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I toke 2 and half days to drive a car from Vancouver to Toronto

It was three years ago, I drived a 89' Honda Accord on the way down
along the high way 94 inside USA, I took a few stops only when refilling
gasolin or while I feeling tired. the whole trip took me two and half days,
I arrived at Toronto at about 3:00 PM. The total mileage of the trip is
about 2800 miles(44800 km), and the costed price of gasolin was about
140 US$, each refilling can go 400 miles with 14 Gallons for cost
of under 20 US$ at price 1.20 US$/Gallon. Luckly, my car had not
get any problem in the whole trip( I still use the car up to now).

I hope my experiance will be helpful for your planing.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 由于想在toronto登陆后返回中国,想租车驾车从toronto到vancouver,在vancouver还车,可行吗?有多远?开多久?谢谢。EGG在吗?
    • 我知道有一位叫眯眯猪的网友从温哥华驾车到多伦多,从他的日记看是4444公里,他边开边玩用了14天
      • 哇,14天!租车大概多少钱?如civic之流----大概400升油,多少CAD?谢谢
        • 我也是在网上看来的,他的日记上说,他每天开600-800公里,一刻不停的开只要一星期,但他选择了边开边玩,共用了十几天。汽油的话,视车的情况和各地的油价。网友称他的预算是1000加币
          • 完蛋,1000加比,还是坐飞机算了,机大概多少
            • 他的日记上说,机票比这贵。火车票也是如此
              • where is his diary?
                • www.mmpbus.com , 不知还能不能不上
                  • thx!!!
                    • 我刚上了一下,上不去,你能吗?
                      • yes, i can.i am still in China. where r u?
                        • me too
              • No, takeing plaane is much cheaper, 300CAD
                • I think driving is a tour.But too tired!
    • I toke 2 and half days to drive a car from Vancouver to Toronto
      It was three years ago, I drived a 89' Honda Accord on the way down
      along the high way 94 inside USA, I took a few stops only when refilling
      gasolin or while I feeling tired. the whole trip took me two and half days,
      I arrived at Toronto at about 3:00 PM. The total mileage of the trip is
      about 2800 miles(44800 km), and the costed price of gasolin was about
      140 US$, each refilling can go 400 miles with 14 Gallons for cost
      of under 20 US$ at price 1.20 US$/Gallon. Luckly, my car had not
      get any problem in the whole trip( I still use the car up to now).

      I hope my experiance will be helpful for your planing.
      • thank you , reader!