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road to hana in maui. i recommend taking 2 days to do that so you can enjoy all the scenery. we did one day to hana,

stayed there for one night and took the backroad back the next day. make sure you do the pipiwai trail and climb up to see the 200feet waterfall. also the red sand beach, it's very hidden and slightly difficult to get to (tough hike) but it's worth it it's so beautiful and secluded there. there's a restaurant called mama's fish house, slightly pricy but has amazing food and view. you have to make sure you reserve your tables a few days in advance because it's always booked.

in oahu, you can go to the lagoons it's very peaceful and the rocks there are nice. we took a door-less helicopter ride there and that was quite an interesting experience. Kualoa Ranch is where a lot of the movies are filmed. pearl harbour, jurassic park. we did an ATV tour there. the mountains are surreal.

have the most wonderful time! you will love maui!

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 准备春末去夏威夷,10 天左右。初步计划在Honolulu2-3天,剩下的时间在Maui 。去过的朋友给能否给一些景点,活动的建议?谢谢啦。 +1
    • 自己UP一下。
      • 你可以从多伦多飞到Honolulu,然后从Maui飞回多伦多,这样可以省一张机票,还可以节省不少时间。。。。
        • Thanks.
    • honolulu可以去north shore,turtle bay;Hanauma Bay snorkelling(must go);pearl harbor(go there early morning to avoid line-up);Makapuu Lighthouse Trail; waikiki没什么意思,
      • 谢谢建议。我们也是准备先在Honolulu2-3天,然后去Maui。 +1
      • pearl harbor的arizona纪念馆现在可以前一天网上定第二天的票
    • road to hana in maui. i recommend taking 2 days to do that so you can enjoy all the scenery. we did one day to hana,
      stayed there for one night and took the backroad back the next day. make sure you do the pipiwai trail and climb up to see the 200feet waterfall. also the red sand beach, it's very hidden and slightly difficult to get to (tough hike) but it's worth it it's so beautiful and secluded there. there's a restaurant called mama's fish house, slightly pricy but has amazing food and view. you have to make sure you reserve your tables a few days in advance because it's always booked.

      in oahu, you can go to the lagoons it's very peaceful and the rocks there are nice. we took a door-less helicopter ride there and that was quite an interesting experience. Kualoa Ranch is where a lot of the movies are filmed. pearl harbour, jurassic park. we did an ATV tour there. the mountains are surreal.

      have the most wonderful time! you will love maui!
      • Thank you so much for your info.
      • Is it necessary to rent a car in Maui everyday? +1
        • 一定要的,预先订好,在茂宜机场拿车,茂宜没啥公交车,没有专车去resort,景点也分散,火山公园一定要去。岛上还有一个纪念孙中山先生的庭院
        • Maui环岛公路有一段很险的,地图上有标识的,建议避开,路况很差,很窄,旁边就是深渊,好几处窄只能有一部车通过,如果两个方向有车同时到,只能礼让一辆先过,另一辆要在远处等候。一路上,车上的人会神经高度紧张的。我前后十年去过,路况一点也没变好。 +2
          • 很过瘾的一条小路,通往HANA, 顺便听听歌
            • 是Maui岛西边Kapalua 到 Wailuku一段挺长悬崖盘山公路。Hana在岛东,两个不同的方向。 +1
          • 这条公路我连续2天开过2次,第一次逆时针开的,犹豫没有估算好时间,天黑的早,有些地方没看到;于是转天顺时针开的。。。一定要预留4个小时以上走这条路。。。。
          • 如果开车体会过MAUI西北部的那一段路的险峻,就会感觉到夏威夷不止蕴藏着那婀娜多姿的美景还可以掩藏下如此惊心动魄的探险路径。与之对比,MAUI东南部的未铺装路面就会显得太小儿科了。
        • 如果开车技术没问题,可以顺时针绕maui岛一圈,难度会小一点。到时你会发现hana driver的美丽程度第二都排不上
          • 开车环岛一圈大概要多久?一天行吗?考虑租不同的旅馆是否太麻烦。
            • 至少要用两天,
              建议三天。北边一天,hana能住一晚最好,当地人和我都认为北边和南边开车风景都比hana好,但一定不要晚上开。顺时针好处是你在悬崖内侧,安全一些,做好心理准备很多急弯和one Way。hana入口附近ho"okipa lookout 5pm后有几十只硕大的green turtle,住一个地方可以,就是太赶了
              • 谢谢你的建议。
    • 搭车问一下。夏威夷的几个岛之间怎样连接的,坐船,开车,还是灰机? +1
      • 好像没有海底隧道 +1
      • 游轮
    • 搭车问下,准备12天,休闲一点的话,如果去两个岛,除了honolulu,还去哪个?时间如何分配
      • Big island or Maui. 3/9
      • 去茂宜岛吧,我觉得那是夏威夷最漂亮的岛,给你引用马克吐温的一段话:
      • 我觉得夏威夷群岛Maui最漂亮,Kauai可爱岛其次,到处鲜花绿树。大岛大部分地方都很荒凉,只有火山公园有点意思。火奴鲁鲁太城市化,喧闹。
        • Mark +1
    • 夏天天气如何?会不会很热?
      • 海边不太热。
    • 在夏威夷待了17天,大岛是我们最喜欢的,最美的沙滩(要hiking 40分钟),最美的浮潜captain cook,火山入海,干涸的熔岩湖。休假的话maui还不错,玩的话大岛一定要去 +1
      • Mark
      • 绝对同意。大岛可玩的内容丰富,东边的热带雨林,海边热带植物园,瀑布也是非常有特色的。火山公园驾车crater rim drive。 强烈推荐去 mauna kea summit stargazing, 落日前到山上站在云里看日落,天黑后观星。
        • 天文台让进吗?
          • 这个不清楚,你指的天文台应该在summit吧。我們只到了visitor center 那里,没再向上走。因为高原反应,16岁以下小孩不让去 summit.
          • 在visitor center 的望远镜也能看到 Jupiter
          • 我们先去的大岛,而后的maui和hunulolo都有点没有感觉了。所以建议行程先hunulolo,再maui,再大岛
          • 可以跟观星团(200多刀)或自驾(容许登顶的suv,一般租车公司的4x4 suv是不让登顶的)登summit,天文台科研的里面不让进,但上面有针对游客观星的visitor facility
      • 最喜欢大岛,近距离看火山熔岩太壮观了。还会再去,下次一定要登上summit。
    • 借贴问以下,想去HAvaii冲浪,有人有经验吗或想去吗。计划年底去,一家,不知一般费用多少
      • 沙滩上有出租冲浪板的,按小时算钱。也可请教练。
      • waikiki沙滩上就有租很一般的冲浪板,第一个小时$15,接着$5一小时好像