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“[W]hat we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” Davidson explained. He said the deaths were “huge, huge numbers,” and not in the elderly or infirm, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64.” Most of the filed deaths claims are NOT Covid deaths, Davison said.

A 40% jump in all-cause deaths is a problem for a lot of reasons, but for a life insurance company, it could be devastating. Actuarially, working-age people are supposed to be dying in very SMALL numbers. Instead, what the insurance companies are seeing is comparable to four “black swan” disasters AT THE SAME TIME.

“Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” Davidson explained. “So 40% is just unheard of.” In other words, it’s never ever happened before — mortality rates in younger people comparable to four simultaneous two-hundred-year catastrophes.

What could be causing this? There are some clues. Davidson also said that the company is seeing an “uptick” in DISABILITY claims, saying at first it was just short-term disability claims, but now long-term disability claims are also trending up. So, while we can’t say for SURE that the injections are causing excess deaths, whatever is killing folks appears to be something that ALSO causes some people to become DISABLED. Hmm. Whatever could that be? It’s a mystery. But whatever the ACTUAL cause, it is pretty clear that government Covid policy is to blame, one way or another.

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  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 今天闲着把安省的死亡数据和感染数据更新了一下,附图是安省2020年和2021年按季度分的感染人数和死亡人数,数据来源是安省官方网站,自己看链接,文件很大快200MB了,excel处理起来有点慢。 +4



    • 说明60以上的更危险。需要多保护. 2021年死亡就该比2020少,地球上的人群固定的啦,人群里弱者先被感染死了。同样毒性病毒情况下2021年感染死亡就该减少。 +1
      • 看看20岁及以下的死亡数字,如果疫苗不防传染只防重症,真的没必要给孩子们一针针的打下去了…… +5
        • 美国一个保险公司说:去年第三,第四季度工作人群的死亡率上升40%,这个是保险业的噩耗。 +1

          “[W]hat we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” Davidson explained. He said the deaths were “huge, huge numbers,” and not in the elderly or infirm, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64.” Most of the filed deaths claims are NOT Covid deaths, Davison said.

          A 40% jump in all-cause deaths is a problem for a lot of reasons, but for a life insurance company, it could be devastating. Actuarially, working-age people are supposed to be dying in very SMALL numbers. Instead, what the insurance companies are seeing is comparable to four “black swan” disasters AT THE SAME TIME.

          “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be a 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” Davidson explained. “So 40% is just unheard of.” In other words, it’s never ever happened before — mortality rates in younger people comparable to four simultaneous two-hundred-year catastrophes.

          What could be causing this? There are some clues. Davidson also said that the company is seeing an “uptick” in DISABILITY claims, saying at first it was just short-term disability claims, but now long-term disability claims are also trending up. So, while we can’t say for SURE that the injections are causing excess deaths, whatever is killing folks appears to be something that ALSO causes some people to become DISABLED. Hmm. Whatever could that be? It’s a mystery. But whatever the ACTUAL cause, it is pretty clear that government Covid policy is to blame, one way or another.

          • the deaths were “huge, huge numbers,” and not in the elderly or infirm, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64.” Most of the filed deaths claims are NOT Covid deaths。 +2
          • 感谢您的分享🙏 “18 至 64 岁的工作年龄人群”死亡率上升,尤其是NOT Covid deaths,是应该值得关注的事情。关于加拿大疫苗研究的部分悲剧了……后面美国的部分很棒! +1

            A new Canadian preprint study titled “Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against Omicron or Delta infection” similarly found negative efficacy of the jabs against the Omicron variant, especially starting 90 days after the second shot.

            That’s when the efficacy goes negative. The study also found protection from Omicron from the second shot dropped to essentially zero after 30 days. Regarding boosters, the study found that while protection increased immediately after receiving the third jab, its efficacy quickly fell to 37% after only seven days following the third shot. Coincidentally, seven days is the length of the only positive study on booster efficacy.

            I have a question. Is the plan to vaccinate EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON PLANET EARTH every six months? If so, I’d really like to know how that is supposed to work.

        • 过去的两周多伦多两个5岁以下的孩子死于新冠。昨天安省有30多个10岁以下的孩子因为新冠住院,危险性小不等于没有。 +1
    • 辛苦了!2021年第四季度的死亡率的确是非常之低,有疫苗的功劳,估计也和O变种比较弱有关。希望你说的是对的。🙏 +2
    • 今天谁贴的美国死亡数据里,2020年比2019年多死了53万,2021年比2019年多死了38万(这个数不知道统计完没)。各自解读
      • 呵呵,疫情前的那些年,多死多少?比如2019年比2018年
      • 2015- 271万;2016- 274万;2017-281万;2018-283;2019-285万 -shunshunshun(顺顺顺); reply
        • 根据这些数据,美国有疫情。但根据加拿大数据,加拿大死亡人数无显著增加,加拿大没有疫情。另外,记得哪里看到的WHO数据,全球死亡人数没有显著增加,全球无疫情。神奇!!!
          • 懒得查加拿大了,我记得谁写2020多死1万?那不少啊,才3000万人按比例
            • 往年也有多死1万,还不止一次呢。。。。。
              • 如果没有疫情美国平均每年才多死30000,加拿大应该是3000多。10000多没有疫情不对。我没查数据啊,逻辑
                • 你这不是逻辑,是想当然。。。。。。疫情期间都在家,逻辑推理是车祸死亡减少====大错特错
                  • 您说的疫情之前,跟在家有啥关系。你说的对,不争论了
            • 楼上itwriting 计算加拿大2020死亡人数实际上是2019下半年至2020上半年的死亡数,故意造假。 +1
              • 哈哈哈,没错,我造假的事情,现在还在我网站上,铁证如山。。。。。。 +1
                主瘤的嘴巴在今年5月份集体哀号,去年2020年加拿大因疫情泛滥毒气弥漫,多死了1.3万人(excess death),尸横遍野了,比如下面两篇不同主瘤的报道: Canada saw over 13,000 ‘excess deaths’ during 1st year of COVID-19: StatCan – National | Globalnews.ca Coronavi…
                • 后几年像有啥疾病的。从23万到30万多7万用了20年,平均正好3500.符合逻辑
                • 贴了个自媒体造假网站却故意不贴数据来源
                  • 哪个数据没来源?全部数据来源于政府网站,都有链接。这个网站是本人的,你认为是造谣网站就别看了啊,如同我不看我认为的造谣网站CBC一样😄 +1
              • 看上去欧美面对新冠受伤严重,我理解因为他们平均年龄高死亡多;相对于其他发达国家美国更严重是因为美国人超重太严重了,满街都是大胖子,据医生说BMI大于24全高危,这能解释美国死亡严重,能随便吃饱也不是好事哈
          • 也许隔离,WFH,lockdown会减少死亡。
    • 辛苦
    • 赞一个!表格清晰明了。
    • 能有住院和ICU的分类数据就完美了
    • 在65岁以上大部分的老人应该都打了疫苗吧。那为啥还有这么高的死亡率呢? +3
      • 65以上的人多有些其他问题,加上这个会变坏。加流感都不行的 +1
        • 流感对老人的威胁比年轻人大,所以50岁以上建议打流感疫苗
    • 数据处理得很好!说明lockdown很有效,但是代价太大。疫苗作用也很显著。我朋友打了疫苗后感染,没症状,快速测试阴性,PCR才显示阳性。也没有传染给家里人。 +1
      • no double blind, non scientific!! +1