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同路啊,在坛子里Search一下吧,Calgary or 卡尔加里 or 卡市,还是有一些的,告别是一条草鱼的贴子不错,找找去吧。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / rolia的各位朋友,大家好。上rolia差不多有一年时间了,挺喜欢rolia,看了rolia这一年的文章,从中似乎也对加拿大了解了不少,非常感谢大家。好像有关多伦多的情况比较多,卡尔加里的消息没怎么见着,有没有在卡尔加里的朋友,介绍介绍那里的情况,谢谢!
    • 有没有在卡尔加里的朋友或者知道情况的朋友说一说,这可是我的第一个帖子。
      • Calgary has a total of 5 people, 4 whites and a indian
        • hey,what are you talking about! me don't understand ar!
        • calgary also has many chineses.You should go to chinasmile, that Joe comes from Calgary,there are so many articles about calgary there.
    • 我只知道那里买东西只收8%的购物税,有chinatown,离vancouver很近.
      • 谢谢秋球,我昨天以为没人理我。
        • 你怎么骂我?真是太不礼貌了!
          • 对不起,刚刚才发现,打字错误。
      • You need to drive 9 hours from Calgary to Vancouver. But anyway it is much closer than from Toronto to Vancouver.
    • What do you want to know about it?
      Calgary is one of the best cities I have ever lived.
      • 我想去那里,特别想知道是不是就一所卡尔加里大学,到那后怎么上学,谢谢!
        • 你小名是不是叫狗剩? 咱们小时候一起玩过,还记得我吗?
          • faint! u are so ......
          • 让你失望了,不是。
            • 难道是狗蛋:D
        • there are lots of colleage too.
        • There are some others.
          There are some other Tech. schools.

          1. Sothern Alberta Institute of Technology(SAIT)
          2. Devery College ( I have seen some in the stats as well)
          3. Mountain Royal College (MRC)

          Some other private/bible schools. Except #2, those are mainly local schools.

          Besides U of C, U of Alberta is only 300 km away in Edmonton.
          • 谢谢!
            • Just found out one more school
              I was told U. of Lethbridge has a campus in Calgary in SAIT's facility. The girl also mentioned there were probably another school was doing that. Sorry can not confirm.
    • 同路啊,在坛子里Search一下吧,Calgary or 卡尔加里 or 卡市,还是有一些的,告别是一条草鱼的贴子不错,找找去吧。
      • 这个网址去过,以前好像是163的免费网址,没有论坛,信息就不够新。可能新移民去卡尔加里的不多,至少rolia上的不多。谢谢你,我现在那个网址认真看看。