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我觉得,我们华人要有积极的参政意识。我今天和几个朋友一起去参加了 贺珀励(Barbara Hall)竞选誓师大会,很有感触。我决定Support她! 大家可以谈谈看法。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛贺珀励讲演稿全文:

It's great to see so many of you here today. I hope you're all in the right place, and not here to see Lord of the Rings! I hope you're here for the same reason I'm here -- to kick off my campaign for Mayor of Toronto! It's going to be a marathon - and I'm ready for it.

Over the course of last year I met with people in every part of this city. And I asked them the same questions I'll ask you: Do you want a new style of leadership at City Hall? Does our city need a mayor with experience and a solid track record? Is it time for a new era of ideas and integrity?

The answer I got was loud. And it was clear. And it was overwhelming. So I'm thrilled to stand before you today, and say: "Yes, I am running!"

And let me tell you why. I live in Toronto. I'm passionate about life in this city. I've served as mayor and I'm proud of what I achieved. I've traveled to cities across Canada and around the world. I've seen what works - and what doesn't. I've rolled up my sleeves and worked with community groups and young people, with teachers, unions, and with small business.

That's the experience I bring to this race. And when the Toronto Maple Leafs decided that they really want to win the Stanley Cup this year, what did they add to their team? Experience!

I know this city as well as anyone. And I know that, in spite of the best efforts of so many of us, there's been a sense of decline in recent years.

A sense that we're not living up to our potential. That our neighbourhoods are threatened. That we've become less compassionate, less creative - and our leaders less in touch.

Whether it's more garbage on the streets or TTC buses that never arrive, our city seems out of ideas and out of gas.

I say it's time to turn things around! This is our city. We're the ones who built it, and we're the ones who are going to get it back on track! It's time for our city to be run with integrity. It's time for real leadership at city hall. It's time to be proud of our city again!

Together, we can build a great model for a 21st century city, right here. We can make this the beginning of a remarkable era of renewal. I want to lead this renewal. I want to be your mayor!

I'm also realistic about the job ahead. I know the challenges that go with being mayor -- because I was mayor. You're a trouble-shooter, a champion, an ambassador. You're a financial administrator and an advocate. To do all of this well takes intelligence, sound judgment, toughness and creativity. A little experience doesn't hurt either.

I've been mayor of Toronto, and I've got a track record I'm proud of:

We injected new life into dying neighbourhoods at King & Parliament and King & Spadina. It's time to do that again - in every part of our city!
At City Hall, we slashed waste and duplication, and I pulled a divided council together. It's time to do that again!
Internationally, Fortune magazine called Toronto the best place in the world to do business.
And a few more facts about my record: Building permits - up! Tourism - up! Occupied office space - up! Crime - down! And ?we did not raise taxes!
I'm proud of that record. And, it's time to do that again!
I love this city. I love it enough to tell it the truth. And the truth is we're facing some serious challenges. We need serious people, and serious solutions. I will lead a campaign that identifies those challenges frankly and presents those solutions boldly.

Let me tell you about the first priorities of a new Barbara Hall administration.

First on my agenda is this: Restoring integrity to city hall. I don't stand before you today with an "integrity wish list." Instead, I've got an integrity track record! People may have disagreed with me over the years. But no one has ever questioned my integrity. Under my watch, Toronto operated above-board and beyond suspicion.

I will institute the toughest ethical standards in North America. And we can't afford to spin our wheels with a prolonged debate about how to apply and enforce these rules. I say: Let's build on an existing model -- a model that works. At the first meeting of city council, I will lead an initiative to expand the mandate of Ontario's Integrity Commissioner, Mr. Justice Coulter Osborne, to include oversight of Ontario's capital city. This will ensure that we can act not just firmly, but also swiftly.

On the issue of integrity, let me also give some credit where credit is due: We all owe a debt of gratitude to the city councillor who brought the disgraceful MFP deal to light: Councillor Bas Balkissoon.

Second on my priority list for action: Crime and Violence.

I've seen the damage done by crime, and by the fear of crime. Let me tell you about Mary Yelavich, a grandmother from Etobicoke. Mary recently told me that she won't ride the subway after dark. She's afraid. My friends, when Mary is afraid in this way, that's a problem for every one of us!

We cannot let Toronto slip down this path. We cannot become a city of gated communities and deserted streets. I will not let that happen. Under my leadership, Toronto will become the Safest Big City in North America!

Here's how I'll start, at the Police Services Board and at City Council: At the Police Services Board I won't just take my seat, I'll take my experience and my voice. I will work with Chief Fantino and with the police on the beat, to put more police on our streets, and to make sure they are the best trained and best equipped. And that they reflect the face of our city.

I'll also take my fight against crime to the floor of City Council. Our city government is not powerless. I will assemble a small team of 'regulatory prosecutors', answering to the Mayor's Office, and I will unleash them to crack down on trouble spots.

We know that this approach works. Because when I was mayor, we used it to close down crack houses and to chase gangs from Toronto. I will expand this approach to shut down clubs where gunplay erupts.

Liquor licences are not a right, they are a privilege. We will use Ontario Regulations and demand that the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario hold a hearing to revoke licenses every time a shooting occurs. This will be the first item on the council agenda following any shooting. I'll make sure of it - because as mayor, I set the agenda. We can fight back against crime and violence. These are two tangible steps forward in that battle.

Third on my list: Making this a More Livable City.

Toronto cannot reclaim the mantle of greatness so long as our streets are teeming with those whose only home is a sleeping bag. Toronto cannot provide for its citizens, or its natural environment, if our transit system continues to decline to the point where it serves only those who have no other option.

My campaign is a call to arms to Torontonians to come together in support of a new collective vision. Our city's future -- and that of our children -- cannot be entrusted to those whose only solutions are dreams and schemes paid for by somebody else.

The challenges in making this a more livable city are numerous. Here's how I plan to meet them: All the candidates for mayor say they support a "New Deal" for cities. But we need a good deal, not just any deal! We can't just rely on other levels of government to solve our problems. We can't just go looking for handouts. To get the deal we need from Ottawa and Queen's Park, we first have to get our own house in order. That means making tough choices and demonstrating efficient, accountable government.

I will start at the top - by cutting the budget of the Mayor's Office by 20%. Then I'll work my way through the corridors of city hall eliminating waste and inefficiency. Only then can we get the deal we deserve - a deal that we have earned!

Another issue where we must get our own house in order is garbage. The first principle is clear: we must divert more of our waste from landfill. Only then will we have a broader range of choices.

Empowering our city to make it more livable also means creating more jobs and revenue - for example in tourism. We will institute a hotel tax, and I will assemble our most talented marketers to work with Tourism Toronto. We will use this money to invite the world to join us for Toronto 2006, a celebration of this city's unique place in the world. In 2006, we will celebrate a revitalized ROM, and expanded Chinese Cultural Centre, and a new Museum of Islamic Culture and Art. We will fill the streets with urban music. And we'll finally enjoy opera as it was meant to be heard. We'll celebrate the finest Canadian talent at outdoor concerts like those held in Central Park, and we will launch a new festival to be held each spring that packages the best we have to offer and presents it to the world! Culture is about spirit and jobs. When Broadway theatres close, New York Mayor Bloomberg understands that -- and so do I.

If we've learned one lesson in Toronto in recent years, it's this: lofty mega-projects and Hail-Mary passes into the end zone will not build this city's future. Toronto 2006 is just three years away. In that time, we will demonstrate what can happen when a city works together on goals that are tangible and achievable!

Restoring integrity to city hall ?taking real steps against crime and violence ?building a more livable city.

That's the framework of a platform I will share in greater detail with Torontonians in the 8 months between now and Election Day. These are my priorities. And here is my pledge:

As your mayor, I will use every skill I have to get the get the best from your city councillors and your city staff.

I will work as hard for you as I possibly can, every single day. And one more thing. I will never embarrass you.

The citizen end of this contract is clear as well. It's your job to ask questions, be informed, and decide today that you will not be passive bystanders in the mission to get our city back on track. We have the power, the energy, the ideas to turn this city around. That's exactly what we're gonna do! This campaign is the start!

Look inside my campaign and you will see your own face reflected back. From business chiefs to truck drivers, from labour leaders to child care workers - all stripes, all colours, all flavours. We are the face of Toronto! This is the face of Toronto's future, and this will be the face of my administration.

I'm Barbara Hall. And I want to be your mayor!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

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  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 我觉得,我们华人要有积极的参政意识。我今天和几个朋友一起去参加了 贺珀励(Barbara Hall)竞选誓师大会,很有感触。我决定Support她! 大家可以谈谈看法。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛贺珀励讲演稿全文:

    It's great to see so many of you here today. I hope you're all in the right place, and not here to see Lord of the Rings! I hope you're here for the same reason I'm here -- to kick off my campaign for Mayor of Toronto! It's going to be a marathon - and I'm ready for it.

    Over the course of last year I met with people in every part of this city. And I asked them the same questions I'll ask you: Do you want a new style of leadership at City Hall? Does our city need a mayor with experience and a solid track record? Is it time for a new era of ideas and integrity?

    The answer I got was loud. And it was clear. And it was overwhelming. So I'm thrilled to stand before you today, and say: "Yes, I am running!"

    And let me tell you why. I live in Toronto. I'm passionate about life in this city. I've served as mayor and I'm proud of what I achieved. I've traveled to cities across Canada and around the world. I've seen what works - and what doesn't. I've rolled up my sleeves and worked with community groups and young people, with teachers, unions, and with small business.

    That's the experience I bring to this race. And when the Toronto Maple Leafs decided that they really want to win the Stanley Cup this year, what did they add to their team? Experience!

    I know this city as well as anyone. And I know that, in spite of the best efforts of so many of us, there's been a sense of decline in recent years.

    A sense that we're not living up to our potential. That our neighbourhoods are threatened. That we've become less compassionate, less creative - and our leaders less in touch.

    Whether it's more garbage on the streets or TTC buses that never arrive, our city seems out of ideas and out of gas.

    I say it's time to turn things around! This is our city. We're the ones who built it, and we're the ones who are going to get it back on track! It's time for our city to be run with integrity. It's time for real leadership at city hall. It's time to be proud of our city again!

    Together, we can build a great model for a 21st century city, right here. We can make this the beginning of a remarkable era of renewal. I want to lead this renewal. I want to be your mayor!

    I'm also realistic about the job ahead. I know the challenges that go with being mayor -- because I was mayor. You're a trouble-shooter, a champion, an ambassador. You're a financial administrator and an advocate. To do all of this well takes intelligence, sound judgment, toughness and creativity. A little experience doesn't hurt either.

    I've been mayor of Toronto, and I've got a track record I'm proud of:

    We injected new life into dying neighbourhoods at King & Parliament and King & Spadina. It's time to do that again - in every part of our city!
    At City Hall, we slashed waste and duplication, and I pulled a divided council together. It's time to do that again!
    Internationally, Fortune magazine called Toronto the best place in the world to do business.
    And a few more facts about my record: Building permits - up! Tourism - up! Occupied office space - up! Crime - down! And ?we did not raise taxes!
    I'm proud of that record. And, it's time to do that again!
    I love this city. I love it enough to tell it the truth. And the truth is we're facing some serious challenges. We need serious people, and serious solutions. I will lead a campaign that identifies those challenges frankly and presents those solutions boldly.

    Let me tell you about the first priorities of a new Barbara Hall administration.

    First on my agenda is this: Restoring integrity to city hall. I don't stand before you today with an "integrity wish list." Instead, I've got an integrity track record! People may have disagreed with me over the years. But no one has ever questioned my integrity. Under my watch, Toronto operated above-board and beyond suspicion.

    I will institute the toughest ethical standards in North America. And we can't afford to spin our wheels with a prolonged debate about how to apply and enforce these rules. I say: Let's build on an existing model -- a model that works. At the first meeting of city council, I will lead an initiative to expand the mandate of Ontario's Integrity Commissioner, Mr. Justice Coulter Osborne, to include oversight of Ontario's capital city. This will ensure that we can act not just firmly, but also swiftly.

    On the issue of integrity, let me also give some credit where credit is due: We all owe a debt of gratitude to the city councillor who brought the disgraceful MFP deal to light: Councillor Bas Balkissoon.

    Second on my priority list for action: Crime and Violence.

    I've seen the damage done by crime, and by the fear of crime. Let me tell you about Mary Yelavich, a grandmother from Etobicoke. Mary recently told me that she won't ride the subway after dark. She's afraid. My friends, when Mary is afraid in this way, that's a problem for every one of us!

    We cannot let Toronto slip down this path. We cannot become a city of gated communities and deserted streets. I will not let that happen. Under my leadership, Toronto will become the Safest Big City in North America!

    Here's how I'll start, at the Police Services Board and at City Council: At the Police Services Board I won't just take my seat, I'll take my experience and my voice. I will work with Chief Fantino and with the police on the beat, to put more police on our streets, and to make sure they are the best trained and best equipped. And that they reflect the face of our city.

    I'll also take my fight against crime to the floor of City Council. Our city government is not powerless. I will assemble a small team of 'regulatory prosecutors', answering to the Mayor's Office, and I will unleash them to crack down on trouble spots.

    We know that this approach works. Because when I was mayor, we used it to close down crack houses and to chase gangs from Toronto. I will expand this approach to shut down clubs where gunplay erupts.

    Liquor licences are not a right, they are a privilege. We will use Ontario Regulations and demand that the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario hold a hearing to revoke licenses every time a shooting occurs. This will be the first item on the council agenda following any shooting. I'll make sure of it - because as mayor, I set the agenda. We can fight back against crime and violence. These are two tangible steps forward in that battle.

    Third on my list: Making this a More Livable City.

    Toronto cannot reclaim the mantle of greatness so long as our streets are teeming with those whose only home is a sleeping bag. Toronto cannot provide for its citizens, or its natural environment, if our transit system continues to decline to the point where it serves only those who have no other option.

    My campaign is a call to arms to Torontonians to come together in support of a new collective vision. Our city's future -- and that of our children -- cannot be entrusted to those whose only solutions are dreams and schemes paid for by somebody else.

    The challenges in making this a more livable city are numerous. Here's how I plan to meet them: All the candidates for mayor say they support a "New Deal" for cities. But we need a good deal, not just any deal! We can't just rely on other levels of government to solve our problems. We can't just go looking for handouts. To get the deal we need from Ottawa and Queen's Park, we first have to get our own house in order. That means making tough choices and demonstrating efficient, accountable government.

    I will start at the top - by cutting the budget of the Mayor's Office by 20%. Then I'll work my way through the corridors of city hall eliminating waste and inefficiency. Only then can we get the deal we deserve - a deal that we have earned!

    Another issue where we must get our own house in order is garbage. The first principle is clear: we must divert more of our waste from landfill. Only then will we have a broader range of choices.

    Empowering our city to make it more livable also means creating more jobs and revenue - for example in tourism. We will institute a hotel tax, and I will assemble our most talented marketers to work with Tourism Toronto. We will use this money to invite the world to join us for Toronto 2006, a celebration of this city's unique place in the world. In 2006, we will celebrate a revitalized ROM, and expanded Chinese Cultural Centre, and a new Museum of Islamic Culture and Art. We will fill the streets with urban music. And we'll finally enjoy opera as it was meant to be heard. We'll celebrate the finest Canadian talent at outdoor concerts like those held in Central Park, and we will launch a new festival to be held each spring that packages the best we have to offer and presents it to the world! Culture is about spirit and jobs. When Broadway theatres close, New York Mayor Bloomberg understands that -- and so do I.

    If we've learned one lesson in Toronto in recent years, it's this: lofty mega-projects and Hail-Mary passes into the end zone will not build this city's future. Toronto 2006 is just three years away. In that time, we will demonstrate what can happen when a city works together on goals that are tangible and achievable!

    Restoring integrity to city hall ?taking real steps against crime and violence ?building a more livable city.

    That's the framework of a platform I will share in greater detail with Torontonians in the 8 months between now and Election Day. These are my priorities. And here is my pledge:

    As your mayor, I will use every skill I have to get the get the best from your city councillors and your city staff.

    I will work as hard for you as I possibly can, every single day. And one more thing. I will never embarrass you.

    The citizen end of this contract is clear as well. It's your job to ask questions, be informed, and decide today that you will not be passive bystanders in the mission to get our city back on track. We have the power, the energy, the ideas to turn this city around. That's exactly what we're gonna do! This campaign is the start!

    Look inside my campaign and you will see your own face reflected back. From business chiefs to truck drivers, from labour leaders to child care workers - all stripes, all colours, all flavours. We are the face of Toronto! This is the face of Toronto's future, and this will be the face of my administration.

    I'm Barbara Hall. And I want to be your mayor!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 非常同意
    • could you tell us something about your feeling and the reason why you support her?
      • 简单。套用一下时髦的话来说:喜欢还要什么理由。我是被她的发言给打动了。(详见上文)好多中国人都去了,我们的一个朋友王又幸大侠也在。
      • 到我的网站上看看,就知道为什么支持BarbaraHall了,她对中国人很好,我们5个中国人站在她后面,表示华人的支持者,现在的 Lastman对中国人不理不睬的。
    • 支持她给自己提的几个目标,但没有看看其他竞选者的施政目标计划前,还不能肯定她比别人更胜任。
    • 这个女人搞经济不行,不利于城市长远的发展
      • 为什么这么说?她在位时多伦多可是蒸蒸日上呀,只是后来输了4万张票给lastman
    • my understanding is we got to find somebody to speak for us, to stand for our benefits.
      make sure we will not be screwed up and sacrificed in here, and our voice will be heard, our ideas and faith will be understood and accepted. By this we need to be encouraged for participation and engagement in politics. so I support her, no matter if she is really better than Lastman.
      • Yes, You are right!
      • Make sure she/he(whoever) will treat every race equally!!! Not for only one or a few.
    • How do we vote? I will vote on her.
    • 我支持