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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Husband's coworker wrote this and this letter is absolutely powerful

I am writing to you to express my deep concerns with regards to the situation that is growing in our community, province, and Country. Members of our government officials, including our Honourable Prime Minister, have been advocating hatred, segregation, division, antagonism, and rivalry without remorse.

We are asking you to pass these concerns to Parliament, to the Speaker and to the Prime Minister Mr. Trudeau.

We, as a Country, for about 2 years have been fighting the pandemic to stop the disease. With almost 85% of Canadians, Canada is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. Unfortunately, lots of people are forced to be vaccinated by being scared to lose their jobs, by not complying with the mandate, by not expressing the opinions that contradict with the government’s choice. Many of my close friends are also vaccinated because they are forced to, in order to keep their jobs or to be able to live a close-to-normal life. This shows that the mandate is working by enforcement, not by choice. Opinions of those who did the choice of being not vaccinated are not valued any more, and even worse, the unvaccinated people are scared to express their opinions at work or in public. They became outsiders. Since the segregation started, we hear offending comments addressed to unvaccinated people. This segregation stipulates the unvaccinated as the reason for the spread of Covid. But we know and statistics confirm that both vaccinated and unvaccinated, if ill, they become a source to spreading the illness. Stop making the unvaccinated the only source of the spread. The antagonism is fed deeper, and what makes that feeling of oppression worse, is that it is openly declared and fed from speeches of our government officials.

People are losing trust in the government, in Canada’s future. People want their lives back, to keep their jobs, to go to gym and have an active lifestyle. But all these, become now “luxury” items for many people, and possible only if you are vaccinated and become forbidden for non vaccinated people. Someone may say that the vaccine is a choice offered to Canadians, but what kind of choice is it, if I cannot work and support my family without the vaccine? Is that a true choice? We are not the lazy, violent, racist, uneducated people who ignore science, but that is how the government portrays the unvaccinated. No, we are hardworking taxpayers, honest Canadians who have our heart for the country’s future. We are standing together for the civil rights which have been heavily violated lately. Let’s stop hatred, segregation, division which Mr. Trudeau tries to seed.

I saw in the FREEDOM Convoy a group of United Canadians asking for a better future, for freedom of speech and for stopping mandates. On Friday Jan. 28th, the prime minister told the media he was concerned the protest would turn violent, and said the convoy represented a “small fringe minority” who “do not represent the views of Canadians.” But thousands of people came to Ottawa, thousands of truckers from all over the country joined the Freedom Convoy to express the UNITY and stop the Mandates which leads to a divided society. Almost over 100,000 people donated money supporting that goal. Is this group of thousands of Canadians less- Canadians? Do they deserve to be called ‘fringe minority’ or violent racists? When will this constant humiliation stop?!

Hundreds of people in my town greeted the convoy with happy faces and Canadians flags. The same support you could see in every city of Canada where the convoy went through. The protest in Ottawa has been peaceful and friendly. The atmosphere has been friendly in Ottawa. But the speech of Justin Trudeau, on January 31, was extremely abusive, yet again. Our Prime Minister desperately keeps trying to segregate the society by calling unvaccinated people’ hateful’, ‘violent’, ‘racist’, uneducated that ‘reject the science’, ‘conspiracy theorists’ and the list is long. These egregious statements feed further the promotion of hatred and violence against an easily identifiable group, specifically; individuals who have not received any or all Covid-19 Vaccination doses. Those speeches are unfair to those Canadians, and the use of the media to seed those purposes are illegal based on The Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) s. 319(1) and 319(2).

We don’t want to endure those names anymore. Let’s stop the endless attacks towards the unvaccinated, they ARE patriotic CANADIANS too!

As citizens of Canada who resides in the Province of Ontario, and who are identifiable when proof of vaccine is requested almost everywhere, these comments have now left me and my family FEARING FOR OUR SAFETY, AFRAID TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC,

We want our life back. Do we ask so much by having our life back as it should be?! Do we ask much by stopping harassing us by the media and stopping the spread of segregation in our society?!

We, respectfully, ask you to bring this to the attention of the Parliament and the Government, and would ask for clear feedback from you, as the representative of our Constituency, to keep us fully updated with the processing of this request, our civil right.

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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / Husband's coworker wrote this and this letter is absolutely powerful +12

    I am writing to you to express my deep concerns with regards to the situation that is growing in our community, province, and Country. Members of our government officials, including our Honourable Prime Minister, have been advocating hatred, segregation, division, antagonism, and rivalry without remorse.

    We are asking you to pass these concerns to Parliament, to the Speaker and to the Prime Minister Mr. Trudeau.

    We, as a Country, for about 2 years have been fighting the pandemic to stop the disease. With almost 85% of Canadians, Canada is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world. Unfortunately, lots of people are forced to be vaccinated by being scared to lose their jobs, by not complying with the mandate, by not expressing the opinions that contradict with the government’s choice. Many of my close friends are also vaccinated because they are forced to, in order to keep their jobs or to be able to live a close-to-normal life. This shows that the mandate is working by enforcement, not by choice. Opinions of those who did the choice of being not vaccinated are not valued any more, and even worse, the unvaccinated people are scared to express their opinions at work or in public. They became outsiders. Since the segregation started, we hear offending comments addressed to unvaccinated people. This segregation stipulates the unvaccinated as the reason for the spread of Covid. But we know and statistics confirm that both vaccinated and unvaccinated, if ill, they become a source to spreading the illness. Stop making the unvaccinated the only source of the spread. The antagonism is fed deeper, and what makes that feeling of oppression worse, is that it is openly declared and fed from speeches of our government officials.

    People are losing trust in the government, in Canada’s future. People want their lives back, to keep their jobs, to go to gym and have an active lifestyle. But all these, become now “luxury” items for many people, and possible only if you are vaccinated and become forbidden for non vaccinated people. Someone may say that the vaccine is a choice offered to Canadians, but what kind of choice is it, if I cannot work and support my family without the vaccine? Is that a true choice? We are not the lazy, violent, racist, uneducated people who ignore science, but that is how the government portrays the unvaccinated. No, we are hardworking taxpayers, honest Canadians who have our heart for the country’s future. We are standing together for the civil rights which have been heavily violated lately. Let’s stop hatred, segregation, division which Mr. Trudeau tries to seed.

    I saw in the FREEDOM Convoy a group of United Canadians asking for a better future, for freedom of speech and for stopping mandates. On Friday Jan. 28th, the prime minister told the media he was concerned the protest would turn violent, and said the convoy represented a “small fringe minority” who “do not represent the views of Canadians.” But thousands of people came to Ottawa, thousands of truckers from all over the country joined the Freedom Convoy to express the UNITY and stop the Mandates which leads to a divided society. Almost over 100,000 people donated money supporting that goal. Is this group of thousands of Canadians less- Canadians? Do they deserve to be called ‘fringe minority’ or violent racists? When will this constant humiliation stop?!

    Hundreds of people in my town greeted the convoy with happy faces and Canadians flags. The same support you could see in every city of Canada where the convoy went through. The protest in Ottawa has been peaceful and friendly. The atmosphere has been friendly in Ottawa. But the speech of Justin Trudeau, on January 31, was extremely abusive, yet again. Our Prime Minister desperately keeps trying to segregate the society by calling unvaccinated people’ hateful’, ‘violent’, ‘racist’, uneducated that ‘reject the science’, ‘conspiracy theorists’ and the list is long. These egregious statements feed further the promotion of hatred and violence against an easily identifiable group, specifically; individuals who have not received any or all Covid-19 Vaccination doses. Those speeches are unfair to those Canadians, and the use of the media to seed those purposes are illegal based on The Criminal Code (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-46) s. 319(1) and 319(2).

    We don’t want to endure those names anymore. Let’s stop the endless attacks towards the unvaccinated, they ARE patriotic CANADIANS too!

    As citizens of Canada who resides in the Province of Ontario, and who are identifiable when proof of vaccine is requested almost everywhere, these comments have now left me and my family FEARING FOR OUR SAFETY, AFRAID TO GO OUT IN PUBLIC,

    We want our life back. Do we ask so much by having our life back as it should be?! Do we ask much by stopping harassing us by the media and stopping the spread of segregation in our society?!

    We, respectfully, ask you to bring this to the attention of the Parliament and the Government, and would ask for clear feedback from you, as the representative of our Constituency, to keep us fully updated with the processing of this request, our civil right.

    • 可做模本写给自己的MP 👍 加一个我写的,其中各个国家的情况来自新闻报道: +6

      Truck drivers do this for me, you and others,not for themselves.
      PM himself proves that the fully vaccinated plan doesn't work!

      Urge PM to confront protesters and talk to them ASAP. It's definitely inappropriate to avoid the situation like this as a country leader. People can fire him!

      The World Health Organization this week recommended nations lift or ease their existing COVID-19-related travel restrictions, saying they could exacerbate economic and social stress related to the pandemic.

      In the latest news, Norway has lifted quarantine requirements for unvaccinated travelers, and the Netherlandshas loosened lockdown restrictions further. England and Scotland are dropping testing requirements for vaccinated travelers. Also, residents of Abu Dhabi in the UAE now need a booster shot in order to be considered fully vaccinated, but international tourists do not. Ireland has removed nearly all of its Covid measures. England rolled back Covid-19 restrictions on Jan. 26, dropping the public mask mandate and no longer requiring Covid-19 passes for entry to large venues and events.(From news report)

      January 29th. -Austria will begin easing COVID-19 related restrictions next week.

      States are starting to ease coronavirus lockdown restrictions and focus on fixing their battered economies.

      According to latest news reports, easing coronavirus restrictions is an international trend!

      Thank you 🙏

      • 👍 👍👍有理有据 +7
    • 这封信写得非常好👍 +5
    • 我准备写信支持疫苗接种,以阻止病毒的扩散。 +4
      • 写,赶紧写了发出去,别像土豆那样孬种 +6
      • 你快点打三,四,五,六,十针,用实际行动支持疫苗 +3
      • 主题肯定是这样的:因为疫苗不能阻止病毒的扩散,所以我打疫苗以阻止病毒的扩散 +3
    • 许多人都在真诚的分享自己思考,与对国家未来的探讨,只有挂着总理头衔的人用恨与歧视的言语对抗来自不同观点人群的诉求。关于民主与自由,他用实际行动证明了自己的虚伪 +9
    • 写得很好、 +5
      有力。尤其是“have been advocating hatred” 表明了深度关注。这个国家一直在搞残自己,甘愿做权力利者走卒;一直在大政府、强政府和搞坏独立经济的道路上狂奔,而一旦民不聊生,这些建立权势小圈圈的人会一走了之。无论现在同情或反对现政府和政策主张的人群都应该提高警惕。因为这是个以民主为主体的社会,多数人没有正当的意识和主张,社会就很快土崩瓦解。