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推荐一下昨天晚上Trevor Noah在白宫记者晚宴上的讲话,非常搞笑,看看你的英文好不好以及有多少梗是你不知道的

Trevor Noah COMPLETE REMARKS at 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner (C-SPAN)
From C-SPAN coverage, Trevor Noah remarks at the 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner."I stood here tonight and I made fun of the President of the United ...

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 推荐一下昨天晚上Trevor Noah在白宫记者晚宴上的讲话,非常搞笑,看看你的英文好不好以及有多少梗是你不知道的 +5
    Trevor Noah COMPLETE REMARKS at 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner (C-SPAN)
    From C-SPAN coverage, Trevor Noah remarks at the 2022 White House Correspondents' Dinner."I stood here tonight and I made fun of the President of the United ...
    • holy crap, aren't they all nervous or what lmao

      hmm... thought he's a lefty but at least he did roast on all sides this time, with a nice ending...
    • 👍,这家伙是个天才.绝对是我家大人和娃的共同学习榜样 +2
    • Trevor应该问一下他自己,他就能说他想说的话吗?这老兄不也是遮遮掩掩地提了一次拜登儿子的名字,可是不止一次地大声说床老头。足以表明白左的恐惧。 +9
      • 先“表现”自己的“刚正不阿”,然后再拍领导马屁,可以表明这不是拍马屁,是“事实”。 +1
        • 拍马屁的会说如果说拜登会赢2024年就如同川普赢了2020年大选吗。还说第一夫人继续上班是为了还学生贷款,应该选桑德斯。以及拜登上台后啥都是向上的,比如说油价,物价。 +1
          • 马屁就是马屁。要不聊一聊笔记本案,通俄案,或者BLM那些真正要命的话题吧。 +3
          • 这不就是用来表现自己的“刚正不阿”的么,不先说点负面的,如何建立这种形象来让后面的更“真实”?纯拍马屁的话,你还会在这说这些么?至于川普有没有赢2020,相信到现在,拜登的表现已经有足够的说服力了。物价问题,他还能说成是一路往下? +4
          • 小骂大帮忙的舔狗一枚。 +3
          • 说上班是为了还学生贷款不就是拍马屁吗?说明他们清廉啊,肯定没收中国和乌克兰的钱啊。 +3
            • I'd interpret it as lack of ability to manage personal finance, like many many lefties.
    • Those about GOP are mostly joking, but those about Dem really hurt, like Hunter Biden and the inflation. +2
    • He lost his edge. In his south African years, he was more daring. Now he has so much wealth, too much at stake I guess, he becomes more boring and more chicken. +2
      • 比较boring, 结尾还有说教,太把自己当回事了,败笔。 +1
      • 很长时间不看他的脱口秀了,太左,成天骂trump,捧Obama,以前还挺喜欢他的,很少见的不说黄话的脱口秀演员 +1
    • 很不错的脱口秀。 算是中立。
    • 美国2020大选舞弊的记录片出来了,5月7日以后可以线上看called 2000 mules +4