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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Please be realistic, my friend!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Time-- Driving to BC non-stop only takes about 4 days and nites. Are you going to stop somewhere in middle for visit, such as Winnie, Regina, Sask, Calgary and Kewlona? if you do, it takes 3-4 days. To White Horse and Yellowknife, there is no 401, you have to prepare driving on dunkey trail, it takes at least 5-7 days to get White then another 4-5 days to Yellow. All of these do not count your time to visit cities, then another 4 days to Edmon, and plus another 3-4 days back Toronto. There is no rest at all. It takes one whole day to drive out Ontario, my friend.

2. Money-- You can't sleep every night in car. Motels takes about $50-80 depanding on cities and towns. They cost about $2000. Gas (your car?) cost $2000-2400 in my conservative guess. Remember, gas price in West is a lot higher than here except Alberta.

3. Food-- Have you ever done wildness camping for a couple days out?
If you miss Chinese food and can't cook, you expect another $300-400 each. If you want to eat in restaurant, you expect much higher than this. Also, there is no real Chinese restaurant in N.W. Are you going to drink??? More $$ then.

4.Misc-- They are the money always hidden which comes out always a lot, i.e. fare, toll, tickets, souvenirs, and necessary local needs.

Please give yourself more room to prepare, otherwise you will lose the fun of the trip. Lack of sleep and yukky food for several days will make you quit and be tired of it early. It is a marvelous idea, but you need much more to prepare.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / looking for a partner for a long trip
    本人男,计划于4月下旬从TORONTO出发,进行一次横穿CANADA的驾车自助旅行,大致路线如下:TORONTO-VANCUVER-WHITE HORSE-YELLOW KNIFE-EDMONTON-TORONTO.全程约1.5万公里, 耗时一个月.预计费用每人约3000CND.主要包括吃,住,汽油,本人自有2002年JEEP WRANGLER 四驱车一部,故省去了租车费用.

    有责任感,具备良好驾驶技术,熟练手排挡车驾驶,由于途中经过YUKON及NORTHWEST TERRITORIES荒芜地区,要做好吃苦耐劳的准备.

    有兴趣者请EMAIL: silverman_2003@hotmail.com 商量具体适宜.

    • 4月份的黄刀还是冰天雪地,尽管是SUV, 还是不建议走。为何不7月, 气候好, 风景也好
    • 兄弟活的好潇洒, 祝你一路顺风.
    • 说得我心痒痒啊。可惜没时间:( 祝一切顺利
    • 现在是没机会了, 祝一切顺利,回来把经验分享一下。
    • 汽油涨价了。3000刀打不住。
    • 本人男,除了手排挡驾驶不符合要求,其他条件均为PERFECT, 若同意,俺给您发E-MAIL. :D
      • 多谢诸位朋友们的捧场, 小弟定会将此次旅行做详细记录, 以及图片, 回来后与诸位分享, 楼上这位朋友可给我EMAIL联系, 我可以在出发前给你做一下驾驶指导.
        • check ur e-mail plese. :D
    • 1.5万公里,好远.祝一路顺风
    • 羡慕呀!俺目前只是在Microsoft Streets and Trips 2003上做各种计划,什么时候实现还不知道呢。
    • 我要是被lay off了,一定跟你一起去。羡慕啊
    • 1。5万公里是绝对不够的,以这条路钱。不能光算直达里程,你是去旅游的。
      • Please be realistic, my friend!
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. Time-- Driving to BC non-stop only takes about 4 days and nites. Are you going to stop somewhere in middle for visit, such as Winnie, Regina, Sask, Calgary and Kewlona? if you do, it takes 3-4 days. To White Horse and Yellowknife, there is no 401, you have to prepare driving on dunkey trail, it takes at least 5-7 days to get White then another 4-5 days to Yellow. All of these do not count your time to visit cities, then another 4 days to Edmon, and plus another 3-4 days back Toronto. There is no rest at all. It takes one whole day to drive out Ontario, my friend.

        2. Money-- You can't sleep every night in car. Motels takes about $50-80 depanding on cities and towns. They cost about $2000. Gas (your car?) cost $2000-2400 in my conservative guess. Remember, gas price in West is a lot higher than here except Alberta.

        3. Food-- Have you ever done wildness camping for a couple days out?
        If you miss Chinese food and can't cook, you expect another $300-400 each. If you want to eat in restaurant, you expect much higher than this. Also, there is no real Chinese restaurant in N.W. Are you going to drink??? More $$ then.

        4.Misc-- They are the money always hidden which comes out always a lot, i.e. fare, toll, tickets, souvenirs, and necessary local needs.

        Please give yourself more room to prepare, otherwise you will lose the fun of the trip. Lack of sleep and yukky food for several days will make you quit and be tired of it early. It is a marvelous idea, but you need much more to prepare.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 好像不是对我说的。
    • 俺都符合你的要求,不过你没有问有没有时间和闲钱,这是个很高的要求。另外,要会摄影,别象鸡蛋那样,只会模糊摄影。
    • 如果是时间短一点,我倒很想去啊,半个月,我可以去,至于开车,没有任何问题,我现在就开手排,和你一样。开告诉一路到浙江从农村小路到上海最多人车的街我也蹿来蹿去,速度不减。连手排摩托都骑,玩,我最会了,
    • 建议如果有美国签证的话,去程从美国走,一则加拿大境内无甚风景,二则美国汽油便宜。 不知现在计划如何,我如果被LAY OFF, 就跟你去。
      • 加拿大境内无甚风景? 好大的口气。
        • 从东向西,离开Ontario以后,到达Alberta以前却是一马平川,风景乏味。连我们的地理老师都这么说,告诉大家如果去加西旅游选择自己驾车,这一段路程开车很无聊。
        • 加拿大至少Ontario401一线没风景。
          • .
      • 请说说看,怎样从美国走?
    • 说的我也很痒痒,就是扔不下家里还有老婆一个。
      • 我去年带病一路开到纽凤兰,就是老婆要去。
    • 喂, 到底计划的怎末样了,我有类似的计划,可是准备放在八月份,行程包括黄石公园,有没有感兴趣的?
      • I want. Give me mail?
    • 计划不错嘛
    • 你真棒!
      • 这样的女性越来越少了。哈哈。遗憾啊遗憾ing
      • 女性free!
        • FREE?啊?!嘿嘿,可以值得考虑哦。
    • 我别的条件倒是全部符合,热干面也和我提过,可惜,时间安排有冲突,我5月才有空,anyway, good luck, have fun!
      • 是从5月1号开始有时间吗?
        • e嗯哪
    • 目前只有本人和热干面同去, 继续征集友人, 人多可以租个大的SUV, 60多一天, 不限公里, 已经打听好了, 还有想去的吗?
      • 重要补充:允许女性参加,不会开车也勉强同意。呵呵。(注:目前的两头都不是坏人)人多降低成本啊。
    • 时间可以缩短一点吗?我......
      时间可以缩短一点吗?20 天之内的话我可以考虑,最好能在5月中旬出发。自助旅行是我最喜欢的了,去年我一个人开车去到Minnesota.... ...

      如果可以考虑缩短时间及推迟出发日期,count me in!!! my email:
      travelworld2001us@yahoo.com .
      • 这个要和imoor商量,能否给它发个e-mail?
    • 现在参加还来得及吗? 我会开车也有时间.
      • 来得及来得及,嘿嘿,正缺人呢。
        • 现在有几个人了? 可以e-mail联系我