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In May 2020 numerous disturbing videos circulated social media showing a black Michigan man beating elderly white men and women in nursing homes. Jaden Hayden is reportedly from Westland, Michigan and beat elderly white nursing home patients for sport. Hayden filmed himself beating the seniors in their beds until they were bleeding. One victim was later…

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 米国政府决定对在养老院狂揍躺在床上的老人的护工不予起诉。北美是养老的天堂,因为这里充满了天使。躺在床上被狂揍的时候,才会明白一个老实本分的孝顺孩子才是最大的成功。
    In May 2020 numerous disturbing videos circulated social media showing a black Michigan man beating elderly white men and women in nursing homes. Jaden Hayden is reportedly from Westland, Michigan and beat elderly white nursing home patients for sport. Hayden filmed himself beating the seniors in their beds until they were bleeding. One victim was later…
    • 凶手被關進Kalamazoo psychiatric hospital,比進州立監獄還慘,而且沒有釋放期限,受害老兵已經起訴州政府,得到合理的賠償應該沒任何問題 +2
      • 医院比监狱还惨?那些想方设法要因精神问题而躲过起诉的人都是傻子? 老兵要的是安享晚年,用纳税人的赔款有用吗? +1
        • psychiatric hospital不是你想像中的hospital,千萬別弄錯,打人被捉,為了脫罪去神經病院,那真的是白癡,老兵去追訴神經病黑人,能拿到半毛錢?現在這個判決結果,算的上是上上策 +2
          • 能具体讲讲吗。医院强的地方太多了,1.刑期自定,过两天突然脑筋正常,没有理由再留在医院。天使回人间。2.居住条件,环境。
            • 天使回人间 🤣
    • 这个畜生什么特权,为什么不能起诉?!就算不能起诉它,也应该可以起诉那家老人院!
      • 因为是黑人打白人? +1
        • 上次那个黑人恶打华裔老妇的事不知会不会被起诉。