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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

西人律师关于offer毁约的回答: 卖家几乎没什么办法!买家毁约有优势!

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最近国外论坛已经有人问毁约的问题了,看看律师怎么讲!毁约卖家没什么办法!

Example # 1:

98 Larksmere Crt Markham

Sold in March for 960k: http://watch.ohmyhome.ca/#/mls/N3724954
Buyers walked away and resold for 850k, a drop of 110k or 11%: http://watch.ohmyhome.ca/#/mls/N3833407

Example # 2:

Sold at the peak and did not close
http://watch.ohmyhome.ca/#/mls/N3734221 first sold for 1 080 000
Sold again a few days ago.
http://watch.ohmyhome.ca/#/mls/N3834837 - now sold for 855 000
Drop of $225 000

I'm actually a lawyer so I'll answer this

Theoretically yes. In the real world, it never happens. Suing someone takes over a year and costs up to 50k up front. With no guarantees that you will recover all the fees.

In order to sue someone, you'll have to.

1) Hire a lawyer and put him to work (10-15k worth of work)
2) Review the notice of defense (5k worth of work)
3) Attend a discovery (5k worth of work)
4) Mediation (5k worth of work + mediator fees split)
5) Court (5k worth of work)
6) Appeals if necessary (5-10k)
7) Collecting money if there is any left

I forgot to mention that any back and forth emails and correspondences quickly add up at $300 an hour.

As you can see, there's a huge investment and barrier to suing someone, with no guarantees you will get back what you are suing for. It's also very difficult to prove the exact amount of loss from a sale and you risk being sued for partial expenses if you lose your case. Even if you do win, you will not recover 100% of your expenses, only a portion. Since hte process is so long and time/money consuming, stats have shown that over 90% of the cases do not make it to court and are settled or dropped.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 枫下觅巢 / 西人律师关于offer毁约的回答: 卖家几乎没什么办法!买家毁约有优势! +5
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛最近国外论坛已经有人问毁约的问题了,看看律师怎么讲!毁约卖家没什么办法!

    Example # 1:

    98 Larksmere Crt Markham

    Sold in March for 960k: http://watch.ohmyhome.ca/#/mls/N3724954
    Buyers walked away and resold for 850k, a drop of 110k or 11%: http://watch.ohmyhome.ca/#/mls/N3833407

    Example # 2:

    Sold at the peak and did not close
    http://watch.ohmyhome.ca/#/mls/N3734221 first sold for 1 080 000
    Sold again a few days ago.
    http://watch.ohmyhome.ca/#/mls/N3834837 - now sold for 855 000
    Drop of $225 000

    I'm actually a lawyer so I'll answer this

    Theoretically yes. In the real world, it never happens. Suing someone takes over a year and costs up to 50k up front. With no guarantees that you will recover all the fees.

    In order to sue someone, you'll have to.

    1) Hire a lawyer and put him to work (10-15k worth of work)
    2) Review the notice of defense (5k worth of work)
    3) Attend a discovery (5k worth of work)
    4) Mediation (5k worth of work + mediator fees split)
    5) Court (5k worth of work)
    6) Appeals if necessary (5-10k)
    7) Collecting money if there is any left

    I forgot to mention that any back and forth emails and correspondences quickly add up at $300 an hour.

    As you can see, there's a huge investment and barrier to suing someone, with no guarantees you will get back what you are suing for. It's also very difficult to prove the exact amount of loss from a sale and you risk being sued for partial expenses if you lose your case. Even if you do win, you will not recover 100% of your expenses, only a portion. Since hte process is so long and time/money consuming, stats have shown that over 90% of the cases do not make it to court and are settled or dropped.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 放精华帖吧,有很好的参考作用。 +3
      • 上个周末, 三位华人律师联合开了一个收费讲座, $10/人。坛里有破费了十块大洋的,想找回来(优越感也值几个钱吧?)。 +2
    • 实际买家也是输家,只是可以少输点。好在大多数人还是愿意愿赌服输。否则加拿大司法系统不堪重负。 +2
    • 看来卖房,押金一定要收高一点。 +4
      • 现在这种情况,有offer 就不错了。还惦着押金高一点。 +7
    • 这要是以前,卖家损失小,可能不会告,但如果损失大,就是两回事了。 +2
      • 225K的差价算大算小。 +2
    • 绝大多数的民事诉讼都是Out-of-Court Settlement,但Out-of-Court Settlement不是起诉方打不赢官司,而是被诉方赔钱了事。诉讼费用对被毁约卖家是压力,对毁约买家同样是压力。所以不能说买家毁约有优势。 +6
      • 反正就是大家让一步。除了律师都是输。 +4
        • 一句话的事。无良律师,硬硬折腾了三天、整出三个来回。每一次的email文字,竟收费200大洋!
    • 传谣精华。哈哈。 +6
    • 网上找了个原始连接,有兴趣自己看。有更多的实例。真实与否自己判断。 +4
    • When the housing prices keeps going up, sellers won't sue for the depreciation. When the housing prices drops a lot, seller definitely will sue for the depreciation!!!!!
      • 那现在是前一种还是后一种情况? +1
      • 哇!又是一位印语钢钢的。 +2
      • 第一句话逻辑上就无法自洽。 +2
    • 网上帖的实例,清晰的勾勒出现在房屋市场的走向,这才是我真正感兴趣的东西。 +2
      • Red flag deal. 这个网站没有一点可参考价值。 +1
        • 怎么,贴的实例都是假的? +4
        • Red flag deal 的网站上的东西并不比51或者rolia的可信度高,不要以为是英文就可信度高了。关键是自己要有判断。 +3
          • 麻烦去看看帖子里列出的mls 号链接,看看这些交易是不是真实的。 +2
            • 反正涨派有利的都是可靠的,凡是说跌了的都是谣言,哈哈 +4
    • 这贴也是精华,我靠,害人贴还比较贴切,没有由头的毁约只能使自己越陷越深,打官司输了对方律师费也得你出好不好?除非你毁约后裸捐,否则免费和你打官司的多的是! +5
      • 免费帮打官司是怎么回事?收三分之一赔偿金?多伦多有吗?知道美国不少,这次帮绿党打赢一千万的就是这种律师。
        • 如果你的官司赢面大,对方有钱(这个律师可以查到),就有人帮你打。
      • 这种官司赢面不一定大,区别于伤害官司,利润也不会大,没有律师会帮你free打得。再说很难证明卖方不是故意低价卖的? 看看现在有人专门买毁约房就知道了 +1
        • 前年51上有个新闻,一个人买condo 280万,不close,卖家后来卖了300多万,还又和买家索赔一百多万,乖乖,律师是计时收费的,再加上什么精神损失费,吃不了也得兜着。
          • 听说法官大比一挥,让买家赔了五千万。此次卖家过上了祝福的退休生活 +1
            • 嘿嘿,西方社会,要么你像川普,乔布斯,老子有钱,私生女DNA test后也不承认,要么我他妈没钱,爱咋咋,其他人还是管好自己,不要脑袋一热,想干啥就干啥。 +1
          • 后来呢?有结果吗?
          • 用脑子想想,卖家可能赢吗?
            • 不用脑子想也明白的了,买家毁约,还能赢,这里是法制社会,你以为合同是废纸?
              • Show me the link pls?
    • 其实有一种方法很好验证,盼跌里有人悔过约吗?如果没有,毁约既然是这么轻巧的事,为什么盼跌自己不悔一个试试呢。 +7
      • LOL, 人家又没蠢到去接盘, 毁什么约啊? +11
        • LOL,郭姐又来搞笑了,你是不是觉得毁个约最多就是不让你回家做饭啊? +2
          • 呵呵,只有你这样没生意的JJ才总惦记回家做饭啊。
      • 为什么要亲测亲试? 根本就无需亲自品尝过黄连之后才可知其苦。间接经验,可解。 +5
        • 探长,你和郭姐不一样,郭姐是光脚不怕穿鞋的,你可是有鞋的,而且鞋肯定比我多多了,我这是在替探长说话啊。 +1
          • 俺是铁杆涨派。郭杰是铁杆跌派。 +1
      • 为什么总把买家想的和自己一样。前面不有个例子了。买家找了个title的小毛病,转身毁约了。你去帮卖家打官司去吧。 +2
        • title是小毛病吗?
          • Title 的毛病,小的,可能就只有三五千块的LIEN。
            • 大的可能自家后院就没了。所以title本来就是大问题。我们买房时,title是一定要查的。
              • 自己去翻吧。当时几个兄弟跟你完全不是一个调
        • 即使卖家不懂,卖家经济和律师也不懂吗?一般合同里规定Title Search至少要在close两个星期前完成, 发现问题要及时与卖家律师沟通,双方要合作,哪有你单方想毁约就毁约的道理。
          • 人家是为毁约找的毛病,去找律师解决。那就真的有毛病了。就是让卖家轻易不敢上庭。明白了。
            • 胡闹,你买卖房地产不用律师吗?你以为律师都是吃干饭的,能让你这么耍?
    • 为什么不把律师费,诉讼费加到赔偿金里呢?这种情况赢的概率应该是99.9%。唯一不确定就是法院最终判定的赔偿金额, 再怎么着也不能比差价少吧 +1
      • 想得美!卖家要毫无瑕疵。—— 这可不容易! +1
        • 探长言过其实了吧,bottom line is agreement is a agreement, protected by law.
    • 一看有可能2.5%要没了,比什么都急。 +4
      • 防火防盗防经纪!—— 这是JJ局的公开警告!BraFirst . Ca +1
    • you just bring it in from redflag deal forum, a non-professional forum +1