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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!


Bachelor of Science (BS), HBSc. in Actuarial Science, 4.0 out of 4.0

Cumulative average ranked top 5% of the faculty.
Cumulative GPA of 91.2%

Academic Highlights:

- Courses with grade of 100%:
- Calculus II
- Time Series

- Courses with grade of 95%+:
- Calculus I
- Java Programming I
- Principles of Macroeconomics
- Linear Algebra I
- Life Contingencies I
- Corporate Finance
- Adv Math for Stats
- Statistical Calculus
- Microeconomics Theory I
- Intermediate Probability

- Courses with grade of 90%+:
- Principles of Microeconomics
- Multimedia and Communication
- Financial Mathematics
- Derivatives Market
- Probability and Stats II
- Statistical Programming with R
- Macroeconomics Theory I
- Understanding Chinese Business Culture
- Life Contingencies II
- Regression
- Loss Models II
- Experimental Design

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 滑铁卢这个渣也是火了
    • 识别渣男确实不容易。这个还算挺幸运,这么快就被揭穿了。很多结婚以后才暴露。 +1
    • 不容易哈,也算得上是个双高人才了
    • 反正尿不到一壶
      • 唔~~~
    • 查了一下LinkedIn, 也在投行实习?
      • 据说学数学的很多去花街, 学精算的很多去大银行。 这位是双学位? 确实牛。能在世界各地结交女孩, 说明经历丰富。
        • 精算的不是保险公司才要用吗?银行也需要这个?
    • 大牛娃,学习还这么好 +1
    • 我糊涂了。貌似这不是学霸娃?那滑大咋收了?
    • 真有空余时间啊。滑大的小孩读书压力之大可想而知, 他居然还有时间谈这么多女朋友, 是不是实在是太聪明了
    • 一天嚷嚷滑铁卢学业紧、压力大?好几个小留都说比国内高中轻松些,其实是这边长大小孩以前没有过压力。
      • 有些课有压力,有些比较轻松,看你选修了哪些课
      • 很多小留没想毕业后在本地求职的吧?回国家里给铺好路的那种,估计也就没压力了。 +1
        • 读滑大的应该留下来的多,这小孩成绩真的好。而且还不是国内的学霸。
          Bachelor of Science (BS), HBSc. in Actuarial Science, 4.0 out of 4.0

          Cumulative average ranked top 5% of the faculty.
          Cumulative GPA of 91.2%

          Academic Highlights:

          - Courses with grade of 100%:
          - Calculus II
          - Time Series

          - Courses with grade of 95%+:
          - Calculus I
          - Java Programming I
          - Principles of Macroeconomics
          - Linear Algebra I
          - Life Contingencies I
          - Corporate Finance
          - Adv Math for Stats
          - Statistical Calculus
          - Microeconomics Theory I
          - Intermediate Probability

          - Courses with grade of 90%+:
          - Principles of Microeconomics
          - Multimedia and Communication
          - Financial Mathematics
          - Derivatives Market
          - Probability and Stats II
          - Statistical Programming with R
          - Macroeconomics Theory I
          - Understanding Chinese Business Culture
          - Life Contingencies II
          - Regression
          - Loss Models II
          - Experimental Design
          • 厉害!(是说人肉搜索的力量啦。。。:))
    • 第六个