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点缀?Absolutely No!

I know many girls whose logical reasoning abilities are much better than some boys. These are good qualities for good programmers. But boys seems are more easily to be good DBAs or system administrators. At least all the admins I know are boys.

Moreover, front-end applications need more people that back-end do (descided by its nature). And generally speaking, most girls are more suitable to do front-end applications than most boys are. That's another reason that I say girl should not only be 点缀 in IT industry.

But honestly, I do think in the top level of IT, boys are the majority. It is still the fact, though it does not mean that boys are born to be superior than girls in IT field. Many top women in IT are doing management stuff instead.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 一直想问个问题. 大家觉得lady做IT能做多久呢. 到了一定时候是不是该转移转移阵地, 比如上学改行.
    • 俺公司现在的Director of Infrastructure就是个女的,四十多岁,看她的样子,干一辈子应该没有问题。
      • 如果有一份还算可以的工作, 又如果有机会读书, 读不读? 读什么好呢?
        • 不会吧,国内好些人这样犹豫,到了这还这么想?读书就是为了工作,在这有几个读书是想读一辈子的。有工作干吗读书?国内很多人本来有好工作了,非辞了去读书,但是因为研究生越来越贱,顶不住压力,在这用得着么?
    • 我怎么觉得好的IT是越做越红,因为积累的越来越多。。。。不管男女。
      • 偶觉得MM的贴子常进热点,也是很红火的说。:-)
        • 品尝孤独的时候,您可能没注意到。。。。。。:-))
          • 品尝孤独, 这是典型小资啊 :-)
          • 是麻辣味吗
            • Nahh..........是花椒味道。
      • 我觉得也对也不对. 积累是一方面, 时时保持关注最新IT发展似乎更重要. 正是这点让我觉得实在累.
        • 所以说嘛。。。。。。当初一帮MCSE同学,共同感慨。。。搞IT就是上贼船,上得去,下不来,因为要不停地学呀学, 考呀考的。。。:-))
          • 看你想不想下了,决心嘛,得大点才行。
    • 作 CONSERVATION OFFICER 最好, 常常在多伦多周边勘察规划, 打猎钓鱼, 整个是提前退休的生活.
    • 哈哈,lady做IT,对于平衡IT部门男女比例起着至关重要的作用呀,男女搭配,干活不累.
    • IT跟其它OFFICE工作大同小异.
    • 当年辞职时跟老板说觉得女孩子做IT长久不了,结果他指给我看公司的高层名单,七八成的女老板。不过个人的感觉是再也不想做IT了。
      • what are you doing now?
        • 无所事事!可惜没有花可以养!
          • my jasmine is good now, keep blooming. but I found many many little tinr spiders. are thet harm to the plant? if not, I will let them sitting there.
            • 记得以前老爸是要喷药的,厉害的话好象会把叶子吃光的。
              • wow, I will tell LG to do so.
            • 快去买药来喷, 喷几次就好了. home depot就有. 我的jasmine还没动静呢, 不过倒是抽了很多枝. 请问有没有看到哪有gardinea卖?
              • sorry, should be Gardenia.
              • you have to trim the branches very oftern. what is gardinea
                • 栀子花. 很香的那种.
                  • they have 栀子花. but no 很香 even no 香 :(
                    • :-O不香就没意思了. 谢了.
                    • 那还叫栀子花?
                      • 听其他论坛的JM说,美国的栀子花是香的.
                        • 中国的栀子花绝对是香的啊!
                          • 那还得从中国进口:-). 不知能不能带过来.
                            • I don't think so. Plant and fruit are not allowed on international flights. :(
                              • perhpas we didn't find it. let's keep looking.
                    • 这叫加拿大的栀子花. 我家后院的迎春花开得很灿烂了, 也和中国的有点不一样.
      • 是在国内么?
        • 国内的时候。
      • 羡慕你的勇敢. 我也想种花养草, 可我不能想象没有工作自己会是什么样. By the way, 为什么说没有花可以养. 有很多呀.
        • 呵呵,是要来加拿大才走人的啦。不过我的专业本来就不在于此,做IT也是误打误撞,迟早都是走的。
          • 是这样. 不想在这里找IT的活吗? 普遍认为, 女的比男的好找一些. 我觉得是有点点缀的意思.
            • 我想是不会了。打算读书去。除非真的没有其他办法的时候才会再考虑它——自我感觉不是做IT的,而且那么多高手都找不到IT工作,我这个旁门邪道连想都不想了。不过感觉鬼子公司是女的容易些,以前我们部门女同胞比例很高的。
              • 我看你事业心也不是很强嘛,IT不爱踢的有什么关系呢?就因为女孩子不适合就不干了,也是生活没多大压力吧。
                • 呵呵,活着不想让自己那么不由己啦。没有所谓的想在IT里面扬眉吐气的勇气。不过的确女孩子可以IT也不是非常的辛苦,以前做大型机那些东西的发展就不是很快,事实上经常很有空,不然做客户端工作也可以。
            • 点缀?Absolutely No!
              I know many girls whose logical reasoning abilities are much better than some boys. These are good qualities for good programmers. But boys seems are more easily to be good DBAs or system administrators. At least all the admins I know are boys.

              Moreover, front-end applications need more people that back-end do (descided by its nature). And generally speaking, most girls are more suitable to do front-end applications than most boys are. That's another reason that I say girl should not only be 点缀 in IT industry.

              But honestly, I do think in the top level of IT, boys are the majority. It is still the fact, though it does not mean that boys are born to be superior than girls in IT field. Many top women in IT are doing management stuff instead.
              • IT ladies are really doing as well as men.
                What I mean is that many companies want to keep some kind of balance in their head count. Usually they want about 15-30% percent women employees.
    • It would be a problem in China. But in Canada, I do believe that one can do IT for his/her whole life, no matter men or women. But there are some principles you should stick to:
      1) IT does not euqal to computer. Service industry in developed countries is much more advanced than that in China. Choose some IT field that focuses on srevice industry or frond-end application might be easier for girls.
      2) Software does not necessarily mean programming. Practice your English, so you can do requirement or desine one day. The specific programming method may change very quickly, but the rules behind is more stable.
      • Good point.