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hatchback coupe:

Originally a small opening in the deck of a sailing ship, the term "hatch" was later applied to airplane doors and to passenger cars with rear liftgates. Various models appeared in the early 1950s, but weather-tightness was a problem. The concept emerged again in the early 1970s, when fuel economy factors began to signal the trend toward compact cars. Technology had remedied the sealing difficulties. By the 1980s, most manufacturers produced one or more hatchback models, though the question of whether to call them "two-door" or "three-door" never was resolved. Their main common feature was the lack of a separate trunk. "Liftback" coupes may have had a different rear-end shape, but the two terms often described essentially the same vehicle.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / Are they Rolians? so cool! superb.
    • Corolla小型房车?
      • 本地把SEDAN译为房车。
        • Sedan和Coupe有什么区别? (除了门的数量外)
          • COUPE没屁股。
            • 哪部分屁股?
              • 蹶出去的那部分。(SEDAN后备箱较长,与座厢完全隔离。COUPE的后备箱紧挨着后座,坐在后座上的人,可以伸手去后面取东西。)
                • 不是吧。我的sedan后座也和行李箱相连,上次去ikea买的沙发(长1.9m)就是用我家的sedan驮回来的。
                • 看上去你说得好象是wagan.
                  • WAGAN的屁股不短,只不过座厢顶向后延长,把后坐和屁股遮在一起了。另外,现在新出现一种CROSS OVER,没找到规范化的定义。大致是大小介于WAGAN和VAN之间的一种车型。
                    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛coupe:

                    An enclosed single-compartment body with two doors and varying passenger capacity depending on seat arrangements. The SAE standard J1100 defines it as having less than 33 cubic feet (934 liters) of interior volume. Larger coupes have rear quarter windows. Coupes have fixed permanent back panels and top, as well as a luggage compartment in the rear deck. Originally it meant a vehicle which was "cut" (thus the French "coupé") by a glass partition behind the front seats so that the driver was exposed to the air while those in the back were enclosed.


                    The term sedan originally described a conveyance seen only in movies today: a wheelless vehicle for one person, borne on poles by two men, one ahead and one behind. Automakers borrowed the word and applied it to cars with an enclosed four-door body type, permanent back panels, and top with full-width cross seats front and rear, and passenger capacity from five to seven depending on wheelbase. Longer-wheelbase models accept extra passengers in fold-down auxiliary seats. Sedans usually have quarter windows in the rear quarter in addition to windows in all four doors. Trunk racks often were standard offerings. Called saloon in U.K. According to Car and Driver, the term "sedan" refers to a fixed-roof car with at least four doors or any fixed-roof two-door car with at least 33 cubic feet (934 liters) of rear interior volume, according to measurements based on SAE standard J1100.

                    station wagon:

                    (SW) Originally this was a car with an enclosed wooden body of paneled design with several rows of folding or removable seats behind the driver. It became a different and popular vehicle after 1945. There is usually a tailgate but no separate luggage compartment. Early station wagons and compact station wagons had only two doors while the larger ones had four doors. The British term is "estate car."更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • coupe是双门吧?没屁股的应该是Hatchback
              • 对。我说的应该是 HATCHBACK COUPE。
                hatchback coupe:

                Originally a small opening in the deck of a sailing ship, the term "hatch" was later applied to airplane doors and to passenger cars with rear liftgates. Various models appeared in the early 1950s, but weather-tightness was a problem. The concept emerged again in the early 1970s, when fuel economy factors began to signal the trend toward compact cars. Technology had remedied the sealing difficulties. By the 1980s, most manufacturers produced one or more hatchback models, though the question of whether to call them "two-door" or "three-door" never was resolved. Their main common feature was the lack of a separate trunk. "Liftback" coupes may have had a different rear-end shape, but the two terms often described essentially the same vehicle.
          • 当........然不同了。
    • 多伦多到BC,怎么是横跨加拿大?
    • 一个是开驾校的, 一个是企业家移民. 开COROLLA去BC, 加拿大人不会这么干吧.
    • 这也值得上报纸吹?看样子写文章的人真是少见识,当年大陆留学生以两千刀从纽芬兰购得一辆本田小市民“房车”,千山独行,一路开到温哥华,号称从北美最东端开到北美最西端,又去了加州,最后回温车卖了一千八百五,也不见有这般
      • 确实没什么。 我的一亲戚开车从旧金山到新泽西。另一女生毕业后,开辆吉普从纽约到硅谷找工作,曾邀我同行,可惜没去成。
    • 我代表加东区人民,严重抗议
    • 这次我站在桌子MM这边。难道上报纸的非得是“震撼”的大事吗?也许这两个人没有什么突出的,只不过做了一件很多人都做过,甚至做的更好的事情。但为什么不能与我们分享呢?你就当是“讲述老百姓自己的故事”好了。//TO baygirl
      • thanks. but what for? @-@ nothing to do with table MM, a positive comments?
        • 嘿嘿,你说了so cool, 有人不以为然。。。:))
      • 桌子MM不过是转贴而已,这好像没她什么事,要是报纸可以如此报道“老百姓”自己的故事,建议世界日报明天报道一下两位新移民在多伦多从杨街那头开车到湖边的故事,保准还是有人喊酷的,只是这样报新闻,徒留笑柄罢了,建议这条“新闻”
        • 世界日报??它也有五花八门的新闻呢。
          • 唉,MM今天怎么空得缠不清楚啊?;)五花八门它也是新闻啊,就上面那两位一天开八百公里,超了,开了八百五十公里,这写文章的有没有搞错啊?一天两千五百公里才保不准是新闻呢!我个人最高记录是一千八百公里一天,这两位,哭去吧!
            • fatboy :-0
            • 看你,看你,这就不爽了。怪人家没把你写上去吧。嘿嘿。写在报纸上都是新闻吗?那些中文免费小报上的文章基本上都是我在网上看过的。我明白你的意思。我也就是劝你看开点儿。:))
              • 不是啦,我在车上面没有什么记录可言,都是个人成绩,我知道就这坛子里比我开车牛的也多了去了,不过是看这台把子的报道来气,你说象老中在车方面也有记录可言,比如当年把新车买来分解再装好,几人合伙拉力,人停车不停等等他也不报
            • 请问你一下,你一天1800公里化了几小时?
              • 我告你干吗,你一转身举报我一把?:)
                • 嘿嘿.是怕牛皮吹大了要破吧?
                  • 你气我!十一小时多,十二小时不到!怎么啦!
                    • 连续以150公里/小时以上的速度开11小时以上不休息?算你狠.嘿嘿.
    • 老移民很多都开过。Lifetime experience.
    • 俺也有这个计划,早晚的事,横穿北美大陆,或者美国,或者加拿大,人生一大梦想。
    • 严重抗议此等哗众取宠之举。偶的一个同学,Bain 的Consultant,上学前骑着自行车从Victoria 一支骑到PEI,也没有这么张扬。都是吾辈可以实现的事情吗。
      • 那他/她骑了几个月啊?
        • 2 months
    • i would rather admire the new toyota sienna chief designer
      he drove 85,000km across north ameria, including all the US states (except hawaii), and all canada provinces to see which parts of old sienna need to be improved.
    • 有本事从北极开到麦哲伦海峡再回来吹牛