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Theragrippers 技术或通过 PCR 试验的隐蔽接种。一些专家和前主要记者,如约翰 · 奥沙利文,警告说,大规模 PCR 检测活动可能是一个伪装的世卫组织疫苗接种项目。奥沙利文指的是约翰·霍普金斯大学开发的一项新技术,该技术可以通过 PCR 检测隐蔽接种疫苗。受一种寄生虫的启

. Theragrippers technology or covert vaccination via PCR tests. Several experts and former leading journalists, such as John O’Sullivan, warn that the massive PCR testing campaign may be a disguised WHO vaccination program. O’Sullivan is referring to a new technology developed at Johns Hopkins University, which is supposed to allow for covert vaccination through a PCR test. Inspired by a parasitic worm that sinks its sharp teeth into its host’s intestines, researchers at Johns Hopkins University have developed tiny star-shaped micro devices that attach to the intestinal mucosa and can deliver drugs to the body. These tiny devices, known as Theragrippers, are made of metal and a thin film that changes shape. They are covered with heat-sensitive kerosene and each is no bigger than a speck of dust. When the kerosene coating of Theragripper reaches body temperature, the devices independently close and clamp on the wall of the colon. Due to the sealing action, tiny six-pointed devices are embedded in the mucous membrane and attached to the colon, where they are held and gradually release their medicine into the body. Eventually, the Theragripper loses its grip on the tissue and is removed from the colon due to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal muscles. The Johns Hopkins University research team published the positive results of an animal study as a magazine cover Science Advances on October 28, 2020, confirming that the new technology works flawlessly: “Here we report that active mechano-chemical therapeutic grips inspired by gastrointestinal parasites or Theragrippers can survive for 24 hours in the gastrointestinal tract of living animals by autonomously attaching to mucosal tissue. We also observe a noticeable six fold increase in the half-life when using ripper-mediated delivery of the model analgesic ketorolac trometamine. These results are excellent evidence that shape-shifting and self-locking micro devices improve the effectiveness of long-term drug delivery.”

Theragrippers 技术或通过 PCR 试验的隐蔽接种。一些专家和前主要记者,如约翰 · 奥沙利文,警告说,大规模 PCR 检测活动可能是一个伪装的世卫组织疫苗接种项目。奥沙利文指的是约翰·霍普金斯大学开发的一项新技术,该技术可以通过 PCR 检测隐蔽接种疫苗。受一种寄生虫的启发,约翰·霍普金斯大学的研究人员开发了一种微型星形装置,这种装置可以附着在肠道粘膜上,并将药物输送到人体内。这些被称为 Theragrippers 的微小装置是由金属和一层可以改变形状的薄膜制成的。它们表面覆盖着热敏性煤油,每一个都不比一粒尘埃大。当 Theragripper 的煤油涂层达到体温时,装置独立关闭并夹在结肠壁上。由于密封作用,微小的六点装置嵌入粘膜和连接到结肠,在那里举行,并逐渐释放到身体的药物。最终,由于胃肠道肌肉的正常功能,Theragripper 失去了对组织的控制,从结肠中移除。2020年10月28日,约翰·霍普金斯大学的研究小组在《科学进展》杂志上发表了一项动物研究的积极成果,证实了这项新技术的完美运作: “在这里,我们报告说,受胃肠道寄生虫或 Theragrippers 启发的主动机械-化学治疗抓取器,通过自动附着在肠粘膜组织上,可以在活体动物体内存活24小时。我们还观察到,当使用开膛手介导的模型镇痛酮咯酸氨丁三醇递送时,半衰期明显增加了六倍。这些结果是形状变换和自锁微型设备提高长期给药有效性的极好证据。”
