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Jocelyn Hill Trail Loop is a 8.9 kilometer heavily trafficked loop trail located near Highlands, British Columbia, Canada that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as moderate.

This pleasant mountain trail offers gradual elevation gain with many viewpoints throughout. The trail is easy to follow with very good markings and directions throughout the route, and is also well-maintained by the city parks commission. Much of the trail runs through the thick forest with great overhead canopies, so this route is very doable even on a hot day or during the winter when it can be downpouring. The areas higher in elevation have the best views of Finlayson Arm, and the tunnel is an interesting feature that makes this trail especially unique and fun for folks looking for variety. It can be common to see bears in between Holmes Peak and Caleb Pike, so make sure to hike in groups when venturing further out into the trails and make noise during the summer and fall.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 和几个朋友准备11月份飞温哥华三天爬山。有没有住BC那边经常爬山的, +1
    推荐一下11月份可以day hike的路线。。我们通常爬的距离大概15-20公里,根据高度进行调整。目前基本都在1000米以下。一日往返的。有没有哪些路线是11月份之后特别不建议爬的?当然,我们也在做功课,也想听听当地朋友的意见。。谢谢啦
    • 去我上次帖的那个吧,来回18公里,爬高900多米。
      • 不知道11月份会不会有很多积雪,可以考虑。。。trail名字再给一下?
        • Yes, it will be very snowy in November in the mountains.
          • 所以海拔也是考虑因素:)
          • 老大你们Victoria 有什么好玩的吗?上次来回轮渡一趟就去了那个花园和在议会附近转了一圈,觉得特别不合算。
            • 我个人觉得可以有一个trip,坐轮渡上岛,然后直接在岛上玩很多天 +1
              • Jocelyn Hill Trail Loop is a 8.9 kilometer heavily trafficked loop trail located near Highlands, British Columbia, Canada that features beautiful wild flowers and is rated as moderate.
                This pleasant mountain trail offers gradual elevation gain with many viewpoints throughout. The trail is easy to follow with very good markings and directions throughout the route, and is also well-maintained by the city parks commission. Much of the trail runs through the thick forest with great overhead canopies, so this route is very doable even on a hot day or during the winter when it can be downpouring. The areas higher in elevation have the best views of Finlayson Arm, and the tunnel is an interesting feature that makes this trail especially unique and fun for folks looking for variety. It can be common to see bears in between Holmes Peak and Caleb Pike, so make sure to hike in groups when venturing further out into the trails and make noise during the summer and fall.
                • 这个看起来不错。。谢推荐
    • See the link,第一个就是。其实1,2, 3可以合一起,不过11月天短一天完不了。我还去了10,不过没走能去瀑布下的trail. Sky to sea gondola 那个trail 不知道怎么样。
      • 谢推荐,第一个在朋友做的计划里,如果天气没有问题的话。
    • 帮你顶一下,春秋冬三季我只爬家旁边300m 的mount douglas, 上下总共50分钟。😊
      • 哈哈。。我们有几个志同道合的,是春秋冬,每周争取爬一次,15-20公里的。。再争取飞出去俩次爬大山。
    • 飞那么远就是为了爬山?还不如去古巴呆一周躺着吃. +2
      • 一点追求都没有,鄙视你😂
      • 安省没有大山,为了看美景,可不🉐飞吗? +1
      • 躺着吃对身体不好,还长肉。 +1
    • wrong time for hiking in mountain, it'll be sub zero in night. not even sure if they open. +2
      • 气温对爬山有什么影响吗?
        • 会失温,参考国内兰州马拉松事件
          • 那是跑马,不是hiking
          • 也没那么矫情啦。。我们都是做好准备去的,会有好几层layers,跟那些穿很少的准备不充分的不一样。。我担心的是如果大部分hiking trail上都是冰,而且非常陡,那样的我们不能去。如果只是偶尔有冰,还是可以去。我们去年整个冬天都在走
        • 零度以下的登山装备比夏季装备要贵4-10倍。没有经验趴海拔千米的最好夏季开始学习。冬天说老实话除了挑战极限看白雪皑皑,什么都不是。
          • 你说的是晚上到零度, 白天不会,没人会半夜爬山。这些trail平时都是一般人能走的,也不是需要啥特殊的登山设备。温度低也不一定就下雪,下雪就穿冰爪呗。11月份湖水还没有结冰,怎么可能只看到白雪皑皑呢?
            • 你爬过山没有?hiking首先就是要评估风险的,这一点做不到还是不要爬了。
              • 你说的山顶温差确实要考虑。请问你可以举一些例子说明啥设备要贵4-10倍吗?11月份早上8点日出的话,到4点日落有8个小时也够了吧,楼主说15-20公里。
    • 基本上 对于非专业人士 没有11月份以后适合的爬山线路 安全第一 +1
      • 是说BC大山里面吗?还是所有地方?我今年4月初爬了Squamish附近的山,没有问题。。不过没有爬非常高,爬升不到400米
        • 温哥华周边,气候多变,不要说远的地方,就是离开市中心很近的北温哥华,HIKING事故也常有耳闻。安全第一,做好准备,如果下雪,TRAIL会封闭
          • 嗯。。trail如果关闭了的话就不会去硬闯。。那就温哥华暴走了:) +1
            • 给加个一👍
    • 推荐加入FACEBOOK "Hiking British Columbia" Group. 那里很多有经验的local hiker,可以给你比较准确的建议
      • 谢谢啦👍