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here you go.

1. since you are already divorced and you are the main applicant, your ex-wife's visa/landing paper is no longer valid. trying to enter canada using that landing paper is illegal and fraudulant.
2. best is to try contacting cic to apply for a change in family status. and see what they say. in this case you need to act quickly since your visa will expire in august.
3. remember that your ex-wife cannot land before you. if you don't hear from cic near august. you can try to land with your son at a date as late as possible, so to prevent your ex-wife to land in canada. but you have to tell the officer at the border that you are divorced. sorry to suggest in this way since it is bad for your ex-wife's life. but the fact is that you are divorced, so she is not entitled to the immigrant status anymore. it is illegal for you to assist her obtaining landed status.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 去年8月拿到签证,12月离婚. 一定要报告领事馆重发签证吗? 我和孩子这个月末去温哥华, 前妻5月去多伦多, 机票都定了,形同陌路! 有什么后果啊? 以后我不能担保新的家庭成员移民了? 我以前不知道相关规定啊!
    • 赶紧向移民局报告你的婚姻状况。否则你是一MARRIAGED 身份。要在加拿大离婚,亏大了,甚至影响一生幸福。听说的。
      • 如果我报告移民局, 会不会收回我的签证, 重新审核, 但是我机票都定了啊!
        • 机票可以再定啊, 你这样不通知不行好象, 以后总是麻烦。
          • 我订的是我和孩子的机票啊, 两张差不多1万块啊! 是不是需要重发签证?
            • 与今后的麻烦相比,这都是小事,重发就重发吧(不知道是否重发),切莫因小失大。
              • 我也觉的是, 来到这里, 觉得每一步都不能走错, 不能有侥幸心理
                • 说的是。
              • 不报告的后果是什么啊?我不清楚啊
                • 除非不被发现, 一旦发现就算虚假材料, 你的身份会被取消, 驱逐处境。
                • 你以后结婚怎么办?。
                  • 不光是结婚, 申请sin卡, 健康卡, 驾照, 银行开户, 保税 ...... 所有材料添婚姻状况的地方都必需添已婚。
                  • 无论你或你前妻来加后如要结婚肯定要提供离婚证明的。若拿出的是国内证明露线儿了不是,你涉嫌帮前妻非法移民加。若你想同前妻在加办离婚,又有小孩,前妻一定要孩子的监护权的话,抚养费大大的,
                    VERY PAINFUL,这辈子别想轻松直到孩子18岁。
        • 签证肯定要改的,以前是三个人的家庭移民。现在是一个人无随行人员。如果孩子的监护权在你那而且你想申请孩子异同来则是两个人,但移民局会重新考虑适应能力吧?我想,一个人带孩子和两个人带孩子肯定不一样吧。
          • 如果真的要重发签证, 我真是欲哭无泪啊!
            • 开心吧你,比到加拿大再离,强多了。如你妻改了主意在加拿大非要孩子的监护权不可,你麻烦大去了。到时候请你来,你都不愿意来啦。
      • 我通知领事馆后, 是否必须做离婚公证和财产公证?
    • 我知道有一类似CASE,主申请人入关时通知移民官他离婚了。顺利\\\入关。不过他前期无意来加而且他们无孩,你的情况复杂多了。谁明白,指点指点他八。
      • 各位大侠, 帮帮忙
        • 通知大使馆吧, 别把你的未来毁了, (正确的做法是你12月一离婚就应该通知)。
          • 通知领事馆后, 是否需要重发签证啊?
            • 不知道是否会重新审核,重新等待,重新。。。。。,事已至此,别无选择,爱怎么着怎么着吧。问移民公司吧,他们手中CASE多,也许知道。
            • sure.
    • 是否通知了领事馆后, 等于我和儿子(监护权归我)需要重新申请移民? 如果是那样, 真是太可怕了!
        • 离婚了的肯定在这个CASE里不行。
          • 什么不行? 请讲清楚些好吗?
            • I think It's suitable for you. Don't play game otherwise you won't have chance any more.
              "If you already have a visa, you should return that original visa to the office where it was issued with a covering letter explaining what change took place and who intends to immigrate with you. If your dependent has a visa and is not travelling to Canada prior to the expiry date, you should return that visa to the Embassy or Consulate where it was issued."
            • You'd better follow the instruction which is attached to your landing paper, my opinion, as sooner as better. Don't take your chance.
          • 不行前加逗号。
    • 一句话,不通知加拿大你的离婚事实,你就是已婚男人,以后在国内找的二任妻子就别想到加拿大来,加拿大不会允许重婚的。除非前妻通情达理,温柔贤惠,独立自主(愿意在加拿大独立奋斗),倒可以同她商量商量:
    • 我通知领事馆后, 是否必须重新做离婚公证和财产公证?
    • 你和你前妻到底谁是主申请人?
      • 我是主申请人
        • #1125489,看你怎么想了。如果现在通知使馆,你、你孩子以及你前妻的签证都要退回去。重新审理的结果估计你和你孩子的签证不会有问题,就是多等一段时间,但是不会再给你前妻发新签证。除非她自己做主申请人分数也够了。
        • here you go.
          1. since you are already divorced and you are the main applicant, your ex-wife's visa/landing paper is no longer valid. trying to enter canada using that landing paper is illegal and fraudulant.
          2. best is to try contacting cic to apply for a change in family status. and see what they say. in this case you need to act quickly since your visa will expire in august.
          3. remember that your ex-wife cannot land before you. if you don't hear from cic near august. you can try to land with your son at a date as late as possible, so to prevent your ex-wife to land in canada. but you have to tell the officer at the border that you are divorced. sorry to suggest in this way since it is bad for your ex-wife's life. but the fact is that you are divorced, so she is not entitled to the immigrant status anymore. it is illegal for you to assist her obtaining landed status.
          • 对您的敬仰如淘淘江水,延绵不绝!! 我吵吵这办天,嗓子都哑了也没找出好办法。我就佩服聪明人:))
          • are you sure his ex-wife can't lang before him? no offence, just want to confirm. I don't know this policy so.....
            • 主申请人必须先登陆,这是移民法规定的。
            • It is true.
          • 非常感谢你的帖子, 让我清楚了很多!! 我的签证今年6月就到期了, 我已订好我和儿子4月28日去温哥华的机票. 如果我在4月28日前等不来香港总领馆的消息, 按照你的说法, 我依然可以前往加拿大, 只是在入关时申请已离婚?
            • it looks like that you have little choice. as said, the right thing is to inform cic immediately after the divorce. but you forgot to do that.
              本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1. if you cancel all the tickets and wait for cic, it will take a lot longer. however, that is the "right" way - according to cic. i don't know how will it be in the end. they need to take back all the landing papers and reissue new ones for you and your son. it's almost for sure that you will need a 2nd medical exam if the current one expires in june. it won't be as long as the initial application, since you already passed the selection, but again there is no guaranttee. if your ex-wife's education score did not count too much in your total score, it should be fine.
              2. alternatively, you can take a chance by trying to land with your son. bring evidences showing that you did try to inform cic (emails to the hk embassy, etc.). if your ex will not come and you did not know about the rules, they may forgive you. it also pays if you can show that you have time-critical issues to deal with in canada, say, like job interviews, pre-arranged business meetings. email printouts can be used as evidences. the worst case is the you get denied at the border, which brings you back to choice no.1 above. as a last resort, i GUESS (not sure) you can ask for court appeal at the border, in which case (I GUESS) you will be let in and a court will decide on your case. my best guess/hope is that they will just forgive you and let you in, since you already passed the selection and the issue is technical by nature. however i am NOT an immigration expert and what is suggested herein is believed to be the in the best of your interest and to my knowledge. you'd better consult a lawyer before any major decision.

              in either case, your ex can not come anymore. it doesn't hurt to notarize the divorce document in english, since you may need it in the future.

              good luck.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net