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A property qualifies as your principal residence for any year if it meets all of the following four conditions:

It is a housing unit, a leasehold interest in a housing unit, or a share of the capital stock of a co-operative housing corporation you acquire only to get the right to inhabit a housing unit owned by that corporation.
You own the property alone or jointly with another person.
You, your current or former spouse or common-law partner, or any of your children lived in it at some time during the year.
You designate the property as your principal residence.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 问个房产增值税的问题
    • 你可以任意指定在后3年中哪一套是你的主要居所。如果你不想缴税,可以将后3年中的主要居所都指定为第一套房(其实指定其中两年就够了,因为报税时会自动+1年)
      • 同时有2套房。其中一套租出去了肯定有报税。还能随意指定成是主要居所?
        • 将自住房变成出租房,cra给4年的宽限期,如果符合一些条件,这个宽限期可以一直延伸到你将房子卖出。你可以出租赚钱,但是宽限期内不能claim cca
          • 那照这个说法是不是能这样操作: 一直都拥有2两套房+其中一套出租。每4年卖一次再买一次。永远的都是卖自住房。一直都不用交增值税。
            • 不可能,唯一可以做文章的地方就是那个+1年

              • 这么说的话。还是应该指定价值高的房子为自住房。不然得不偿失。
                • 这个4年的宽限期只能用在自住转出租房上,新买的出租房不行。
                  • 嗯。但如果这段时间内自住房的增值超过出租房的话。这个指定没什么意义。
                    • 如果你只有一套房,出租了4年卖掉,其间租房住,那么卖掉还是不用缴税的。
                      • 嗯。前提是只有一套房。自己还要租房住。
                        • 有就不错了,不要要求太多:)
                  • 而且这个自住转出租房有报税的话。每个月有租金收入,还能自称是自住房?CRA 不知道?
                    • 不是跟你说了嘛,自住转出租给4年宽限期,这个是税法规定的,你需要报税的时候附上声明的。不然在改变用途的时候就要deemed disposal。
                      • 如果拥有两套房子,自住转出租还给四年的宽限期吗
                        • 只要是自住转出租都可以,和几套房无关。但是出租的四年间不能claim房屋折旧。
                          • 遇到专家了,谢谢答复!
                            • 不客气,帮到你就好:)
                        • 记得这个4年的宽限期是有特殊条件的,例如因工作搬家,etc
                          • 这个是延长4年限制的条件。如果那些条件满足,你可以将宽限期延长至卖房而不受4年限制。但是只在4年之内,是没有条件的。
                            • 我觉得这个说法不对,同时拥有2套以上住房1年以上,其中一套房子就不是自住房了,在卖出时要按capital gain上税;1年宽限到4年就要有条件了,而且也只是可从指定自住房。另一套还是非白住房的。挺麻烦的!
                              • 这里是cra链接
                                • Page not found
                                  • 还真是,这里是文字部分

                                    Changing all your principal residence to a rental or business property
                                    When you change your principal residence to a rental or business property, you can make an election not to be considered as having started to use your principal residence as a rental or business property. This means you do not have to report any capital gain when you change its use. If you make this election:

                                    you have to report the net rental or business income you earn; and
                                    you cannot claim capital cost allowance (CCA) on the property.
                                    While your election is in effect, you can designate the property as your principal residence for up to four years, even if you do not use your property as your principal residence. However, you can only do this if you do not designate any other property as your principal residence for this time.

                                    You can extend the four year limit indefinitely if all of the following conditions are met:

                                    You live away from your principal residence because your employer, or your spouse's or common-law partner's employer, wants you to relocate.
                                    You and your spouse or common-law partner are not related to the employer.
                                    You return to your original home while you or your spouse or common-law partner are still with the same employer, or before the end of the year following the year in which this employment ends, or you die during the term of employment.
                                    Your original home is at least 40 kilometres (by the shortest public route) farther than your temporary residence from your, or your spouse's or common-law partner's, new place of employment.
                                    If you make this election, there is no immediate effect on your income tax situation when you move back into your residence. However, if you change the use of the property again and do not make this election again, any gain you have from selling the property may be subject to tax.

                                    To make this election, attach a letter signed by you to your income tax and benefit return of the year in which the change of use occurs. Describe the property and state that you want subsection 45(2) of the Income Tax Act to apply. If you started to use your principal residence as a rental or business property in the year, you may want information on how you should report your business or property income. If so, see the T4002, Business and Professional Income guide or the T4036, Rental Income guide.

                                    • While your election is in effect,
                                      you can designate the property as your principal residence for up to four years, even if you do not use your property as your principal residence. However, you can only do this if you do not designate any other property as your principal residence for this time.
                                      • do not designate any other property as your principal residence for this time的意思不是不能有两套房,而是在同一年不能指定两套房作为主要居所。也就是如果决定用这个4年在房子1上,在这4年内你不能说房子2还是主要居所,虽然自己真的住在里面。
                                        • 那不是一样吗,你有两套房子,始终有一套是要交capital gain的,只不过你有点灵活性,可以在一段时间内指定出租的那个为principal residence
                                          • 你和小胖子怎么都那么不知足?灵活性有就比没有强,钱省一分也是好的呀!如果今后你要down size,把大房租出去,这个灵活性可就给你省出旅游好几次的钱了。
                                    • 和你说的不一样啊,你是可以制定一个rental property是你的principle residence,但是前提条件是没有其他的principle residence.
                                      • 看上面的回复
                      • 其实都一样。如果把出租房指定成自住房还要算上4年宽限期。那这期间的第二套房就不能是自住。当卖掉出租房的时候,第二套房就要算deemed disposal交税,然后才能成为新的自住房。
                        • 如果你的第二套房不是出租房,而是cottage或给父母或子女居住,这样就没有deemed disposal缴税的问题,在你卖房的时候税务就比较灵活了。
                          • 和第二套房给谁住无关。。。如果不想有deemed disposal缴税的问题,就只能一直是当成是出租房处理。只要想变成新的自住房就要deemed disposal.
                            • 当然和谁住有关系。理论上父母住不行,但是具体操作没有房租收入都问题不大
                              A property qualifies as your principal residence for any year if it meets all of the following four conditions:

                              It is a housing unit, a leasehold interest in a housing unit, or a share of the capital stock of a co-operative housing corporation you acquire only to get the right to inhabit a housing unit owned by that corporation.
                              You own the property alone or jointly with another person.
                              You, your current or former spouse or common-law partner, or any of your children lived in it at some time during the year.
                              You designate the property as your principal residence.
                              • 4个条件都要符合才可以。其中第4条 “You designate the property as your principal residence”。 以前不是principal residence,现在是了。这就需要deemed disposal。
                                • 没错,就是在当年deemed disposition。但是并不意味着你在当年要缴税,这个税可以延迟到你卖房那天。是不是出租房的意义在于给你更多的灵活性可以在卖房时决定那个作为principal residence.
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