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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

For the 2021 tax year,

the federal basic personal amount is $13,808 (for taxpayers with a net income of $151,978 or less). This means that an individual Canadian taxpayer can earn up-to $13,808 in 2021 before paying any federal income tax. There are also provincial basic personal tax credit amounts, set by each province.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 钱财税务 / 请问如果自雇给16岁的小孩发工资, 或者给他报收入, 但是没到交税的额度, 对他以后申请什么福利或贷款有影响? 谢谢。
    • Why do you need to pay him on the records but wanted minimum impact records? +1
      • 想省点税,又不想影响孩子。猜的。。。在合法的范围内,省税没什么不好,支持。。。 +1
        • 如果按这个思路,自雇可以省 taxes on $13,000。学生又没有 tax return history,挺好。不知道自雇需不需要付 payroll taxes。
          • The kid can just claim it as "other income" and the parent may claim it as business cost or rental cost
            • social security taxes must be paid, either via employer or the payee. I don't know exactly how it works in Canada. In U.S. the employer pays through W2, withholding or employee pays through 1099.
          • 加拿大是CPP,$3500以上要交,雇主加员工共差不多10%。
      • 可以申请covid EI
    • 发工资发cash吗?不发cash为啥用 或者?什么福利,难民?
      • 干嘛发cash,可是可不是。有个小公司有出租房都可以临时雇人做事啊
        • You did not get my point. My point is why “或者”
          • your point does not matter. The question is "does the kid's small amount of income impact his/her potential benefit"
          • 从好的角度理解,是指跟工资相对的,比如 commission et?从不好的角度理解,是指不真的给他发工资,但是让他报税?
      • 发啥不主要,重要的是t4 slip, +1
    • You are looking for trouble if you do it every year in large amount. It will trigger CRA review eventually. +1
      • Limit to exempt filing tax returns is $13,000 to date.
    • 找会计师规划一下啊。
    • don’t do it +3
      • It is fully legitimate if all the documents are prepared well.
        • 我就是不知道有没有问题才上来问的。 孩子去帮人补习, 不是私人的,after school 的那种。

          • 自己挣的钱和假装挣的钱不一样。后者是以逃税为目的的。 +1
          • 没看懂,你孩子帮别人补习,挣钱光明正大。为啥要你给付钱? +1
            • 大儿子帮小儿子补习,老子付钱,游戏能不能这样玩?
    • 你觉得如果是你自己读书的时候打工挣钱,但是没到交所得税的程度,对你以后申请福利或申请贷款会有任何负面影响么?
      • 透彻。申请福利问题不大(免税已经是福利)贷款就可能有问题,因为长时间 low income 会暗示以后 income 也会 low。
        • 16岁的时候T4 Low Income能有啥问题?除非是26岁了还得靠Parent的合同工发工资,那倒真的有问题了。
        • "low income" vs "no income", ?
          • CRA 不是说 13K 以下不用 FILE TAX RETURN 吗?
            • 没听说。不够缴税的至少还有些tax credit可以申领吧?再攒点RRSP额度5的。报了没坏处。
              • For the 2021 tax year,
                the federal basic personal amount is $13,808 (for taxpayers with a net income of $151,978 or less). This means that an individual Canadian taxpayer can earn up-to $13,808 in 2021 before paying any federal income tax. There are also provincial basic personal tax credit amounts, set by each province.
                • Do you have to file tax return? +1
    • 暑期工和part time没有问题。
    • 没有问题