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The Canadian Software Market

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Canadian Software Market
BY DiscoverIT

You can think of the market for software and IT professionals in terms of a large pyramid representing employers.

Large companies
Medium sized companies
Small companies

Large companies

At the top of the pyramid are a handful of prominent firms like Corel, Nortel and JDS Uniphase. They conduct leading edge research and produce products and services to a global market.

Corel specializes in developing office applications, including word processing, presentations, spreadsheets and graphics applications. The pairing of Corel software with the Linux operating system has made headlines for Corel.

Nortel Networks develops and sells a wide variety of products to do with telephony, Internet and wireless communication, video, multimedia and cable and services related to voice, video and data networking. Nortel’s terabyte modem has been cause for excitement.

JDS Uniphase makes components for the fibre optic revolution -advanced active and passive components, modules, test instruments, interconnect products and lasers.

These three are representative of the Canadian companies that are players in the global marketplace, employ more than 500 people and get prominent media attention. Size is a big factor in being able to compete globally for goods, services, capital and people. Big companies are also in the best position to train their employees to upgrade skills. In these companies employees are most likely to have a very specific job designation and require a very precise technical skill set.

Medium sized companies

Below the tip of the pyramid is a slightly larger group of medium enterprises. They employ between 100 and 500 employees. Many of them are suppliers of specialty products that the biggest companies use and have a symbiotic relationship with these. A large portion of medium sized companies create products and services that permits major technologies to be implemented by manufacturers, financial institutions, government and others.

Employees for these firms are likely to have slightly less well-defined jobs. There may be some overlap of needing technical skills one minute, project management skills another and customer service savvy an hour later.

Small companies

The vast majority of jobs in the software industry are at the bottom of the pyramid with small to medium sized enterprises of less than 100 employees, the majority having less than 50 or less employees. These companies for the most part fill niches, develop solutions, implement technologies.

They are very involved in the application of technology to every aspect of the knowledge economy. Small companies are often in a better position to respond quickly to customers and take advantage of new market opportunities.

Employees or entrepreneurs in these types of firms need to be able to multi-task and thrive on change. In short, the web master may well be the systems administrator, the e-commerce developer, the tester, the buyer and just your average person who also walks on water.

What’s Hot, What’s Not

For the rapidly evolving IT sector the current state of the industry is not the definitive predictor of where the industry will be 5 or 10 years from now. 15 years ago, when personal computers made their first appearance, no one could have predicted the massive impact of Internet communication and commerce.

Before we get into any details, there are some factors we’d like you to keep in mind when you are gathering statistical information on which to base your career plan decisions:

What is being compared – Canadian or U.S. salaries, numbers of employees, contract or full time employment?
The date the figures were created
Whether salary comparisons between regions factor in differences in cost of living.

Whether employment numbers or salaries are given on a national or regional basis.
Whether the numbers support a particular argument in an article.
What details are being left out that would give you a more complete picture?
Can you make predictions based on the information you are given as to what the job market will look like by the time you graduate?

Given those words of caution, here is a snapshot of where the industry is at in the spring of 2000.

Thanks to the Y2K preparedness efforts over the last couple of years the big scare of computer system crashes turned into a big yawn. Companies continued to monitor for possible glitches that might filter through until the beginning of March. Companies will now turn to developing new business systems that involve e-commerce, intranets, privacy, customer relations and professional certification.

This means the most highly sought after IT professionals at present are those with expertise in:

fibre optics,
system restructuring,
web development, and
wireless communication.

This does not mean that:

software delivery, and
analysis design

are no longer in demand. As technology becomes more imbedded and more invisible in the way all of us work and live and learn, the greater the need for people that can help apply that technology.

We can guarantee you that technology skill sets will be in demand two or five years down the road. Precisely which combination of skill sets will be most in demand is difficult to predict, given that neither fibre optics nor wireless communication were at the top of employer wish lists two years ago.

Given that most of the employment openings are on the application side of the technology, senior executives and top recruiters are saying loud and clear they require people with good written and oral communication skills, the ability to analyze and solve problems creatively, interpersonal skills that contribute to participating and managing teams and the aptitude and motivation to learn new skills.

Technical savvy ranks below these. When employers want to hire new IT professionals they are looking for people with the know-how to apply technical expertise right away. On the production side employers will seek employees with key technical skills.

Our advice to high school students looking ahead to a career in IT five or more years from now is to get a solid secondary education in an area of interest and then build on IT skills and get experience along the way.

Seek out IT programs that give you opportunities to develop and apply your knowledge in business settings while you are learning. ITI and ITP are two examples of programs that incorporate business, IT and communication skills.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / Job Hunting系列——和以前写的东西不一样,这个系列是纯粹的笔记,大部分内容都是来自搜集整理。而且,对我非常有用的东西,也许是别人的毒药。
    • Employment Resouce Centres(1)
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    • up yixia
    • 毒药
    • well done. Would u mind posting them to other websites for our folks who need them?
      • 信息就是用来共享的 :D
    • We might be reading the same book.
    • Job Hunting Bookmarks(1)
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    • Very helpful, thank you!
    • 不错。
    • r you looking for job now?
      • 是呀。:D
    • Career Research - Certified General Accountant
      • "Career Cruising" (CD)is helpful. I like the interview parts.
    • Career Research - Database Developer
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    • 你是在北京一起和EGG在沸腾渔乡吃水煮鱼的Bingle吗?那次有将近20人的FB?
      • ofcz yes!
        • Egg你好!那次FB我坐在另一桌你的正对面。很遗憾没有机会和你多聊,不过你的风采还是给我留下了深刻印象,我和太太经常会提起那次聚会和谈到你。我现在已经到加拿大三个多月了,如果你在这里组织FB的话,不要忘了叫上我们。
          • 我有那次机会的照片啊,你戴眼镜吗?来了3个月,感觉我当时说的是否真实?我们最近很少FB了,只是偶尔走走私啥的,下次叫上你吧
            • 废话,当然真实了。不然早就到你们家去扁你了。我住在Eglinton和Brimley的Intersection附近,E-mail: richardzhang214@hotmail.com,电话:416-266-9661,有空联系!小孩病好透了吧?
            • 能不能把照片发过来?richardzhang214@hotmail.com
        • Bingle你刚过来吗?我来了三个月了,记得你要申请学校,因为FB的时候说你在这方面很有心得,怎么开始找工作了?
          • 对,过来1个月了,刚开始着手找工作。FB的时候Egg同学把我当作他的backup,凡是他不懂的问题(例如上学啦、摄影啦)都推给我。但这并不表示我要上学,或者我是摄影迷。:D
            • Sorry, Bingle, 我犯了一个典型的GMAT/GRE逻辑错误。hehe, 原来是这样
            • 我正在上一个Job Finding Club,在Eglinton和Kenndy的Intersection。感觉还不错,有很多Local Canadian在班上。核心课程除了简历外,主要是Cold Calling。三个星期,一个星期简历,两个星期Cold Calling。
              • richjohn,能介绍怎么报名吗?
                • Scarborough Job Finding Club 2425 Eglinton Ave. East, Suite 303 Tel: 416-285-0025
    • The Canadian Software Market
    • Career Descriptions - Systems Programmer
    • Career Descriptions - Applications Programmer
      • 要经济人兼翻译么?