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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

这里面的关键是“with intent to mislead“,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛如果罪名成立,还挺重的,两罪叠加最高可判7年。当然不会那么重。但总是要小心应对,别留下案底。




Public mischief

140 (1) Every one commits public mischief who, with intent to mislead, causes a peace officer to enter on or continue an investigation by

(a) making a false statement that accuses some other person of having committed an offence;

Marginal note:Punishment

(2) Every one who commits public mischief

(a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or

(b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Offences relating to public or peace officer 129 Every one who

(a) resists or wilfully obstructs a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty or any person lawfully acting in aid of such an officer,

is guilty of

(d) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or

(e) an offence punishable on summary conviction.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / 请朋友们推荐好口碑律师 +1
    2017年秋天的一个安静的下午,距今已经一年多了,路上几乎没人,我太太G1开车, 我4个点的G牌坐副驾驶,突然车失控撞在一栋房子上,我赶紧下车换至驾驶位倒出车并停路边等警察,警察来后可能上来就认定我是驾驶员,我英语不好,听不太懂; 警察问我太太一些事,她英语比我稍强些,但当时吓懵了,回答的yes,no有点混乱,警察看了我的驾照,车主证,保险单等,最后给我开了罚单490刀,我当时觉得我是G,就将错就错吧,没有反驳。并事后交了钱,以为事情过去了,没想到前天晚上警察来我家给我太太送来了一张纸,指控她 PUBLIC MISCHIEF CC140(1)(a) 及 OBSTRUCT PEACE OFFICER CC129(A),好像是说房主或者邻居有摄像头。我们当时也没想到这种情况出现,追悔莫及,但生活总得继续。请网友推荐一位经验律师,尽量别留下记录,免得以后找工作很难。多谢指点。
    • 客观来讲你这事儿确实没法辩解 确实是顶罪了 不管主观原因是什么 而且有摄像头 请律师也改变不了 你就上庭认罪好好解释下兴许减免
      • 谢谢您指点,主要想请律师帮忙申诉我太太没有主观故意去误导警察判断,因为她开车完全合法,没必要顶罪,加上当时情况特殊和语言沟通问题造成了误会。
        • 这case没一万以上都不行,破财消灾吧。当时都不知道怎么想的。
      • 开什么玩笑,这是 criminal offense。真是亲媳妇。撞房子然后还强硬不合作。 +2
        • 没开玩笑。
          • 我说小北认罪说法是开玩笑。 +1
            • 问题是没的辩呀 人家证据确凿
              • 这还没开始,就放弃了?
                • 这不是要找最经济方案么
                  • 蹲小号留案底罚款 probation 和经济适用能是一个数量级嘛。
                    • 蹲小号也要折合成经济成本一起算进去
              • 总得去试试,最后罚钱就算了
              • 这个世界什么都有的辩
                • 那倒是 有钱去找法官唠俩个钟
    • 请律师,别在这问了。P大点的事,好律师不会有记录 +5
      • 多谢! +1
    • 这里面的关键是“with intent to mislead“, +2
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛如果罪名成立,还挺重的,两罪叠加最高可判7年。当然不会那么重。但总是要小心应对,别留下案底。




      Public mischief

      140 (1) Every one commits public mischief who, with intent to mislead, causes a peace officer to enter on or continue an investigation by

      (a) making a false statement that accuses some other person of having committed an offence;

      Marginal note:Punishment

      (2) Every one who commits public mischief

      (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years; or

      (b) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

      Offences relating to public or peace officer 129 Every one who

      (a) resists or wilfully obstructs a public officer or peace officer in the execution of his duty or any person lawfully acting in aid of such an officer,

      is guilty of

      (d) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or

      (e) an offence punishable on summary conviction.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 谢谢您的指点。
        • 网上看到一家律师做这个,还有个介绍,和你的情况类似。你也做做研究。 +2
          In many cases, we have successfully negotiated a withdrawal of the charge with upfront community service and a letter of apology to the Police officer involved.

          These cases often involve the giving of false identity when being pulled over by the police for a traffic violation. There is a section under the Highway Traffic Act that also deals with providing a false statement or inaccurate information. We have often been able to have the charge of Public Mischief reduced to a plea to the offence under the Highway Traffic Act for a small fine. As a result our clients avoid a criminal record.
          • 谢谢您的帮助。 +1
    • 这个事情还是有回旋余地的 +3
      房主或者邻居有摄像头, 不能完全定罪的。就如果周日下午在一间房屋内发生杀人案, 你也在那个时间段去过, 但这最多说你有嫌疑, 不能说你就是杀人犯的。

      “我赶紧下车换至驾驶位倒出车并停路边等警察” 这一点并无问题的。

      • 上个月去OCJ观摩了一个类似的案子,供楼主参考 +2
        defendant是斯里兰卡人,英语是第二语言,凌晨被警察要求吹测酒精的仪器,吹了5次不够都没有取到SAMPLE,被控obstruct police officer。律师辩护的有以下几点:1)让辩护人在车头前面测试(只有一个方向的录像)而不是在警察里(前后两个方向都有录像)2)警察的执勤记录中没有记录每次测试间隔多久,每次吹仪器多久,如果说明5次当中每次都没收集到样本,那些mouth piece有无保留等警方执勤记录是否证明其程序正确无暇。3)最重要的一点是当事人英文非母语,警察有无发觉其不是母语,能否很好理解对话,有无找翻译(警察说在radio里找了当时没有翻译在位)。最终法官判的是careless driving under S130 of Highway Traffic Act, fine of $600 (to be paid in 12 installments in 12 months and can apply for extension), 18 months probation, attending a missing-u program (这个program 的发音听上去是这个,但我没查到正确名称是什么。。)
        • 观摩的是被控254 (5) Failure or refusal to comply with demand
        • 让您费心了!
      • 那天,警察可能觉得我英文太差,他到达后说了几句话可能看到我的表情是一脸茫然,就一句话也没问过我:我太太不停的说:“全是我的错,Sorry.” 可警官还是给我开了票。 +2