, I learned that NONE of these non-NHPI Asian-American students from both high schools had been accepted by the IVY league schools. Who got in to the IVY leagues schools from both schools? The answer is, students from non-Asian decent did...because of the need for "diversity".

    Some people, seem to value the need of diversity over how much time, energy, effort, and sacrifices I have put into my education. They seem to think that because of the need to help other races have a leg up in education, it's ok to take advantage of the non-NHPI Asian-American students through Affirmative Action laws, such as AB 1726, by giving away their rightfully earned spots into their dream university to another equally qualified, but of non-Asian and NHPI decent, applicant. They seem to think that it's ok to plant the idea into thousands of non-NHPI Asian students' minds that no matter how hard they work, they will have to sacrifice more and suffer through more of the pain in conquering more obstacles in life in their academic field, because they were born as an non-NHPI Asian-American. In this sense, they seem to think that it's ok to hurt thousands of dedicated non -NHPI Asian-American students' motivations, ambitions, dreams, and innocence in believing in equality.

    As a high school student, fresh out of 11th grade, I can testify that it is extremely discouraging to have to fill in the bubble on my answer sheet of being from an Chinese-Asian decent on my SAT bubble answer sheet, my 15 AP test bubble answer sheet, my ACT bubble sheet, and my college application-related bubble answer sheets. Why? Because I know that I will be categorized by my race and judged for that by the colleges that I have worked so hard to get into. I know that the moment the college admission officers see a dark bubble next to the word "Asian", they will expect a much higher SAT/ACT score, a much higher GPA, and an amazing extracurricular profile. In essence, they will be asking me to be a nearly perfect student in the eyes of many to get into an IVY league school.

    Assemblyman Bonta and SEARAC, how would you feel if you were in my shoes? How would you feel if your possible future children and grandchildren went through what I have to go through right now? How would you feel if your brothers and sisters had to go through this?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 不错,老猫又回归右派了?。。我们亚裔不能选民主党
      • The world is not two dimensional, so is politics.. Not all things can be classified as black or white, and not all positions have to be left or right
        Easily I can name 1000+ things I have an opinion , some are left, some are right, some are both...
    • 说句楼主不爱听的话,要判断AA这类货色的是非,只需一点常识和正常人的思维能力即可。楼主还不如一个中学生,白活这么大。 +7
    • 美国曾经是多么伟大的一个国家,曾经因为崇尚勤奋和自由竞争而充满活力,在各个方面曾经创造了举世瞩目的成就。但现在政客们热衷于AA这种种族歧视的把戏, 美国在一步步地走向没落,可悲。
      • 你先分析分析数据好吗? 白人占全美人口的比例为72%,你在看看sillicone valley工作职位和ivy universities白人的入学比例, 难道白人不是做出了巨大牺牲?你一黄种人还叽歪什么? +1
        • 你认为一切工作岗位,均该按人口比例来分配,而不需看人是否勤奋和有工作能力?那么公司还需要面试干什么?大学入学还需要看学习成绩干什么?中学还需要考试干什么?AA已侵犯黄种人最基本的平等权益,难道还不该出声么?不同意的话,你还是自行了断吧。 +4
          • 那些把“平等"理解为按肤色来分摊社会资源的ID早该自我了断了。都被洗脑成弱智了。 +4
    • 作为生活在美国的亚洲后裔,尤其是华裔,为了自己,也为了子孙后代,有责任对种族歧视说“不”! 真心希望美国华人联合所有亚裔,组成社会团体,以各种可能的方式,获得社会的支持,并对各级议会施加影响和压力,抵制和反对这种对亚裔的种族歧视行为。 +2
      • 你这些主张先回大陆和老共讨论讨论让老共先平等对待中国人后, 再来这儿叽歪! +1
        • 土共虽专制,但无论如何也是同种,没有种族歧视问题。美国的AA制,却是专制+种族歧视,更狠。作为黄皮肤的少数族裔,甘愿受虐,悲催, 我看你还是干脆自行了断算了。 +1
        • 土工优待少数民族,也就是给他们高考加20分。但美国AA是无论你多少分,都AA,以后工作也要AA。
    • 从某种意义来说,AA是多少有助于社会稳定的,把某些人送进学校公司总比让他们在街上混要好的多。可惜华人成了牺牲品,但是胡凯尔斯,华人最多就是上街游行而已,既不会闹事暴乱也不会暗偷明抢,怎么欺负都没事
    • 工农兵大学生,政治挂帅,又红又专 +1
    • 这个高中生不错,没被学校的左派洗脑。
      • 作为成年人的责任,是用自己的头脑思考,并努力去避免下一代亲尝这种苦果。
      • 主要是涉及到了自己的切身利益,上大学要AA了,努力也没用了,才突然觉醒了。原来这个世界不是那么美好。
      • 是啊,真是不错,懂得用自己的脑子思考。想起去年一群高中摸样的华人孩子挨家挨户敲门让我们签名反对哈勃政府的遣返恐怖分子的那个bill,完全被左派的作死政策洗脑
        • 可怜之人,必有可恨之处。
    • 赞独立思考,拒绝洗脑。也是哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。种族配额可是民主党的核心理念,华人可要想好了。