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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

长周末Quebec City 三/四日游,征集同伴。去过Montreal和Quebec City,还是觉得对后者意犹未尽。旅行社的行程不太满意,自己设计一个啦。具体行程见内。

1. 周四或周五晚上驾车离开多伦多,先到距离Quebec City 200公里处的 Tadoussac看鲸鱼。驾车大约9-10个小时到达,当然中间要休息一下啦。
2. 驾船出海2,3个小时就能看到鲸鱼,大概下午2点左右返回Quebec City. Check in 旅馆。
3. 休息一下,晚上可以漫游Quebec Old CIty
4. 第二天继续游览Quebec City,也可以去距离十几公里之外的 Ile D'Orlean 的河中岛,去Montmorency看瀑布。
5. 第三天逛遍Quebec City, 画廊街和Rue Du Petit Champlain 漫步一下也有小巴黎的感觉。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 长周末Quebec City 三/四日游,征集同伴。去过Montreal和Quebec City,还是觉得对后者意犹未尽。旅行社的行程不太满意,自己设计一个啦。具体行程见内。
    1. 周四或周五晚上驾车离开多伦多,先到距离Quebec City 200公里处的 Tadoussac看鲸鱼。驾车大约9-10个小时到达,当然中间要休息一下啦。
    2. 驾船出海2,3个小时就能看到鲸鱼,大概下午2点左右返回Quebec City. Check in 旅馆。
    3. 休息一下,晚上可以漫游Quebec Old CIty
    4. 第二天继续游览Quebec City,也可以去距离十几公里之外的 Ile D'Orlean 的河中岛,去Montmorency看瀑布。
    5. 第三天逛遍Quebec City, 画廊街和Rue Du Petit Champlain 漫步一下也有小巴黎的感觉。

    • Notre-Dame-de-Québec Basilica also a very nice place to go
      • Thank you. Is that far from Quebec City?
        • 看看这个网站,你会得到很多Quebec city的相关资料
          • Thanks. :)
    • 几点建议:1. 不要开车一口气到tadoussac, 第二天肯定玩不好,中间可以找一偏僻小镇住一下,例如cornwall, 或 montreal airport, longueil 等,比如7:00pm 出发 around 11:00pm check in, 第二天早晨开4-5 小时就到了
      2. 在回来的路上,可以顺便去瀑布
      3. 魁北克好玩的地方很多,应该多住两天
      4. 回来的路上住montreal 为好,渥太华也可
      5. 千岛湖也要至少半天停留,不然等于白去(最好有美国签证)

      住宿可以找我,ottawa 68+tax, montreal 78+tax, quebec city 88+tax

      有问题请寄 sales@travelcomate.com
      • cannot find your webpage,
      • 1. 1000 islands needs 3 hours at least. You have to give up. 2. National park Maurice is worth for a day's guanguan.
      • 谢谢你的建议,网站上不去。
        • check your e-mail
    • Is that possible to go together?
      We (one young couple) are about to leave on Thursday morning, almost same schedule with you, I am wondering whether we can go together? Only concern of mine is driving in the evening, tired and the view is not good. Reply me before this noon if you are willing to go. By the way, did you book the hotel and where is it?
      • That will be great. But I can't take Thursday off. Can u postponed for 1 or 2 days?
        I'm also afraid of too tired for driving. So we can drive in trun.
        • Check your email for my number, we can discuss it on the phone.
    • Canyon St. Anne is much better than Montmorency!!!!!
    • 我们符合,已发邮件给你。
    • a good quebec website for your reference : http://www.quebecplus.ca