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8 Ontario PC MPPs received 'allowance' from party coffers

Among the eight PC MPPs, the biggest spender was Don Valley North’s Vincent Ke who charged the riding association $54,717 since 2018 on a range of expenses including nearly $30,000 in 2018 on “meals, food and drink,” another $12,000 in 2019 on “meals and entertainment” and more than $13,000 since 2018 on gas, parking and auto-related expenses.


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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 安省保守党议员柯文彬何时公布他收取DVN保守党选区协会的钱的收据 (中英对照) +3

    On May 10, 2022, Global News published a report with headline of 8 Ontario PC MPPs received ‘allowance’ from party coffers.

    2022 年 5 月 10 日,加拿大环球新闻发表了一篇标题为“ 8 名安省保守党议员获得党内金库的‘津贴’”的报道。

    In the report, Vincent Ke, a MPP representing Don Valley North (DVN) was named in the report among the eight PC MPPs.

    报报道说,代表 Don Valley North 的安省保守党议员柯文彬是其中8个保守党议员中的一个。

    Mr. Ke was the biggest spender who charged the riding association $54,717 since 2018 on a range of expenses including nearly $30,000 in 2018 on “meals, food and drink,” another $12,000 in 2019 on “meals and entertainment” and more than $13,000 since 2018 on gas, parking and auto-related expenses.

    柯先生是自 2018 年以来向安省保守党选区协会收取的一系列费用最高的一个,高达$54,717 元,包括 2018 年的近 30,000 元花在“膳食、食物和饮料”上的费用、2019 年$12,000 元花在的“餐饮和娱乐”上的费用,以及自 2018 年以来超过 $13,000 元用在汽油、停车和与汽车相关的费用。

    Mr. Ke is a controversial politician in GTA Chinese community. He was the only MPP who attended the launch party for a Pro-China Tibetan group in 2019. China has been criticized of abuses of human rights in Tibet include restricted freedom of religion, belief, and association, arbitrary arrest.

    柯先生是GTA华人社区中颇具争议的政客。他是唯一一位出席 2019 年亲中藏人团体启动大会的 省议员。西方一直批评中国在西藏侵犯人权,包括限制宗教、信仰和结社自由,任意逮捕。

    In 2019, Mr. Ke was caught by Professional Engineers Ontario for referring to himself as an engineer. He never called himself an engineer again.


    In April 2020, Mr. Ke texted a message to a WeChat user and asked “Where have you been, baby?”. He explained later that he typed the wrong words. Mr. Ke never disclosed who he texted to.


    The Global report about Mr. Ke’s expenses in his riding was not paid attention to by Chinese GTA community until Chinese News launched an investigation on May 11, 2022 at 4PM.

    直到 2022 年 5 月 11 日下午 4 点,大中资讯/096.ca发起调查后,GTA 华人社区才开始关注环球新闻关于柯先生在选区协会费用的报道。

    Around 5 pm, the same day after our Chinese News report was published, Mr. Ke issued a statement in Chinese and was published in a few Chinese media outlets in the GTA.

    下午 5 点左右,也就是大中资讯/096.ca发表报道后的同一天,柯先生发表了一份中文声明,并在 GTA 的几家中文媒体上发表。

    Mr. Ke did not send his statement to Chinese News, the only Chinese news outlet that addressed his expenses in the Don Valley North riding association.


    In the statement, Mr. Ke stated in Chinese that the Global News report was a groundless, malicious attack against him. He did not say if he was going to disclose his spending details to the public.


    Also in the statement, Mr. Ke listed how he served his constituents including spreading government policies, encouraging people to take Covid-19 vaccine shots, distributing masks and providing free-ride services to get people vaccinated.


    After Mr. Ke’s Statement was posted on WeChat, some people questioned why Mr. Ke did not publish a statement in both English and Chinese. Why Mr. Ke has not yet publish the breakdown of his expenses to public.


    There are supporters on WeChat who believe that Mr. Ke did not do anything wrong.


    As a donor to Mr. Ke, Mr. Feng Wang, president of Xiamen University Alumni Association of Canada told Chinese News that he trusted Mr. Ke and believes Mr. Ke would spend donors’ money carefully. He admitted that he did not know how to access Mr. Ke’s spendings.


    Another supporter, Mr. Mao Ling Lin, president of Fuzhou University Alumni Association of Canada told Chinese News that he supports Mr. Ke on WeChat because he saw Mr. Ke has done a lot of good things for the Chinese community.


    When asked if he could give a few examples of what Mr. Ke has provided to the community, Mr. Lin referred to Mr. Ke’s statement, without providing to Chinese News any personal testimonials.


    “I trust him (Mr. Ke). I trust the DVN riding association” Mr. Lin said.

    林先生说:“我信任他(柯先生)。我相信DVN保守党选区协会” 。

    Chinese News tried to reach the Ontario PC party, DVN riding association and Mr. Ke himself.


    No one in Mr. Ke’s campaign office was able to respond to Chinese News’ inquiries and his campaign office email box was full.


    Mr. Alex Hilkene of Ontario PC party contacted Chinese News after a media inquiry was made. He did not respond to the questions Chinese News emailed him.

    安省保守党的Alex Hilkene先生在接受媒体询问后联系了大中资讯/096.ca。他没有回答大中资讯/096.ca用电邮发给他的问题。

    Mr. Joe Reis, president of the DVN riding association has promised to provide receipts of Mr. Ke’s spendings on 2018, Friday afternoon, May 20, 2022.

    保守党DVN 选区协会会长 Joe Reis 先生已承诺在 2022 年 5 月 20 日,星期五下午提供柯先生 2018 年的支出收据。

    • 8 Ontario PC MPPs received 'allowance' from party coffers +2

      Among the eight PC MPPs, the biggest spender was Don Valley North’s Vincent Ke who charged the riding association $54,717 since 2018 on a range of expenses including nearly $30,000 in 2018 on “meals, food and drink,” another $12,000 in 2019 on “meals and entertainment” and more than $13,000 since 2018 on gas, parking and auto-related expenses.

      • Doug Ford promises to ‘tighten’ election financing laws after MPP allowance controversy +1

        Doug Ford promises to ‘tighten’ election financing laws after MPP allowance controversy

        Ontario Progressive Conservative Leader Doug Ford is promising to 'tighten' election financing rules after a Global News investigation.
        • Ontario PC MPP speaks out about ‘allowance’ scandal +2
          A PC MPP who received thousands of dollars in child-care costs from their riding association said they believed it was 'common practice' to bill donors for personal expenses.
          • 如果柯文彬就像他辟谣的没问题,就应该公开报销的信息。如果不敢公开财务那就一定有猫腻。 +2

            • 相对于自由党前10年几十个亿的浪费和不仃加税,这些都不是个事。 +5
              • 荒唐!千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 +3
                • 好奇一下,听你说的好像是保守党收保守党钱,关你啥事呢?
                  • 丑闻曝光是民主制度优越性的体现, 不管哪个党 +3
                    • 嘿嘿,为啥这是丑闻呢?美丑是不是比较出来的呢?
                      • 看看英文,Ford said he “wasn’t too happy” when he learned of the issue +1
                        • 是不是嫌你烦?
                          • 我有发帖权,你可以不看
                            • 你不是找了福特嘛?你都蹦出来了,还不让人惊讶?
            • 自由党的党领STEVEN DEL DUCA更是花钱如流水。花$50K在高档餐厅,
              Steven Del Duca's former riding association racked up thousands of dollars in hospitality charges during his six years in government.
              • 1个开140, 1个开120,都是超速

                Steve所在的协会 6 年花50k在餐饮,KE所在的协会除了协会花销,另外给柯报销 2018 30K 餐饮费
                • 一个是自由党的党领带头腐化,
                  一个只是在野党其中的个别议员的个人行为,可想而知自由党一旦当政会腐败到什么程度。 Ford’s riding approved roughly $5,000 in expenditures during the first year of the pandemic with the bulk of the “meals with members” taking place at fast-food or local restaurants including McDonald’s, Pizza Pizza, Subway and Tim Hortons. None of the meetings, according to the yearly filings with Elections Ontario, was held at any high-priced restaurants.
                  • 超速120 和140都抓,老贾也报了自由党老邓! 老柯又有新报导,点 096.ca网站
    • 说说应该选哪个廉洁的党?
      • 选哪个党都可能出现腐败 +2
        • 自由党的腐败,比这厉害多了,安省人民有刻骨体会,您就别浪费时间了,等十年后,大家逐渐忘记了,自由党也许有机会。 +6
          • 大中老贾油管明确说,他这次省选选保守党。但他不姑息养奸,该问就问,该说就说,这是成熟选民的态度 +1
            • 他的确比较“成熟”,自由党在台上的时候,他的报纸天天鼓吹自由党,呵呵。 +1
              • 至少比装作没看见,要姑息养奸,说保守党家丑不可外传的人成熟 +1
                • 杜鲁多性骚扰案还不是“国丑不外扬”嘛。 +1
                  • 谷歌杜鲁多性骚扰案,有多条中文新闻。 柯文彬拿报销的事,整个华人媒体都不敢提,柯文彬的辟谣都转了。大中老贾是真爷们,就他一个人敢发新闻,敢去追查。 +1
                    • 怎么说呢,如果自由党如果仅仅靠这种雕虫小技就想扳倒保守党,那太天真了,怪就怪前任挖的坑太大太深了,自由党唯一的希望,就是等保守党挖的坑比自由党更大更深。 +5
                      • 不管支持哪个党,只要不姑息养奸就行 +1
                        • 总理这种“性侵犯”,都姑息养奸,你还能期望什么,等总理先“不姑息”再说吧。 +1
                          • 姑息养奸是,汉语成语,拼音是gū xī yǎng jiān,意思是无原则地宽容,只会助长坏人作恶。 出自《礼记·檀弓上》。
                            • 高人呀,懂礼貌
                              • 谢谢
        • 说的没错,所以选民最好的选择就是投腐败相对少点的,关键是瞎折腾少点的党了。按这个原则下来,具体投哪个党,也就清楚了。
          • 只要不姑息养奸就行 +1
            • 我发这些就是要支持老贾,他096.ca的文章微信看不了。大中老贾是真爷们,就他一个人敢发新闻,敢去追查。 +1


              柯文彬,你倒是发个英文辟谣,去告GlOBAL NEWS!

              • 老贾的确奇葩,把媒体做成碰瓷的,碰不到边还怪路太堵。取个域名还象个垃圾,更疑似境外敌对势力。柯议员位置摆着,统战部都要掂掂分量。还指望微信转发,啥脑子呀? +1
                • 你的文字才是垃圾
            • 说到“奸”,自由党甚至NDP都要比保守党多很多吧。建议你先抓大头,这种几千几万的小case先放一放,集中精力去搞那些几亿、十几亿的,自由党名下不少。 +1
              • 1个开140, 1个开120,都是超速
                • 警察不抓120,140大几率被抓。 +3
    • 那就投new blue,这肯定不是楼主的本意,哈哈哈 +3
      • 自由党也是江河日下,想想前些年,大篇幅带风向发文的集团作战方式,现在这样游击战,真是让人唏嘘不已,树倒猢狲散。 +1
        • 去唏嘘,只要不姑息养奸就行
      • 投哪个党是每个人的自由,只要不姑息养奸就行
    • 西方政客太容易被外来的金主控制了
      • 东西方政客都容易被外来的金主控制了 +1
        • 现在西方体制更脆弱 +1
          • 终于等到更新了,老贾还是没拿到收据!点096.ca看最新 +1
    • 对安省保守党DVN选区议员柯文彬拿选区协会钱的调查越深入,我们要问柯先生的问题就越多 +1

      2022年5月10日,加拿大环球新闻报道说,多伦多Don Valley Nort(DVN)选区的安省保守党议员柯文彬先生自2018年以来向DVN选区协会收取了54,717元的费用,其中包括2018年近30,000元的用在“膳食、食品和饮料”的费用,2019 年12,000 元用于“餐饮和娱乐”,和自 2018 年以来超过 13,000 元用于加油、停车和与汽车相关的费用。

      Chinese News published a report on May 19, 2022, questioning why Mr. Ke made a statement in Chinese only, and accused the Global News of groundless, malicious attack against him.


      Mr. Ke did not say in his statement if he would disclose the receipts he charged to DVN riding association. He insisted that he did nothing wrong.


      Chinese News has sent Mr. Ke numerous interview requests since May 18, 2022 and has received no response from him as of May 23,2022.


      Chinese News managed to reach Mr. Joe Reis, DVN riding association’s president on May 16, 2022, and asked him, among other questions, about the receipts Mr. Ke charged to the association.

      5月16日,经过努力,大中网/096.ca找到了DVN选区协会主席Joe Reis先生,问他能否提供柯文彬向协会收取费用的收据。

      Mr. Reis promised Chinese News that he would provide Mr. Ke’s2018 receipts on Friday afternoon (May 20, 2022).


      “I can guarantee you this, you will not see one penny was paid to Vincent Ke in this (2018) period.” Mr. Reis told Chinese News over the phone.


      When this report is published, Chinese News has not yet received any receipts from Mr. Reis. He did not respond to our texting, email, and phone messages either.


      Chinese News also tried to interview Ms. Christine Yan Liu, Mr. Ke’s office staff and campaign manager of 2022.


      Chinese News was told by a source that Ms. Liu was a cheque signing officer for DVN riding association. Also, Mr. Ke’s campaign office is located in Ms. Liu’s school.


      Chinese News went to Mr. Ke’s campaign office located at 466 McNicoll Avenue, Sunday afternoon, May 22, 2022.

      大中网/096.ca于5月22日、周日下午去了柯文彬位于466 McNicoll Avenue的竞选办公室。

      The following picture taken by Chinese News and a picture from Google Map indicate that Mr. Ke is using the space of Extraordinary Education Centre as his campaign office.


      Google picture / 谷歌照片。

      Chinese News also found out that Mr. Ke’s campaign office uses address of 466 McNicoll Avenue in his campaign website, Ms. Liu’s school address is 466 Harold Evans Crescent, although the two offices are side by side in the same plaza.

      大中网/096.ca还发现,虽然柯的办公室和刘的学校紧挨着,且在同一个Plaza里面,但柯竞选网站用的地址是466 McNicoll Avenue,而刘燕的学校用的地址是466 Harold Evans Crescent。

      Chinese News has not been able to independently verify if Ms. Liu owns or leases both properties.


      It is not first time that Ms. Liu and Mr. Ke were involved in controversy.


      On October 18, 2018, Chinese News reported that Mr. Ke and his wife used Ms. Liu’s residential address in Toronto to vote for Ms. Liu in the Toronto Municipal Election. Record showed then that Mr. Ke was living in Brampton instead of Toronto.


      Ms. Liu told Chinese News then that Mr. Ke and his wife were her tenants then. She refused to give Chinese News any proof that Mr. Ke and his wife did pay Ms. Liu rent.


      Sunday afternoon in Mr. Ke’s campaign office, Ms. Liu refused to answer Chinese News’ questions if and how much Mr. Ke pays her rent for his campaign office.


      Ms. Liu also refused to confirm or deny if she is the cheque signing officer for DVN riding association.


      Ms. Liu told Chinese News that all expenses charged by Mr. Ke were approved by the DVN riding association executives and audited by Election Ontario.


      • 希望很快等到更新,到底钱去哪里了?
        • 加拿大的选举是选党不选个人,无论你怎么说我们都坚决选保守党。 +5
          • 选谁是个人选择。就想知道钱去哪里了?
            • 嫖娼了?你想知道啥?议员要收钱找阿共统战最容易啦。你净捡些芝麻。我给你透露个大的,查查参议员胡子修。
              • 我捡芝麻,你有本事挖了个大的!是柯嫖了,还是胡嫖了?是柯议员要收钱找阿共统战?还是胡要收钱找阿共统战?
                • 自由党领邓德华爆出5万吃喝报销丑闻了,你们可不能姑息养奸啊 +1
                  • 大山也吃了,吃人家嘴短 +1
                    • 我从来不投自由党,你们也太小儿科了
            • 支持你直接向皇家骑警举报,在肉联上发贴有🐦用吗? +1
              • 安省自由党要求省警调查与柯文彬和其议员办公室员工有关的15家公司 Ontario Liberals ask police to investigate why 15 corporations linked to PC MPP and his staff
    • “自由党没有提出任何不当行为的指控,但敦促警方调查此事。”自由党自己党魁乱花钱的事连个回应都没有,却抓住毫无证据的东西凭空猜想,可见双标。 +2
      在给警方的信中,安省自由党执行董事Ian Hall质问,为什么柯文彬的员工与这么多壳公司有关。他在周二的信中写道:在对此事进行研究后,我们担心这些行为可能构成潜在的失信行为。相信这些是公众信任的严重问题,因此需要安省警方进行彻底调查。
      • 你自己双标,自由党老邓回应了,也给收据了。老柯说公开财务? 什么时候公开? +1
    • 这种问题应该1年前就提出来好进行调查澄清,现在要选举了你拿出来有极大的混淆视听捞选票的嫌疑。 +2
      • 慢慢查! 等结果!