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Qu Tao and CPAC

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Luo boyang, please don't delete my post., ohterwise I think you are Qu Tao's relatives.

I am so glad to see somebody come out and say something about the CPAC which hold lots of new immigrant's "blood". I should push Chinese to get involved in the main-stream socity but not CPAC leaders and Qu Tao.
For examples:
1. CPAC hold more than $400000 fund in hand and spend more $200000 a year in expense, I think you can count how many revenue they have in the past. 95% of those money is from the that $100 memebership fees and others are from sponsors.
2. Qu Tao and other few CPAC leaders spend more $20000 on the community promotion means to use member's money to eat with other association leaders and politicians for the dinner, breakfast ......
3. Most of activies you have seen from CPAC are the pictures of those few leaders always showed on the newspaper, tv ..... and the seminar from their sponsors because they have to push members to attend the seminar, otherwise those sponsors won't pay the money for their "political road".
4. CPAC always charge money from members whatever kinds of events because they need make their "business" and "political fund" growth.
Qu Tao is the person who raise the membership fee from $20 to $100 and some questions I want to ask him.
1. How much do you spend your own money on CPAC event? 0 cent ?
2. How much does CPAC spend on your "personal political road" $20000?
3. How much doe you expense from CPAC ?
4. Qu Tao and Jin LongHuan always shift their position between chairman and president every year plus the good staff award. It's so funny Last year Qu Tao was president, but this he became the chairman as well as Jin LongHuan represent the "good staff award" to Qu Tao last year, but this year Qu Tao will represent the "good staff award" to Jin. Are there any members dead or that's some kind of "vote trick" by bringing their own people on the AGM.
5. Why CPAC own staff get the "award ticket" on the AGM the year before by the luck draw? I don't believe it just happened.

We do need Chinese to stand up for us in main-stream, but not Qu Tao and few CPAC leaders, they only do the show and nothing for the members. It's so pity I don't see good leader so far, but the time will come. I think the situation will be even worse if somebody only care about their own "business" and "political road", but finally become an "real politician".
Let's wake up and save our world by ourselves.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 政治经济 / 关于市议员选举的问题
    最近这两天网上热火朝天地在讨论是否支持曲涛参选市议员的问题, Here're my two cents.

    依照加拿大的选举方式, 各级议员只在自己的选区内竞选. 这意味着如果A在Scarborough Centre的选区竞选的话, 如果我住在North York, 我是没办法选他的. 所以, 是否选曲涛, 只有曲涛所在选区的公民才有资格做这个决定.

    其次, 市议员的功能, 是在市级政府的职责范围内(市政,警察,公交等)代表本选区居民的利益. 在实际操作中有非常现实的因素----该议员必须有足够的影响力, 能力和社会关系, 才能为本区居民争取到利益. 如果有A和B两个竞选人, A是华人, 但社会关系面很窄, B非华人, 但能够想办法使得本区的TTC班次增加一倍, 那么显然选民们更喜欢B. 多伦多有些地方的小区道路路况很好, 有些很不好, 和所在区的市议员的本事很有关系.

    Discussion is welcome.
    • 我觉得如果曲涛当选,其象征意义远远大于其他,而这正是很多我们这些不是公民或不属于他的选区的公民支持他的理由。至于他在任期间能否为他的选区争得利益,不是大多数rolian所关心的。
    • 呵呵,其实我那天贴贴子的时候,就小心的,严谨的提到了住在Markham word 6区的大虾们可以考虑支持曲涛了。。。。:))
      • Qu Tao and CPAC
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Luo boyang, please don't delete my post., ohterwise I think you are Qu Tao's relatives.

        I am so glad to see somebody come out and say something about the CPAC which hold lots of new immigrant's "blood". I should push Chinese to get involved in the main-stream socity but not CPAC leaders and Qu Tao.
        For examples:
        1. CPAC hold more than $400000 fund in hand and spend more $200000 a year in expense, I think you can count how many revenue they have in the past. 95% of those money is from the that $100 memebership fees and others are from sponsors.
        2. Qu Tao and other few CPAC leaders spend more $20000 on the community promotion means to use member's money to eat with other association leaders and politicians for the dinner, breakfast ......
        3. Most of activies you have seen from CPAC are the pictures of those few leaders always showed on the newspaper, tv ..... and the seminar from their sponsors because they have to push members to attend the seminar, otherwise those sponsors won't pay the money for their "political road".
        4. CPAC always charge money from members whatever kinds of events because they need make their "business" and "political fund" growth.
        Qu Tao is the person who raise the membership fee from $20 to $100 and some questions I want to ask him.
        1. How much do you spend your own money on CPAC event? 0 cent ?
        2. How much does CPAC spend on your "personal political road" $20000?
        3. How much doe you expense from CPAC ?
        4. Qu Tao and Jin LongHuan always shift their position between chairman and president every year plus the good staff award. It's so funny Last year Qu Tao was president, but this he became the chairman as well as Jin LongHuan represent the "good staff award" to Qu Tao last year, but this year Qu Tao will represent the "good staff award" to Jin. Are there any members dead or that's some kind of "vote trick" by bringing their own people on the AGM.
        5. Why CPAC own staff get the "award ticket" on the AGM the year before by the luck draw? I don't believe it just happened.

        We do need Chinese to stand up for us in main-stream, but not Qu Tao and few CPAC leaders, they only do the show and nothing for the members. It's so pity I don't see good leader so far, but the time will come. I think the situation will be even worse if somebody only care about their own "business" and "political road", but finally become an "real politician".
        Let's wake up and save our world by ourselves.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 这位老兄对曲涛有意见,贴子贴一遍就可以了,没必要这样反复多次发贴。
          • Sorry, it was mistake to post twice
            Please go to another topic under maple flag->socity and discuss that. That was mistake I post twice by the network error.
            I don't blame anybody just share something with you guys and ask some questions.
        • it is life
          It is very possible that every politician has his/own not so good stories. it is the life. You will never be a successful politician, nor a businessman, if you are not good at these tactics. Anyway, nobody forced you to join CPAC. It really did something good for Chinese.
    • 说句实话,不要太指望这一代的移民,英语不好,选了也是给人家做菜的。我倒是宁肯选一个30岁左右,从12,3岁就过来的华人移民子弟。如果有这样的参选人的话