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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

看一下原文的几段: Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations.

Therefore, although our patients were largely in the vulnerable 18-30 age category, our denominator included the full adult age spectrum. As such it is possible that the numbers, we quote are an underestimate of incidence for the 18-30 age group itself.
Most reports have emphasized mild illness and brief in-hospital stay – and this was our experience also. However, one of the larger cohorts to date described the need for heart failure treatment in 40% of its myocarditis patients (despite an absence of prior heart failure episodes) and intensive care in 10%(14). That report also demonstrated a clear uptrend in admission for both myocarditis and pericarditis, compared with data for the two prior years.
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 我也来说两句我对疫苗的看法。 +12





    • 其实打不打疫苗都是个人的选择,只是不打疫苗的话,有很多地方不能去,很不方便 +1
      • 不会吧,不打疫苗的还敢到处去?不是都乖乖宅在家里吗?疫苗护照对他们的生活没有任何影响。 +6
        • 现在打了疫苗的在政府舆论的放任下理直气壮地上没打疫苗的家里串门还不容拒绝,世界之大已没有未打疫苗者的存身之所 +2
          • 你家你做主。你可以理直气壮地拒绝串门😂😅 +1
            • 送这送那的都是好意怎么拒绝法。关键是政府宣传让打过疫苗的都自以为是干净纯洁的了 +1
      • 这是政府的胡作非为,所以要起诉它们。(#13996598@0) +5
        • 对的,我有去的权力,我也有不去的自由! +1
        • 如果有足够多时间金钱,和政府玩玩也无妨。否则,说这种话等同于放屁 +1
    • 地球上有操盘手,也有科学家。不仅有美洲,也有欧洲。要是操盘遍及地球,科学家都被哑声,可能性不过超过 50%,这是我的 instant thought and response to your post。 +6
      • 😄总有贱人想害朕 +9
        • 😄😄😄 +2
      • 像福奇、达萨克那样的科学家? +7
    • 这没什么可以争论的,每个人有权相信自己想相信的东西。这篇文章阐述了结束疫情的三种医学方法,不妨看一下,existing drug vs. new drug vs. antibody vs. vaccine
      Learn how scientists are working on vaccines, drug development and antibody research to fight COVID-19 and when we can expect the first treatment options.
      • 这是4种
        • Drugs in general
    • 我们传播的都是事实,经过实践证明的,不是阴谋。主流媒体,政府和著名IT公司把我们传播的一律打成标签“阴谋论”,就是在打压科学,打压民主,打压自由,弘扬独裁,弘扬专制。 +3
      • 回国吧,国内没有这么多打压,在国内都是向往国外的一切 +3
    • 美国的主流媒体和社交媒体要听党的指挥,这一点不假。但他造假控制舆论,总得有个理由啊。吹疫苗有啥好处?至于说不报道药物治疗进展,赶脚是整个科学界都知道,人类针对冠状病毒研究几十年了,仍然没有什么好办法,一向如此。疫苗不同,早有行之有效的办法。 +3
      • 我要在完全没有非公开信息的基础上能想到他们目的,我就不是我了。
    • 你打不打你的家庭医生不care。但你试试跟你的家庭医生说我不打是因为不信主流媒体,看你的家庭医生怎么说。 +4
      • 会让去看心理医生 +5
    • 对疫苗作用的判断只是一个方面。政府下面会有各种限制措施措施出台。如果适应才是大的问题 +1
      • 是的,这才是大问题! +1
      • 政府这么做的目的?
        • 这个是目标。。。
    • 疫苗的好处对个人是大大减少重症机会,对社会的贡献是减轻医院的负担,减少关闭经济的可能性。已经有了这么多人做了小白鼠了,这个世界上没有100%的安全的药。 +6
      • 🐁的实验结果需要时间来写报告。
        • 疫苗大规模推出已经证明中短期安全系数非常好了,如果年轻健康,或许可以等5年或10年的长期报告。 +1
          • 短期是多短?中期是多长?
            • 硬起来长,软起来短。
      • 你不能离开疫苗副作用专谈减少重症。疫苗第一应该是安全,这一点并没有做到。疫苗打了几亿,到底有多少多大副作用,都是一笔糊涂账,就拿rare来糊弄人。 +5
        • 疫苗打了怎么多了,有什么严重的副作用都报道出来了。关心的话,网上一大把。没有东西100%安全,不打疫苗也是选择了自然感染的风险。
          • 有啊,渥太华大学刚发的,千分之一心脏病。
            • 又是不给链接的造谣。这篇文章有严重数据错误,注射了 80万针疫苗,写论文的整成3万多,作者自己撤了。
            • CDC 官方数据是40.6/百万。大部分是12-29男性第二针,心肌炎,正常治疗几天就结束了。
            • 想要链接搜一下不就是了?
              • 文章发表的时候没有 peer review,现在因为被review发现数据有问题撤回了。
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛During the process of open peer review on MedRxiv we quickly received a number of messages from reviewers concerned that there was a problem with our reported incidence of myocarditis post mRNA vaccination. Our reported incidence appeared vastly inflated by an incorrectly small denominator (ie number of doses administered over the time period of the study). We reviewed the data available at Open Ottawa and found that there had indeed been a major underestimation, with the actual number of administered doses being more than 800,000 (much higher than quoted in the paper). In order to avoid misleading either colleagues or the general public and press, we the authors unanimously wish to withdraw this paper on the grounds of incorrect incidence data. We thank the many peer reviewers who went out of their way to contact us and point out our error. We apologize to anyone who may have been upset or disturbed by our report. In summary, the authors have withdrawn this manuscript because of a major error pertaining to the quoted incidence data. Therefore, the authors do not wish this work to be cited as reference for the project. If you have any questions, please contact the corresponding author.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
            • 看一下原文的几段: Incidence of myopericarditis overall was approximately 10 cases for every 10,000 inoculations.

              Therefore, although our patients were largely in the vulnerable 18-30 age category, our denominator included the full adult age spectrum. As such it is possible that the numbers, we quote are an underestimate of incidence for the 18-30 age group itself.
              Most reports have emphasized mild illness and brief in-hospital stay – and this was our experience also. However, one of the larger cohorts to date described the need for heart failure treatment in 40% of its myocarditis patients (despite an absence of prior heart failure episodes) and intensive care in 10%(14). That report also demonstrated a clear uptrend in admission for both myocarditis and pericarditis, compared with data for the two prior years.
    • 一看“武汉肺炎”这几个字就知道这是个什么东西!撤了 +1
    • 疫苗有优点也有缺点。为怕大众清楚了缺点而不打,主流就尽量淡化缺点鼓吹优点。岂不知这一来更增添了一些胆小公众的疑虑,原来三分的危险被怀疑是不是有七分。主流于是更加卖力吹优点并祭上疫苗护照。这能奏效?我怀疑。 +1
      • 媒体鼓吹疫苗,除了政府防疫的压力,更多来自于药厂的利益 +1
    • 疫苗中短期副作用已经显示出来,长期副作用未知。但是已经有上亿人接种过mRNA疫苗,这其实已经比很多现在你认为安全的疫苗的测试人数多了N倍了。 +1
