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类似这个东西,几年前老婆倒车碰了一个韩国人的车,用的就是这个例子。那次撞的很轻,车很旧,我们的责任,$1200, 就约到了一家肯德基,签字给钱走人。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Car Accident Private Settlement

1. Details of Accident:
Date( dd/mm/yyyy) Time:


2. Party A:
Motor-vehicle registration No. ________ Make:

driven by________________ ___ (Name& drive license number)

owned by_______________ _ (Name& drive license number)

Party B:
Motor-vehicle registration No. ________ Make:

driven by_________ (Name& drive license number)

owned by________ (Name& drive license number)

3. There are no personal injuries or death involved
4. The parties have agreed to settle this matter amicably as follows:

Without any admission of liability, (party paying compensation) has paid a sum of $____which ( owner receiving compensation) hereby acknowledges receipt thereof in full and final settlement of all damages and costs incurred and /or to be incurred as a result of the accident. Owner receiving compensation waives the right to any and all future claims against paying party

5. Both parties have not and will not make a police report of this accident.

Name (paying party):_______ ___________________ Ph:________
Address: _


Name (owner receiving compensation):___
Address: ___________________________________________________

Signature:___________________________________________________更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 请问 星期天去买菜路上,老公开车和一辆车撞了一下,她车直行,我们从超市边拐出来,我们撞在车头,有点裂开,她车车尾,本想私了,今天她打电话找好修车行2000元外加租车费,我想报保险,因为是第一次,没经验,请教大家,谢谢!
    • 2000这个是临界值 完全看你自己了 或者态度好些好好说说砍砍价
      • offer她1800 cash,修不修怎么修随她。
        • 不会把,自己at fault 底气还那么足,人家去车行还有个误工费。 +1
          • 你读读帖主楼下的解决结果😜。
    • 还个价吧,不行包保险 +1
      • 报保险以后每个月保费大约长多少
        • 你先看看有没有买first time forgiveness。另外这两年涨保险根本不需要理由啊,没事故也涨,LOL. +1
          • 今年无故涨20%,愤而问价,居然还是市场底价。现在涨价不需借口了。 +1
            • 我有个policy翻了一番,问了一圈也是底价。。。
          • 从哪里可以看到first time forgiveness,如果买了会怎样?谢谢
            • 不会因为你这个责任事故而涨你的保险。
            • 不想问你保险公司的话就去读你的policy,找里面有没有。如果买了第一次你责任不会因为这个涨保险。这个有详细条款,比如500刀以下根本不算一次,还有felony的那些也不算,就是酒驾了不能forgive...等等。
    • 你老公是急先锋索超吗,这么个撞法…… +3
      • 人家要是好车,心情得多差啊。我要是撞了别人,肯定愧疚不已。要2000给5000.
        • 确实,我当年就是全新suv不到一年,右转等直行被追尾。我才不商量直奔dealer,4000块把后屁股修得好好的再说。外加租最好的车,按摩推拿检查骨头 +2
          • 所以楼主这个例子,千万不要报保险。
          • 小事故,只要人没事,能私了就尽量私了,一个事故车,二手市场价会有很大的减值,除非你一直开到底,不然就等于你自己的腰包损失。
    • Take the deal 记得签一份儿免责书 +2
      • 听先知的没错
      • 这份免责书是什么意思?不论公了或私了都要签吗?谢谢!
        • 类似这个东西,几年前老婆倒车碰了一个韩国人的车,用的就是这个例子。那次撞的很轻,车很旧,我们的责任,$1200, 就约到了一家肯德基,签字给钱走人。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Car Accident Private Settlement

          1. Details of Accident:
          Date( dd/mm/yyyy) Time:


          2. Party A:
          Motor-vehicle registration No. ________ Make:

          driven by________________ ___ (Name& drive license number)

          owned by_______________ _ (Name& drive license number)

          Party B:
          Motor-vehicle registration No. ________ Make:

          driven by_________ (Name& drive license number)

          owned by________ (Name& drive license number)

          3. There are no personal injuries or death involved
          4. The parties have agreed to settle this matter amicably as follows:

          Without any admission of liability, (party paying compensation) has paid a sum of $____which ( owner receiving compensation) hereby acknowledges receipt thereof in full and final settlement of all damages and costs incurred and /or to be incurred as a result of the accident. Owner receiving compensation waives the right to any and all future claims against paying party

          5. Both parties have not and will not make a police report of this accident.

          Name (paying party):_______ ___________________ Ph:________
          Address: _


          Name (owner receiving compensation):___
          Address: ___________________________________________________

          Signature:___________________________________________________更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 报保险,否则要保险干嘛的 +2
      • 要跟先知做对吗 +2
        • 谢谢大家!对方是一辆不新的日本书,我的车才三年新,现在有点晕,保还是不保呢?唉!真闹心! +1
          • 对方是什么族裔?
            • 华人
    • 这种没有人员伤亡又不伤及车身结构的小事故,听猫老师的话,私了,能掏钱解决的事都不是事。你的车头开裂那对方的车尾也好不到哪里去的,2千没诈你。如果确实觉得2千➕租车是个大数额,你心理上暂时无法接受,那就报保险,就当选了分期付款的方式
      • 谢谢大家!事情基本解决,1800cash解决掉!唉!不接受也要接受,虽然心里还是不舒服,老公开车快20年了,头一次,还是我坐在副驾驶的位置,今年真得不好过! +2
        • 真不错,$1800是双赢,你应该开心才是,庆幸双方人都没事。亏得对方是个地道的华人,要是运气差碰到某族,腰酸背痛脖子扭误工残疾全赖你,报保险也得大出血的 +4
          • 还好是华人,只要$1800,干净利落。这事可千万别报保险,吃亏的是自己。
        • 以后买菜就派一个人去好啦,都老夫老妻了,买个菜都腻在一起。有人坐副驾,会分心的 +2
          • 我家今年疫情以来早改掉买菜全家去的习惯了,现在都一个人买菜。现在第二波又来了,注意安全啊!
        • 哈哈我的方案呀。
        • 破财免灾。睡一觉什么都好了。
          • 谢谢大家!祝各位平安!