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On May 31, 2022, Ontario Liberal Party issued a statement after an investigation report was published by the Chinese News questioning expenses that Mr. Vincent Ke and his constituency staffers, among others charged Don Valley North (DVN) PC Ontario riding association.

2022 年 5 月 31 日,大中网/096.ca发表了一份质疑柯文彬先生,他的议员办公室的雇员和其他人向DVN安省保守党选区协会收取费用的调查报告后,安省自由党就此报告发表了一个声明。

The report also questioned Mr. Ke’s relationship with a convicted felon, Mr. John Jiancheng Huang. Mr. Huang charged DVN PC Ontario riding association $21,360 professional fees between 2018 and 2020.

大中网/096.ca的报告还质疑柯先生与被定罪的重罪犯黄建成先生的关系。黄先生在 2018 年至 2020 年间向 DVN安省保守党选区协会收取了 21,360 加元的专业费用。

Mr. Huang’s corporation, registered after Mr. Ke was elected as an MPP in 2018, received funding of $25,000 from the Ontario government. Mr. Huang is the sole director of the corporation.


“This is just one in a series of payment schemes coming from Vincent Ke’s riding association, who has been a fundraising juggernaut for Doug Ford since being elected in 2018,” the Ontario Liberal Party states.


“We now know that Huang has received $25,000 in government funds and another $20,000 from Doug Ford’s candidate. Ford can no longer brush aside questions regarding the connection between Ke and these payments,” the statement adds.

声明补充说:“我们现在知道,黄已经收到了 25,000 元的省政府拨款,并从福特的议员候选人那里拿了另外20,0000 元。福特不能再忽视有关柯与这些付款之间的问题,”

The Ontario Liberal Party says it will include the new revelations in its follow up with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).


On May 30, 2022, Ontario Liberal Party sent another letter to OPP and asks OPP to investigate Mr. Ke’s “relationship with John Jiancheng Huang, the director of an apparent shell company that received $25,000 from the Government of Ontario. This same individual has received thousands of dollars in payments from Ke’s riding association.”

2022 年 5 月 30 日,安大略省自由党再次致函省警,要求他们调查柯先生“与从安大略省政府获得 25,000 加元的空壳公司董事黄建成的关系。这个人从柯的选区协会手中拿走了数千元。”

On May 30, 2022, Shannon Whitteker, a media contact of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism responded by email to the Chinese News report.


Ms. Whitteker slammed the report, calling it “simply a desperate attack from the Del Duca-Wynne Liberals to distract from their failing campaign.”


“Mr. Ke has never exchanged Costco cards for donations and any insinuation of that is false and libellous, ” said Ms. Whitteker in the email.

惠特克女士在电子邮件中说:“柯先生从来没有用 Costco 卡换取捐款,任何这样的暗示都是假的和诽谤。”

In a separate email to Chinese News on May 30, 2022, Ms. Whitteker sent a series of pictures showing “Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford enjoying celebrations with the Greater Toronto Chinese Business Association for the 24th Annual Chinese New Year Gala.”

在 2022 年 5 月 30 日给大中网/096.ca的另一封电子邮件中,惠特克女士发了一系列照片,显示“安省保守党党魁·福特与大多市华商总会一起庆祝第 24 届中国新年晚会”。

The Gala was held on May 28, 2022 in Markham.

晚会于 2022 年 5 月 28 日在万锦市举行。

In the pictures sent by Ms. Whitteker, Chinese News could not see Mr. Vincent Ke but was able to identify other Chinese-Canadian MPPs - Daisy Wai and Billy Pang.

在惠特克女士发来的照片中,大中网/096.ca看不到柯文彬的身影,但能够辨认出其他华裔省议员- 韦邱佩芳和彭锦威。

Vincent Ke, Daisy Dai and Billy Pang were all elected in June 2018. All of them are seeking re-election on June 2, 2022.


Chinese News asked Ms. Whitteker through email why Mr. Ke did not attend the gala, and if she is a media contact on behalf of PC Ontario from now on, she hasn’t  not responded to the question.


Chinese News asked Ms. Whittaker why the PC Ontario government funded a convicted felon’s company. Ms. Whitteker hasn’t provided any explanation yet.



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