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Shake hands!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I watched Dirty Dance, the Sound of Music, Mamma Mia, and Fiddler on the Roof on stage, and a few others as movie.

Dirty Dance is great for the dance, obviously. I happen to have a friend who is able to "fly" with her boyfriend, just like the end of that musical.

The Sound of Music is the movie that I watched the most times. Over 15 times, I guess. The songs are definitely classic. The storyline is also very impressive. There're not many movies that can cover so many things within one product: love, war, family, teenager problem, religion, politics, children, patriotism, and music!

Mamma Mia has both good songs and good dance. The songs are from 1970s, but I'm pretty sure they will stay for the next several decades.

Fiddler on the Roof is a masterpiece! I watched the movie several times before I watched stage product (although it's by a community theatre). The songs are so beautiful, also classic, for sure. There's amazing Ukrainian dance too. But what touched me most is the story, the history revealed, the personality and spirit of those characters. Besides enjoying the music and dance, I thought over from time to time about that history and the life of Jews of that time.

IMHO, operas belong to the era of a hundred years ago, when everything was slower than today and the upper class people had plenty of time to enjoy it. Musical appear to be an evolved version of classic opera. Will see...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下拾英 / 乐韵书香 / 悉数那些年看过的音乐剧 (musical) +2
    • 谢格儿姐儿分享。我们没看过大剧,地方团队的小剧会时不时看看,小小舞台换道具换人,居然没有任何狭小的感觉,故事连贯引人入胜,确实是种享受。 +1
      • 没事网上转转,正好家门口演 Sound of Music。赶紧给他们爷俩儿定了票晚上去看。 +1
        • bingo! 你咋不一起去捏?这部剧前些天在多伦多也重演了。
          • 这个电影版都看了无数无数遍了,碟都买了几次。他俩最喜欢,让他俩去吧。俺们上周去看的 mummy,family day 都享受了。
            • 精神物质文明两不误,你是最棒的 :D
              • 关键是他俩老拌嘴,维和是个技术活。我不在一起,他们随便拌,貌似我不参与俩人最后还说最好的 buddy 里没有我。谁不爱清闲潵。
                • 拌嘴是父女俩爱的一种方式吧?妈妈还是少掺和为妙 :D
    • Shake hands! +1
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I watched Dirty Dance, the Sound of Music, Mamma Mia, and Fiddler on the Roof on stage, and a few others as movie.

      Dirty Dance is great for the dance, obviously. I happen to have a friend who is able to "fly" with her boyfriend, just like the end of that musical.

      The Sound of Music is the movie that I watched the most times. Over 15 times, I guess. The songs are definitely classic. The storyline is also very impressive. There're not many movies that can cover so many things within one product: love, war, family, teenager problem, religion, politics, children, patriotism, and music!

      Mamma Mia has both good songs and good dance. The songs are from 1970s, but I'm pretty sure they will stay for the next several decades.

      Fiddler on the Roof is a masterpiece! I watched the movie several times before I watched stage product (although it's by a community theatre). The songs are so beautiful, also classic, for sure. There's amazing Ukrainian dance too. But what touched me most is the story, the history revealed, the personality and spirit of those characters. Besides enjoying the music and dance, I thought over from time to time about that history and the life of Jews of that time.

      IMHO, operas belong to the era of a hundred years ago, when everything was slower than today and the upper class people had plenty of time to enjoy it. Musical appear to be an evolved version of classic opera. Will see...更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 音乐剧是通俗话的歌剧,适合普通大众一些。 +1
      • 谢谢老大的回应, +1
        英文如行云流水,读着很舒服:)Fiddler on the Roof 没看过,放到to watch list 上了。是的,音乐剧更贴近普罗大众,唱法也越来越通俗,很多剧目还加入了经典流行歌曲。比如昨天看的 <Strictly Ballroom> 里就有“Time after Time" 那首歌。<Mamma Mia> 更是ABBA的歌曲总汇。
        • Thanks~~~
          Elementary school level English is always easier to be understood. :)
          • 呵呵,老大过谦了,英语很棒的说,语感好:)
    • 看的不多。 +1
      Mamma Mia, 在国内看的, 据称是百老汇原班人马,好像后来有一个中文版的,沈小岑在其中扮演一个角色,看过中文的预告片, 她宝刀不老, 比年轻时更放得开。

      The boy from OZ, 在悉尼看的, Hugh Jackman 主演的, 片中有一首I still call Australia home, 被Qantas作为广告的主题曲。

      River Dance, 爱尔兰原装,不算音乐剧, 也是国内看的, 我们是为数不多自费购票的, 进场发现是房产公司为答谢客户办的专场,对外出售多余的票, 观众素质一流, 没有因为是赠票而提前退场或喧哗。
      • 谢谢仙女,哇,沈小岑,这几乎被遗忘的名字,她当年是东方歌舞团的吧?Hugh Jackman 竟然还可以演音乐剧?魅力指数又飙升20个百分点 LOL。The Boy from OZ 有所耳闻,如果有机会一定要看。
        • 上海歌舞团
          • 哦我记错了
    • Jersey Boy 一定要看。
      • 嗯嗯非常好看,看他们的表演就是一个字爽,motown music 也是美国音乐中不会凋零的一枝独秀。
    • 谢谢推荐Miss Saigon!
      • 值得一看,越战故事,很悲伤,但剧里面的歌声太动听了,尤其是那越南女主角,我听犹怜 +1
        • I'm listening to the soundtrack now. The songs are so beautiful!
          • 是的音乐很美,有爱的纯真,有分离的苦痛,有为生命做出选择的决绝,现场更有感染力,看到最后我们哭得稀里哗啦的好狼狈
    • Hamilton. 明年要到多伦多演了,不知会不会一票难求。
      • 我家孩子天天听,还准备今年8月底去纽约看,票价可是不便宜。
        • 几多钱票价?看介绍是很新的剧
          • 这据太火了,我打算9月去的,现在改明年九月了
            • 哦,我真的out了,马上找找片段听听。等多村儿上演的时候别忘了来这里吆喝一下啊
              • 刚演没两年,宣传的挺好,伦敦到处是广告,说奥巴马去看了好几场了
                • 一个剧的火爆离不开宣传炒作,也不缺好演员,但最重要的还是音乐要写得好。谢谢介绍。
                  • 据说很多黑人演员啊,要有心里准备哟
                    • 刚才听录音能听出来。以前黑人似乎很少登上 musical 的舞台,他们这么有音乐天赋,本应有他们的一席之地的
                      • 美国就是好,给精英提供舞台
      • 看样子是一部历史大戏?
      • 听了点sound track,amazing chord, 竟然还有rap,怪不得。果断列入list,谢谢楼上各位推荐!
        • Rap? Never my thing. :p I'd skip.
          • 还好了,老大。我昨天听了soundtrack,rap 还比较soft,感觉像画外音一样,可以接受。里面歌曲的和声太好听了,这部剧似乎融入了更多流行因素,与时俱进啊,难怪那么火。
            • 谢谢你替我试听。:)
              • 怎么样?改主意没?LOL
                • Hehe, I'll listen to the soundtracks first. :p
    • 汗一个,穷,舍不得买票
      • 在多伦多我们经常买30块左右的票啊,昨天看的<Strictly Ballroom> 我们买的是25块的票,位置在二楼正中,视野很好:D
    • 刚在伦敦看了The Phantom of the Opera,啥也别说了。
      • 握手吧,美到无语。据说这部剧的续集差强人意,可是如果有机会的话还是一定要看。
        • 握手不行,必须熊抱
          • 以歌剧魅影的名义,抱了 LOL
            • 不松手啦
              • 等会儿,你蓝的绿的?LOL
                • 都什么年代了,谁还分蓝绿啊
                  • 我守旧
                    • 我太开放了,咱俩融合下最好
            • 伦敦的幕间休息要吃冰淇淋的
              • 这边也是聂
    • 赞!谢谢亲的分享!
      • 么么蜜儿 :D
    • 谢谢亲的分享,昨天的strictly ballroom很不错,如果女主角再亮丽一点舞姿再美一些就perfect了:))我看过音乐之声,非常棒,期待看Mamma Mia, 据说非常不错!到时候一起去哈:)
      • 嗯嗯,跟姐妹们一起看演出的感觉太好了,下次一定!看Mamma Mia 之前最好复习一下ABBA那些经典歌曲,到了现场就可以台上台下一起唱了 :D
    • 谢谢英偶分享!虽然不是很关注,但也看了几个。 +1
      1、《River Dance》虽然主要是踢踏舞,但也穿插着其他歌舞。特别是众多帅哥美女一起踢踏的时候,那声音伴随着音乐旋律和美腿的舞动真的是非常震撼。特别是哪些帅哥真的是好帅,个子也得有一米八以上吧~
      2、《Notre Dame de Paris》是法国音乐剧,名著嘛比好莱坞要深沉些。而且无论是音乐,舞蹈还是演唱都无可挑剔!每段音乐都非常好听,后来虽然出了英文版的歌曲,但比法文版的差太远了!

      • 采大师你是说你亲眼看过费翔演出音乐剧?还是看的视频?他在好莱坞演过几年音乐剧的。如果你亲眼看过他本人演出,那我可要羡慕得香菇啊 :D
        River Dance 曾经有机会去,可是不知为啥一直就没兴趣看,对踢踏舞感觉一般般,觉得演员像机器人 LOL。谢谢推荐巴黎圣母院,你贴的这段视频唱段真是好听,有机会借来全本看看。
        • 费翔应该是看的电视~巴黎圣母院下面这个list应该是比较全的了
          • 谢谢!mark 了,而且都有中文字幕看起来就方便多了.
            • 是啊,虽然听不懂,但也觉得好听!这下好歹知道唱的什么了。
              • 费翔演过西贡小姐
                • 才发现我上面写错了,他是在百老汇演过音乐剧,不是好莱坞LOL
        • 在“通俗歌曲”歌手中,费翔是我最欣赏的男歌手之一,嗓音真好。
          • 嗯嗯,小时候拿到两盘他的磁带,反复听啊听,还把他的海报贴墙上 LOL。现在他也很好,虽然变大叔了,依然谦和迷人
    • 2012 Les Misérables 也挺好听的
      • 谢谢猫,这部剧列在我的 to do list 上了。那年我没赶上看,以后有机会一定补上。
      • Probably you guys don't believe it: I got to know Les Misérables only after Trump used "Do you hear the people sing" for one of his campaign rallies. :)
    • 保镖
      • 哦?这个有音乐剧吗?是与电影同名的剧吗?
        • Bodyguard. 4月份去看过。情节与电影基本相同。
          • 谢谢阿朗,我想起来了,前阵子有宣传,在赌场是吗?我以为就是电影保镖里的歌一首一首地唱,不知道上演的是整个一部剧哪。
    • Les Misérables 去年9月停演,我去年夏天到纽约看了,是目前最喜欢的。几年前停演过一次,后来又续演了。这次停演还没有续演的消息。
      • 我就是好遗憾没有看成这部剧,希望以后还能续演,大家好心能上来吆喝一声就好了:)
    • 如果说我从来没看过,也不大懂,会不会被打。。。但是我是来学习的!!
      • 不会被打,会被吆喝一起去看LOL。这些剧都非常通俗易懂,关键是现场的音乐和唱都非常动听,加上舞美,表演,与观众互动,非常吸引人:)
    • 犀利!
      • :)当年国内甚嚣尘上的音乐剧“雪狼湖”无缘一睹啊。。。