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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

原来就是4x4木桩。 10尺木头,4尺地下,6尺地上。查了一下万锦对fence要求,没提到材料。

You may build a fence in your front yard up to 1.2 metres (4’) in height. From the front edge of your property back, properties with two interior side yards may build fences along their property lines, and along the back, up to 1.8 metres (6’) in height. But on corner properties, a fence along the exterior flank yard can only be up to 1.2 metres (4’) in height.

Your fence must follow the shape of the land as much as possible. If your property slopes, that fence must reasonably follow the slope. Should you desire, you can build a fence along the rear of your property with .3 metre (1’) of lattice on top, as long as it does not exceed the maximum height. Fences built across a natural or created waterway, such as a stream, must be designed to ensure this drainage feature is not blocked (contact By-Laws at 905-479-7782).
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  • 枫下家园 / 美丽家居 / 围栏修好了! +1













    • 没打水泥桩? +1
      • 一般都是防腐木。 +1
    • 没提钱的事。奏拿广告抵了? +6
      • 谈钱伤感情 +1
        • 回蒙特利尔了?
          • 是啊,在魁北克呆几天,这里过魁北克节,俗称省庆,比国庆还热闹.
      • 钱钱钱!夏天他们飞忙,能约上笑就笑S了。
      • 钱可以私下商量, 毕竟每个场景都不一样。如果活好,老板又同意上图,不怕闲话,反而应该点赞。这样的广告应该提倡。
      • 私信可。公开场合就不提钱了。 +1
    • 怎么到隔壁去照相了? 。。。
      • 本来就是两家中间的围栏,最后也是一家一半钱。
    • 劳动保护倒是很好,人也看着敦实。
    • 赞!
    • 这叫身材健美?请容许我对着镜子自恋3分钟。木桩要达到6呎深度才不受冻土层影响,如果达不到用水泥会好些。 +4
      • 围栏都是4尺,挖六尺太多了。 +2
    • 我以前后院装个灯柱,挖了4尺,买了个dig tool,就是像洛阳铲那样的东西,整整挖了一周,没有机械工具就是惨。这盗墓的不好当。
    • 真的不打水泥桩,开玩笑吧?不符合build code。为啥不换6X6的post,这点钱不要省。这个不是标准修法,楼主别介意
      • 原来就是4x4木桩。 10尺木头,4尺地下,6尺地上。查了一下万锦对fence要求,没提到材料。
        You may build a fence in your front yard up to 1.2 metres (4’) in height. From the front edge of your property back, properties with two interior side yards may build fences along their property lines, and along the back, up to 1.8 metres (6’) in height. But on corner properties, a fence along the exterior flank yard can only be up to 1.2 metres (4’) in height.

        Your fence must follow the shape of the land as much as possible. If your property slopes, that fence must reasonably follow the slope. Should you desire, you can build a fence along the rear of your property with .3 metre (1’) of lattice on top, as long as it does not exceed the maximum height. Fences built across a natural or created waterway, such as a stream, must be designed to ensure this drainage feature is not blocked (contact By-Laws at 905-479-7782).
        • 你援引的是市政府的规定,是属于zoning by-law方面的。柱子究竟多深是技术问题,属于Ontario Building Codes管。深度1.2米在第九章。
          • 专业,不过1.2米就是4尺,也不错。 +1
          • 不必纠结楼主埋多深,只要在卖房前不垮就行。 +1
        • 看着像是四寸的,原来真是四寸的,只能说,原来就没好好作,四寸太弱了。
    • 这工具专业,让那些拿个铲子就开工赚钱的师傅过来看看。
      • 就是,所以帮助推荐一下。 有些师傅可能人不错,可惜没机械,没技术,忙上半天,你也看着急。
      • 这是属于低级工具,效率很低的,真正专业挖坑的是开一台机器,上面一个大钻头,一个人操作,几分钟一个坑, +1
        • 那就不会接我这种小活了。那种机械出动一次费用不小。
          • 倒不一定费用高。一般新建fence 用,那种机器好像宽1.2或1.3米。你的门已经建好了,进出很难
            • 你们这帮人也太什么了, 就一个篱笆倒了,需要新打两个桩,然后把就篱笆盯上去, 多大的事?又是专业机械又是专业理论问题, 这种事情, 只要找个民工,用一个挖洞的夹土的夹子,一个和水泥的小车就搞定,只要把埋桩的洞挖深到4英尺,埋好桩, 转日将旧篱笆钉回去就搞定.
              • 问题是她要用旧板子,要在原地重新立桩。拔旧桩比立新桩还费事。挖出个大坑,新桩不稳,还没等水泥干呢就把板子钉上了(根据两小时完活推算)。
                • 板子订上,调好垂直,然后慢慢等水泥干就是了。这段时间内不会给围栏受力的。
                  • 为什么人家都是要等水泥干了再钉板子呢?。。。
                • 只有笨家伙才这样干,一般的是在原来旧桩旁边新挖一个桩,旧桩永远留在里面,但这样做会有新的问题,
                  就是有些篱笆墙和原来的不一样长, 不能完全把旧的原封不动地用回去, 需要买些新料加长原来的篱笆墙,当然最后有一组会短些,这个容易, 锯短就行了,这样房东也没什么好说的, 又省工,和少丢垃圾.
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