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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

lots of differnces, here is a TV commercial shown, pl try to understand it from a Canadian perspective. Text of Joe Canada's Rant in Molson Brewery's Latest "I Am Canadian" Campaign---I really like it:

I am not a lumberjack or a fur trader. I don't live in an igloo, eat bluber or own a dogsled. I don't know Jimmy, Suzie, or Sally from Canada, although I'm certain they're very nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President, I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it 'about' not 'a-boot'. i can proudly sew my country's flag on my jackpack. i believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilation. And that the beaver is a proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat; a chesterfield is a couch. And it's pronounced ZED, ok? not ZEE, ZED! Canada is the second-largest landmass, the first nation of hockey and the best part of North America. My name is Joe and I am Canadian.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会 / 23%的加拿大认为20年内,加拿大会被美国吞并。主要是经济一体化,银行合并。但是货币,政体,选举等还不会。有些人更悲观地认为10年内会合并。
    • 用词不当,把“悲观”改为“乐观”。
    • 越早合并越好,免得我的收入不断贬值
    • 我希望在我登陆地的二天就合并。
    • US sucks. You will know after you are here for 2 years, instead of 2 days.
    • 金字塔, guest, 羊肉泡馍, i guess all you guys have been neither in Canada nor in USA.
      • 不用猜,不在美加是不是就不能说美加好,那毫巴。社会主义好、社会主义好,社会主义国家人民地位高。我唱的时候觉的象吃了苍蝇。我只想要一个平静的生活。
        • No i think you may misunderstand me or i misunderstand you, by 合并, I assume you want canada to be the 51 state of usa, if I get you wrong, i am sorry
          • that is not important,no sorry, only a disscusion. us or canada it's no different for me .
            • lots of differnces, here is a TV commercial shown, pl try to understand it from a Canadian perspective. Text of Joe Canada's Rant in Molson Brewery's Latest "I Am Canadian" Campaign---I really like it:
              I am not a lumberjack or a fur trader. I don't live in an igloo, eat bluber or own a dogsled. I don't know Jimmy, Suzie, or Sally from Canada, although I'm certain they're very nice. I have a Prime Minister, not a President, I speak English and French, not American. And I pronounce it 'about' not 'a-boot'. i can proudly sew my country's flag on my jackpack. i believe in peacekeeping, not policing; diversity, not assimilation. And that the beaver is a proud and noble animal. A toque is a hat; a chesterfield is a couch. And it's pronounced ZED, ok? not ZEE, ZED! Canada is the second-largest landmass, the first nation of hockey and the best part of North America. My name is Joe and I am Canadian.
              • 世界大同是趋势,加拿大90%的人口分布在距美国200英里的狭长地带之内。各大城市都收看临近的美国电视台,人民特别是青年美国化严重,加拿大英语基本是美国音,虽然极少数单词拼写不同。差异和美国国内各州差异都差不多。
                • Just because of that, Canadians want to retain their OWN identity.
              • I am not familiar to canada, and I am not familiar to usa, so I am not familiar to the difference of canada and usa, I only know I will land canada , and I will work there,so I think I will love her, that is will, not now.
                • good to hear, and kind advice: change all "to" to "with" in your post
                  • thanks, I have been confused for almost twenty years for that. my english is poor , because Chinese is my motherlanguage. I will improve it, that is "我们一直在努力“。
                    • ok, to clarify, somebody is familiar WITH something; something is familiar TO somebody.
                      • thank you very much. three people walk, one of them must be my teacher. Kongzi said.
                        • dare not, buganbugan
    • 从另一个角度讲,美国方面估计不会做出此举。美国是一个移民控制很严格的国家。有一套严格的绿卡配额体系
      根据我的经验, 美国现在对加拿大边境是越来越小心,检查也越严格。 美国每年对各个国家的绿卡配额基本是9600左右。如果兼并加哪大,对它的移民体系会有很大冲击,从各方面造成很多漏洞。 从经济角度讲,美国完全没有必要兼并加拿大,这两国经济方面已经几乎成为一体。 在我这里有很多加哪大公民,他们人人都在翘首等待自己的绿卡, 跟其他印度,中国人没什么两样。最近大裁员,很多加拿大人在公司里求爷告奶奶, 就是因为他一但失去工作,绿卡申请也半途而废。 移民宽松程度不同只是美加两国行政方面差异的一个小侧面,其他还有很多不同,我觉得两国不会费事去合并的,尤其是美国这个现实TOUGH的政府,是不会花精力去兼并另一个国家的。君不见美国佬最近虽然在世界各地霸道横行,但从来没有兴趣强占哪个国家的领土吗?一句话说白了,人家用不着
      • 这个话题已经说了50年了。呵呵。俺同意你的分析。不过我想将来一旦出现淡水危机,美国会不会来抢水来?
        • 呵呵,饺子,我估计美国佬会在贸易上做文章,逼加拿大卖廉价的水过去。看看历史,好象加哪大总是受气
          • 呵呵,谈判桌上谁的底牌更硬。
            • 没水喝的还硬?
              • 嘿嘿,没水变干了,当然就硬了
    • 多少通过大家拿当跳板去美国的同志岂不是一步到位了?