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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

各位,这就是我周日参加的Pierre Poilievre聚会,这个题目很好:Big cheers for defunding the CBC at Pierre Poilievre event in Toronto, defunding 主流媒体是当务之急!

Big cheers for defunding the CBC at Pierre Poilievre event in Toronto
Poilievre was in Don Valley on Sunday, March 27, to address supporters as part of his bid to be the next leader of Conservative Party of Canada.Visit Rebel N...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 各位,这就是我周日参加的Pierre Poilievre聚会,这个题目很好:Big cheers for defunding the CBC at Pierre Poilievre event in Toronto, defunding 主流媒体是当务之急! +3
    Big cheers for defunding the CBC at Pierre Poilievre event in Toronto
    Poilievre was in Don Valley on Sunday, March 27, to address supporters as part of his bid to be the next leader of Conservative Party of Canada.Visit Rebel N...
    • 以前Brad提出过,结果被开除了。想法有些道理,可惜不现实。加拿大幅员辽阔,偏远地区全靠CBC联络起来。还是提改组/分拆比较好,多塞点保守派进去,做个fox出来。现在是两左联手阶段,右右可以退让些,不丢人。 +1
      • 有钱人里左派多还是右派多?
        • 左派多, 钱都藏好
    • 只要他把加拿大公民放在心里面,我就支持他!福特省长把我们欺骗了,我和我爱人都投了票支持他,结果他联合土豆球打击保护民主自由的加拿大公民;呕吐关键时候出卖保守党人的利益,被加拿大公民扔进垃圾桶。 +3
      • 福特就是个垃圾 +4
        • 没有哪个省长可以在所有的事情上让你满意的. 福特上台的4年,绝大多数的事情做的还是以普通纳税人的利益为主的. 我家的几票下次还是投给福特的. +2