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Because we all like Rolia. 😊

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Since 20 years ago, Rolia has been part of the life of many people. We get to know new friends here. We ask for suggestions when we encounter problems. We are eager to help others when they encounter problems too. We share our happiness. We get emotional support during our time of hardship. It has become a virtual community for us.

However, we know that it's not really virtual. The Rolians who we chatted last night are really people. They may just live two blocks away. So at one point we wanted to meet in person. And yeah, it was right, they were exactly the same nice people, as nice as what they appeared online.

Then when the new year came closer, we decided to have a gathering. We did. It was a big party! Everyone was happy. That was the end of 2001.

Then the next new year came. This time we wanted to have a stage show. We did! That was the very first Rolia Gala, for the new year of 2003. It was amateur, but we did it from our heart, and everyone liked it!

Then the Rolia Gala goes on and on. Up to now, we have done 17 Rolia Gala events!

Regarding your questions...

We volunteer for the Rolia Gala because we feel it's OUR event. We meet other fellow Rolians, work together to present a stage show for other Rolians, as a way to build our community. We build friendship through the process. For young people, they develop leadership skills.

Welcome to join us! 😊更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 网友聚会 / 大家帮我出出主意,怎样网络挖坑宣传?


    • 顶!你得学习忽悠。多跟我们混就行
      • 😂
    • 老大,我给你出个主意,ROLIA这种公益性质的网站,纯靠拉广告也不是办法,去GOFUNDME注册一个捐款账号,学Wikipedia,在首页里给个链接,这么多老肉联,不乏老板,合同工,高尔夫运动员,高级白领,哪怕只有有20%心中有holy spirit ,每人捐50,晚会也能大大盈余。 +1
      • +1
      • 链接已经有了,这儿呢:
        • 我猜他的意思是学习wikipedia在网页中嵌入提示,"We ask you, humbly, to help.If everyone reading this gave $2.75, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come."
          • We want everyone to come and enjoy the Rolia Gala! 😂
            • Bought 5 tickets and applied for volunteering to support 2020 Rolia Gala. +1
              • 👏👏👏
                • What is your cause ?
                  • The Rolia Gala is an event purely organized, performed and enjoyed by Rolians. This is quite unique, and a natural thing of the Rolia community.
              • Why I need to volunteer for Rolia? In which aspects I can improve or polish myself? Again, what is the cause of Rolia? Everything looks so blurry theoretically or not . :)
                • 据我所知: 因为要节省开支,无钱请人干活,只能由volunteers干。租场地等开支很贵,去年的晚会租的相同场地,票卖得不好,结果亏损了很多。所以今年希望保障票房收入,同时也需要捐款。我只是吃瓜群众,如果你想要官方答案,请去问晚会筹备组或领导组。
                • Because we all like Rolia. 😊 +1
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Since 20 years ago, Rolia has been part of the life of many people. We get to know new friends here. We ask for suggestions when we encounter problems. We are eager to help others when they encounter problems too. We share our happiness. We get emotional support during our time of hardship. It has become a virtual community for us.

                  However, we know that it's not really virtual. The Rolians who we chatted last night are really people. They may just live two blocks away. So at one point we wanted to meet in person. And yeah, it was right, they were exactly the same nice people, as nice as what they appeared online.

                  Then when the new year came closer, we decided to have a gathering. We did. It was a big party! Everyone was happy. That was the end of 2001.

                  Then the next new year came. This time we wanted to have a stage show. We did! That was the very first Rolia Gala, for the new year of 2003. It was amateur, but we did it from our heart, and everyone liked it!

                  Then the Rolia Gala goes on and on. Up to now, we have done 17 Rolia Gala events!

                  Regarding your questions...

                  We volunteer for the Rolia Gala because we feel it's OUR event. We meet other fellow Rolians, work together to present a stage show for other Rolians, as a way to build our community. We build friendship through the process. For young people, they develop leadership skills.

                  Welcome to join us! 😊更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                  • Well said! 👍
      • Why we have to fund you, though? For disaster or what? Have to present a cause.
        • 据我理解,筹款是为RCA办新年晚会,而不是给Rolia 网站。 +1
          • The difference between this one and other new year concerts? Anything this one has and others have not ? Lots of concrete efforts to make to showcase this one worth joining and others not.
            • 以往晚会都办得挺好, +1
              • Honestly , never heard about the event till now. Lots of musical, concert events happening in the community, kind of overwhelming .
                • 是呀,近些年GTA的各类演出活动越来越多,光华人主办各类演出的就增加了很多很多。所以,这个Rolia Gala 网友联欢需要比以往多一些宣传才行。 +1
                  • And people are getting overwhelmingly spoiled. :) Plus the unpredictable wintry weather factor.
                    • 对! 现在看演出机会多了以及看YouTube方便了,观众对晚会的要求就更高了,也越来越挑剔了。确实,春节晚会时一般天气也太冷,记得去年就下了大雪,人们不太愿意出门。 +1
                      • So down to the point, why you still wanna put a show? For what? Not one hundred percent charitable , not one hundred percent profitable. What for?
                        • 我是这样理解的: 网友们参与自己的晚会, +1
                          • Thanks and appreciate you have been so patiently walking me through this. Hope people coming across can get the point you have been trying to make. Fingers crossed for ya.:)
                            • You are welcome and thank you for your attention to 2020 Rolia Gala! Look forward to your participation! 😁
                          • 说得好。众人拾柴火焰高。 +2
                            • 是, 大家的热心能克服冰雪严寒!😁 +1
    • 华人大,小报纸啊,华人菜店。
    • 首先要在揉脸醒目位置把广告打出来,手机版揉脸根本找不到晚会信息。 +1
      • 有道理!首先需要麻烦哪一位做一个图片。俺另外再发一个帖。
    • 假装吵架:自己想上台表演热瑜伽,导演不让,可你就是想上 +2
      • 热瑜伽?不行,我是导演我也不让。😂
    • 大外宣可以忽悠一下
    • 文学城和买买提上打打广告?
      • 忽悠他们坐飞机来看晚会?😊
        • 文学城和买买提上有在加人士。
          • 哦。另一个问题:晚会入不敷出,买不起广告呀。 +1
            • 假设大家都是义工,为了小社区恭喜服务,那 labor is free。剩下就是场地租赁和材料费用。为了 break even,你根据以往记录,看看多少人参加,那门票单价就有了。然后可以卖 CD。再加上捐款。
              • 是的,我们要鼓动大家参与到晚会来。过去几年,这方面的鼓动非常不够。
            • 既然亏本,就不继续晚会了。
            • 还有,我建议你拿去年的 cost breakdown 仔细看看,到底哪些是大头,价格是不是真的那么高? +1
              • 我没有准确的数字,但是我知道剧院的租金是最大头。
    • 弄个水手和女演员的绯闻炒作一下。
      • 这个我喜欢。请你来操作!😂
        • 好的,就从给女演员发PM开始。
          • 哪位女演员?
            • 也许男演员更有火花
              • Oh, you probably don't know that I'm straight and hard like steel! 😂
                • 离幸福就一步之遥就这么错过了😂………据说02年rolia就有春晚了,可以搞个回顾特辑,很多人有情怀才来看rolia,如果当年的表演者能登台,屏幕上有当年的样子就更煽情了
    • 任何广告业者在想广告点子之前都会先问一个问题:这广告的受众是哪个群体?
      • 节目书广告的受众是晚会观众,网站广告的受众是网友。都是高素质的受众哦。
      • 那可不一定。伟哥当初可是治心脏病的药。 +2
    • 继续你的“leak”系列?😄
      • 我手头的料都leak完了,得干分配给我的任务了。😂
        • 你在rolia上写中文看着舒服多了
          • Long way to go for me to make my English less painful to read...
            • lol
    • 晚会前落座时15分钟广告不就有钱了,明年可以考虑让我们公司赞助你们一点儿,或许您给我们插播个广告?
      • Could you ask your company to advertise with us for this upcoming event?
        • 今年够呛,我们的产品明年才进入加拿大市场,所以明年才需要广告
          • OK. Wish your company every success! 😊
    • 帮你挖了一个。不知道坑有多大。哈哈
      • Where, where? 😊
        • 坑太小,没人跳。我记得rolia 晚会的佳人曲舞蹈不错。老大给贴出来让我们重温一下吧
    • Hire a professional.
      • 土拨鼠最会挖坑:)
        • Great point.:)
    • 看他们的主意: 两辈相亲节目。其实三辈相亲也有可能的(中年网友为老人,自己,成年孩子相亲)。也许这个能作为挖坑的素材?如果还想筹款,试试晚会插入收费的征婚广告或真实的相亲节目,看是否有人愿意申请。
    • 老大,还有一主意: 如果你挖坑宣传说在晚会上会公布你的征婚或征友标准,那会吸引多一点观众的! (只是看你的帖帮你出主意,别生气啊!)
      • 这太离谱了
        • 忠贞不渝😅不带这么给老大下套的,太有压力了,也算PUA吗 +2
          • 请问PUA是指啥? Pick up artists?
        • 别误会了! 不是挖隐私,
          更不是激将。是基于这个 "● 弄个水手和女演员的绯闻炒作一下。 -blueskygg(Grass); 12-11
          ○ 这个我喜欢。请你来操作!😂 -sailor(Ocean & Mountain); 12-11 " 以及主帖题目。何况只是挖坑宣传,不是真要他公布啥。即使真要公布个啥择偶标准类玩一玩乐一乐,那也是话由他说而已,他自然会掌握尺度,随便一句简单笼统的话也就可应付了。所以,只是一个挖坑吸引眼球的主意而已,本人没有挖人隐私和逼人家的喜好。