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加拿大议会请愿书:调查加拿大政府!人人可以签名!这个请愿这对我们每个人都息息相关,请愿发起人是来自BC省的保守党国会议员 Mel Arnold。他击中了近几年的疫情中最关键的问题。我们必须要求真相.



这个请愿这对我们每个人都息息相关,请愿发起人是来自BC省的保守党国会议员 Mel Arnold。他击中了近几年的疫情中最关键的问题。我们必须要求真相,恳求大家签字并转发支持:https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3871


Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament assembled


  • The Government of Canada’s (GoC) COVID-19 pandemic exit strategy almost solely depends on experimental drugs (vaccines) available through emergency Interim Orders from Health Canada for use only during the COVID-19 pandemic;

  • Canadian patented lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology is integral to the mRNA vaccines, but has a complicated and non-transparent presence; and

  • Medical treatment in Canada has become “politicized” in that non-medical professionals are providing medical advice, and Canadians are being intimidated into obtaining health services to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

We, the undersigned, concerned Canadians, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to:

1. Call for an independent and objective investigation into the GoC’s use of vaccine mandates, the patented Canadian LNP technology, and the multi-year agreements securing significantly more vaccines than there are citizens in Canada;

2. Investigate whether a federal restraint of trade and a biasing of the market occurred when the GoC announced that only vaccines would get us through this pandemic, delayed and suspended approval of vaccines not licensed to use the LNP technology, and discredited all medical treatments not related to vaccination;

3. Ensure no market allocation occurred by making vaccines the only option for treating COVID-19;

4. Ensure there was no inappropriate interlocking directorates between manufacturers, technology licensors and the GoC;

5. Determine whether there was suppression of information and coercion by forcing citizens into a single scenario without proper market forces to provide alternatives; and

6. Determine whether any government body or officials benefited financially in any way from sales of vaccines licensed to use the LNP technology, or extended the pandemic to increase sales of mRNA vaccines.


  • 加拿大政府 (GoC) 的 COVID-19 疾病大流行结束战略几乎完全取决于加拿大卫生部通过紧急临时命令要求的仅在 COVID-19 疾病大流行期间使用的实验药物(疫苗);

  • 加拿大专利脂质纳米颗粒 (LNP) 技术是 mRNA 疫苗的组成部分,但在疫苗中的存在方式非常复杂而且没有公开信息;

  • 加拿大的医疗已变得“政治化”,非医疗专业人员在提供医疗建议,并且加拿大人在恐吓之下去接受医疗服务,GoC以此作为结束 COVID-19 疾病大流行的条件。


1. 对GoC在以下方面进行独立和客观的调查:GoC强制疫苗、获得专利的加拿大 LNP 技术,以及比加拿大公民数量还多的疫苗连续多年持续提供的协议;

2. 请调查GoC是否限制贸易并存在市场偏见,因为GoC宣布只有疫苗才能让我们度过这场疾病大流行,延迟和暂停批准不使用 LNP 技术的疫苗,并诋毁所有与疫苗接种无关的治疗方式;

3. GoC把疫苗做为治疗 COVID-19 的唯一选择,请确保没有发生瓜分市场的情况;

4. 制造商、技术许可方和 GoC 之间没有不恰当的互派董事关系;

5. 调查以决定是否存在信息压制和胁迫的情况,是否在没有适当市场力量提供替代方案的情况下,强迫公民只能有一种选择;

6. 调查以决定是否任何GoC机构或官员以任何方式从有销售许可使用 LNP 技术的疫苗中获得经济利益,或因此延长疾病大流行时间以增加 mRNA 疫苗的销售。

编者按:关于为何这个调查如此重要,请点击看此录像:IQ100指数的创始人David Martin揭露土豆滔天罪行


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 朋友们睁开眼睛好好看看,让你的亲朋好友也看看,现在正在试图推进的第五阶段第六期...... +3
    • 谢谢分享! +1
    • 借帖问一下,加拿大人现在打几针才能坐飞机?
      • 昨天同事还在说这事,没有疫苗证不能坐飞机。在中国,没有打疫苗还可以坐飞机和高铁,也没有听说中国冻结银行账户。加拿大和中国对自由的践踏,50步笑100步。感谢加拿大卡车司机!革命尚未成功,自由需要人民努力争取! +11
    • 谢谢!转发给朋友圈。大家都睁大眼睛看看中国和加拿大发生的一切。 +3
    • 前两年我记得你说外星人拯救地球啥来着,现在没进展了?
      • 等到真相揭露的时候可能大家会惊讶地发现,所谓的‘坏人’其实是好人。所谓的‘好人’是CONTROLLED OPPOSITION,其实是DEEP STATE的一部分。ZT They want to vaccinate everybody? - They Lie - Minerva y Athena Swaruu -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 20:44 (#14532741@0)
      • 人类自己要提高意识频率,并采取行动。 ZT昴宿二外星人讯息324:地球的解放并不像人们期望的那样运作 +1
        • 加拿大议会请愿书:调查加拿大政府!人人可以签名!这个请愿这对我们每个人都息息相关,请愿发起人是来自BC省的保守党国会议员 Mel Arnold。他击中了近几年的疫情中最关键的问题。我们必须要求真相. +4



          这个请愿这对我们每个人都息息相关,请愿发起人是来自BC省的保守党国会议员 Mel Arnold。他击中了近几年的疫情中最关键的问题。我们必须要求真相,恳求大家签字并转发支持:https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-3871


          Petition to the House of Commons in Parliament assembled


          • The Government of Canada’s (GoC) COVID-19 pandemic exit strategy almost solely depends on experimental drugs (vaccines) available through emergency Interim Orders from Health Canada for use only during the COVID-19 pandemic;

          • Canadian patented lipid nanoparticle (LNP) technology is integral to the mRNA vaccines, but has a complicated and non-transparent presence; and

          • Medical treatment in Canada has become “politicized” in that non-medical professionals are providing medical advice, and Canadians are being intimidated into obtaining health services to end the COVID-19 pandemic.

          We, the undersigned, concerned Canadians, call upon the House of Commons in Parliament assembled to:

          1. Call for an independent and objective investigation into the GoC’s use of vaccine mandates, the patented Canadian LNP technology, and the multi-year agreements securing significantly more vaccines than there are citizens in Canada;

          2. Investigate whether a federal restraint of trade and a biasing of the market occurred when the GoC announced that only vaccines would get us through this pandemic, delayed and suspended approval of vaccines not licensed to use the LNP technology, and discredited all medical treatments not related to vaccination;

          3. Ensure no market allocation occurred by making vaccines the only option for treating COVID-19;

          4. Ensure there was no inappropriate interlocking directorates between manufacturers, technology licensors and the GoC;

          5. Determine whether there was suppression of information and coercion by forcing citizens into a single scenario without proper market forces to provide alternatives; and

          6. Determine whether any government body or officials benefited financially in any way from sales of vaccines licensed to use the LNP technology, or extended the pandemic to increase sales of mRNA vaccines.


          • 加拿大政府 (GoC) 的 COVID-19 疾病大流行结束战略几乎完全取决于加拿大卫生部通过紧急临时命令要求的仅在 COVID-19 疾病大流行期间使用的实验药物(疫苗);

          • 加拿大专利脂质纳米颗粒 (LNP) 技术是 mRNA 疫苗的组成部分,但在疫苗中的存在方式非常复杂而且没有公开信息;

          • 加拿大的医疗已变得“政治化”,非医疗专业人员在提供医疗建议,并且加拿大人在恐吓之下去接受医疗服务,GoC以此作为结束 COVID-19 疾病大流行的条件。


          1. 对GoC在以下方面进行独立和客观的调查:GoC强制疫苗、获得专利的加拿大 LNP 技术,以及比加拿大公民数量还多的疫苗连续多年持续提供的协议;

          2. 请调查GoC是否限制贸易并存在市场偏见,因为GoC宣布只有疫苗才能让我们度过这场疾病大流行,延迟和暂停批准不使用 LNP 技术的疫苗,并诋毁所有与疫苗接种无关的治疗方式;

          3. GoC把疫苗做为治疗 COVID-19 的唯一选择,请确保没有发生瓜分市场的情况;

          4. 制造商、技术许可方和 GoC 之间没有不恰当的互派董事关系;

          5. 调查以决定是否存在信息压制和胁迫的情况,是否在没有适当市场力量提供替代方案的情况下,强迫公民只能有一种选择;

          6. 调查以决定是否任何GoC机构或官员以任何方式从有销售许可使用 LNP 技术的疫苗中获得经济利益,或因此延长疾病大流行时间以增加 mRNA 疫苗的销售。

          编者按:关于为何这个调查如此重要,请点击看此录像:IQ100指数的创始人David Martin揭露土豆滔天罪行

          • 谢谢,签了,也分享了
    • gosh +2
    • 从第10分钟开始,她谈到疫苗中的石墨烯像刀片。 +1
      德国医生吹哨者可能已被谋杀,他的名字是 Andreas Noack 医生,显然,他制作了一段视频,揭露了在疫苗中发现的氧化石墨烯,这很糟糕,因为这会对人体内部造成难以置信的损害。在制作视频并从德语翻译成英语后,这位医生显然已经死了,

      German Doctor whistleblower may have been murdered, his name is Doctor Andreas Noack, he created a video exposing graphene oxide which was found inside the vaccines, it is bad because this can be incredibly damageable to the human body internally. After the video was made and translated from German to English, this doctor has apparently ended up dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z77xyBLllPw

      💰支持比特王為公理正義發聲,開放小額捐款。➜ 🌝https://p.ecpay.com.tw/3470D(贊助方式:信用卡、ATM、網路ATM、超商都可!)版權宣告:比特王出任務Youtube頻道所提供之所有內容,包括文字、照片、影像、插圖、錄音片、影音片或其他任何形式之素材等,均受到中華民國著作權法及國際著...
    • 为什么现在推进的那么快,本来是2030的计划,现在感觉马上就要实现you own nothing but happy +1
      • 等到真相揭露的时候可能大家会惊讶地发现,所谓的‘坏人’其实是好人。所谓的‘好人’是CONTROLLED OPPOSITION,其实是DEEP STATE的一部分。ZT They want to vaccinate everybody? - They Lie - Minerva y Athena Swaruu
        • 你贴的东西非常有意思,但是有些还是不太看得懂,当对世界的认识多一些,就能多看懂一些,有些地方因为认识还不够,所以看了几遍也没懂。 +1
          • 谢谢.以我当前的愚昧认知,很多这些高维的东西咱们根本没法全看懂.要真能全看懂的话就说明自己频率太高,也没法一直再呆在3维地球了.所以没关系,挑与自己共鸣的看.多看,多做独立思考 GO WITH HEART,TAKE ACTION.意识频率到了,就明白得越来越多了。我自己也是一直在学习
      • 加快2030进程,也加速普通民众的觉醒进程,最终导致2030计划的失败