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On May 31, 2022, Ontario Liberal Party issued a statement after an investigation report was published by the Chinese News questioning expenses that Mr. Vincent Ke and his constituency staffers, among others charged Don Valley North (DVN) PC Ontario riding association.

2022 年 5 月 31 日,大中网/096.ca发表了一份质疑柯文彬先生,他的议员办公室的雇员和其他人向DVN安省保守党选区协会收取费用的调查报告后,安省自由党就此报告发表了一个声明。

The report also questioned Mr. Ke’s relationship with a convicted felon, Mr. John Jiancheng Huang. Mr. Huang charged DVN PC Ontario riding association $21,360 professional fees between 2018 and 2020.

大中网/096.ca的报告还质疑柯先生与被定罪的重罪犯黄建成先生的关系。黄先生在 2018 年至 2020 年间向 DVN安省保守党选区协会收取了 21,360 加元的专业费用。

Mr. Huang’s corporation, registered after Mr. Ke was elected as an MPP in 2018, received funding of $25,000 from the Ontario government. Mr. Huang is the sole director of the corporation.


“This is just one in a series of payment schemes coming from Vincent Ke’s riding association, who has been a fundraising juggernaut for Doug Ford since being elected in 2018,” the Ontario Liberal Party states.


“We now know that Huang has received $25,000 in government funds and another $20,000 from Doug Ford’s candidate. Ford can no longer brush aside questions regarding the connection between Ke and these payments,” the statement adds.

声明补充说:“我们现在知道,黄已经收到了 25,000 元的省政府拨款,并从福特的议员候选人那里拿了另外20,0000 元。福特不能再忽视有关柯与这些付款之间的问题,”

The Ontario Liberal Party says it will include the new revelations in its follow up with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).


On May 30, 2022, Ontario Liberal Party sent another letter to OPP and asks OPP to investigate Mr. Ke’s “relationship with John Jiancheng Huang, the director of an apparent shell company that received $25,000 from the Government of Ontario. This same individual has received thousands of dollars in payments from Ke’s riding association.”

2022 年 5 月 30 日,安大略省自由党再次致函省警,要求他们调查柯先生“与从安大略省政府获得 25,000 加元的空壳公司董事黄建成的关系。这个人从柯的选区协会手中拿走了数千元。”

On May 30, 2022, Shannon Whitteker, a media contact of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism responded by email to the Chinese News report.


Ms. Whitteker slammed the report, calling it “simply a desperate attack from the Del Duca-Wynne Liberals to distract from their failing campaign.”


“Mr. Ke has never exchanged Costco cards for donations and any insinuation of that is false and libellous, ” said Ms. Whitteker in the email.

惠特克女士在电子邮件中说:“柯先生从来没有用 Costco 卡换取捐款,任何这样的暗示都是假的和诽谤。”

In a separate email to Chinese News on May 30, 2022, Ms. Whitteker sent a series of pictures showing “Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford enjoying celebrations with the Greater Toronto Chinese Business Association for the 24th Annual Chinese New Year Gala.”

在 2022 年 5 月 30 日给大中网/096.ca的另一封电子邮件中,惠特克女士发了一系列照片,显示“安省保守党党魁·福特与大多市华商总会一起庆祝第 24 届中国新年晚会”。

The Gala was held on May 28, 2022 in Markham.

晚会于 2022 年 5 月 28 日在万锦市举行。

In the pictures sent by Ms. Whitteker, Chinese News could not see Mr. Vincent Ke but was able to identify other Chinese-Canadian MPPs - Daisy Wai and Billy Pang.

在惠特克女士发来的照片中,大中网/096.ca看不到柯文彬的身影,但能够辨认出其他华裔省议员- 韦邱佩芳和彭锦威。

Vincent Ke, Daisy Dai and Billy Pang were all elected in June 2018. All of them are seeking re-election on June 2, 2022.


Chinese News asked Ms. Whitteker through email why Mr. Ke did not attend the gala, and if she is a media contact on behalf of PC Ontario from now on, she hasn’t  not responded to the question.


Chinese News asked Ms. Whittaker why the PC Ontario government funded a convicted felon’s company. Ms. Whitteker hasn’t provided any explanation yet.



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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 把纳税人的钱揣进自己和朋友的腰包 再卷进一个刑事犯,DVN选区省保守党柯文彬周围的人都干了啥?大中报096.ca 最新跟踪报道! +2

    Mr. Vincent Wenbin Ke, the Don Valley North (DVN) PC MPP and DVN PC Ontario riding association have been in the news since May 10, 2022.

    自 2022 年 5 月 10 日以来,多伦多Don Valley North (DVN) 选区的安省保守党省省议员柯文彬和该区的保守党选区协会不停地上新闻。

    Mr. Ke Charged the riding association $54,717 in expenses since 2018, including nearly $30,000 in 2018 on “meals, food and drink,” another $12,000 in 2019 on “meals and entertainment” and more than $13,000 since 2018 on gas, parking and auto-related expenses.

    柯先生自 2018 年以来向选区协会收取了 54,717 元的费用,其中包括 2018 年近 30,000 元的“膳食、食物和饮料”费用、2019 年的12,000 元“餐饮和娱乐”费用,以及自 2018 年以来超过 13,000 元的汽油、停车和汽车费用。

    Also, Ontario Liberals has sent a letter to OPP commissioner, asking police to investigate why Mr. Ke’s staffs and friends set up 15 corporations after Mr. Ke was elected MPP in June 2018, and at least one corporation received funding of $25,000 from Ontario government. According to the letter, the sole director of the corporation is Mr. John Jiancheng Huang, the husband of Ms. TinaYueyue Zhang who is a staff in Mr. Ke’s constituency office.


    PC Ontario denied any wrongdoing with the funding to John Jiancheng Huang’s corporation.


    According to a report by CTV News Ottawa on September 3, 2009, in a massive $11.7 million grow-op bust by police, Mr. John Jiancheng Huang was arrested by police for growing marijuana illegally. During the raid, 4 properties were seized by police.

    渥太华 CTV 新闻 2009 年 9 月 3 日报道,在警方进行的价值 1170 万元的大规模捣毁大麻种植的行动中,黄建成因种植大麻而被警方逮捕。在突袭中,警方扣押了4处财产。

    A source confirmed to the Chinese News that Mr. Huang was convicted and was sentenced to 4 years of house arrest.


    Chinese News could not independently verify if the 2 Jiancheng Huangs are the same person.


    The questions about Mr. Huang raised by Chinese News to Yueyue Zhang, John Jiancheng Huang, DVN PC riding association, Mr. Ke’s campaign manager and Ontario PC, were not responded when this report is published.


    On May 12, 2022, Mr. Ke published a statement in a few Chinese media outlets in GTA, hours after Chinese News reported Global News story about Mr. Ke’s charges to DVN PC riding association.

    2022 年 5 月 12 日,在大中网/096.ca报道了加拿大环球新闻有关柯先生在选区协会拿钱的报道的几小时后,柯先生在大多伦多的几家中文媒体上发表了一份声明

    Mr. Ke did not say in his statement if he would disclose the receipts he charged to DVN riding association. He insisted that he did nothing wrong.


    In the statement, Mr. Ke also accused the Global News of groundless and malicious attack against him.


    Chinese News has been trying to interview Mr. Ke and asking him to disclose his charges to public. He has not responded to the requests yet.


    In a phone interview by Chinese News, Mr. Joe Reis, the president of DVN PC riding association, promised Chinese News that the association would give Chinese News the receipts for 2018 on Friday afternoon, May 20, 2022. He has not done that yet.

    DVN安省保守党选区协会会长Joe Reis在接受大中网/096.ca的电话采访时承诺,协会将在2022年5月20日,星期五下午向大中网/096.ca提供2018年的收据。但他至今没有兑现。

    On Thursday, May 26, 2022, Chinese News managed to get the records of DVN PC riding association’s expenses from 2017 to 2020.

    2022 年 5 月 26 日星期四,大中网/096.ca通过努力拿到了DVN保守党选区协会 从2017 年至 2020 年的费用记录。(http://chinesenewsgroup.com/news/676176

    The documents show DVN PC riding association received a total of $584,526.99 from donations from 2017 to 2020. The amount does not include money transferred from 2016, membership fees, allowance from PC Ontario, and Election Ontario.

    大中网/096.ca从文件里发现,DVN安省保守党选区协会从 2017 年到 2020 年共收到了 584,526.99 元的捐款。该金额不包括从 2016 年转入的款项、会员费、来自于安省保守党和安省选举局的津贴。

    Ms. Christine Yan Liu, Mr. Ke’s constituency office manager and campaign manager, as well as his landlord in Toronto Municipal election, was paid $6,030 in 2018 and $2,010 in 2019 as professional fee. She received these funds even though she was at the same time paid by Mr. Ke’s constituency office.


    It is an apparent double dipping to Ontario taxpayers.


    Ms. Tina YueYue Zhang, a staff of Mr. Ke’s constituency office and Ms. Christine Yan Liu’s business partner, was paid $3,116 in 2018 as professional fee while she was working for Mr. Ke’s constituency office.

    2018 年,柯先生选区办公室工作人员、刘女士的商业伙伴张月月女士在选区协会拿了3,116 元的专业服务费用。她当时也在柯先生的议员办公室拿工资。

    Mr. Kevin Jiaping Li, a mortgage broker, was paid $9,788 in 2018 and $5,000 in 2019 for professional fee.

    抵押贷款经纪人李家平先生在 2018 年从选区拿了 9,788 元的专业服务费用,在 2019 年拿了5,000 元的专业服务费用。

    Ms. Fu posted a message on the Chinese social media WeChat, denying any wrongdoing by Mr. Ke and DVN PC riding association.


    Chinese News could not reach Mr. Ke for comments.


    The documents show that Mr. John Jiancheng Huang was paid $12,960 in 2018, $2,100 in 2019 and $6,300 in 2020. The total payout was $21,360.

    文件显示,黄建成先生在 2018 年获得了 12,960元,2019 年和 2020 年分别获得了 2,100 元和 6,300元。总额为 21,360 元。

    As mentioned above, Mr. Huang was the husband of Ms. Tina Yueyue Zhang, a staff working in Mr. Ke’s constituency office, and a business partner of Ms. Christine Yan Liu.


    Mr. Huang’s corporation, registered after Mr. Ke was elected as MPP in 2018, received a funding of $25,000 from Ontario government.


    Chinese News tried to reach Mr. Huang for interview and could not reach him.


    Mr. Ke and his campaign manager Ms. Christine Yan Liu did successful work in collecting donations from public. Majority of Mr. Ke’s donors are Chinese and most of them donated $400 each year from 2017 to 2020.

    柯先生和他的竞选经理刘燕女士在公众募捐方面取得了成功。记录显示,柯先生的大部分捐赠者是中国人,其中大多数人在 2017 年至 2020 年期间每年捐赠 400 元。

    Chinese News was told by a source that Mr. Ke invited donors to donate him $400 and would kickback to the same donor gift cards such as Costco gift card in the amount of $100.

    一个消息人士告诉大中网/096.ca,柯先生邀请的捐赠者向他捐赠400元,并将向捐赠者返还价值100元的礼品卡,如 Costco 礼品卡。

    Documents show that DVN PC riding association spent $11,897.06 in Costco in 2019, $2,133.18 in 2019 and $3,686.74 in 2020. Those expenses were categorized as meal and food.

    文件显示,协会 2019 年在 Costco 的购买费用为 11,897.06 元,2019 年为 2,133.18 元,2020 年为 3,686.74 元。这些费用被归类为膳食和食品。

    Election Ontario gives donors tax credit of 75% if the donation is under $427. That means, a donor to Mr. Ke in the amount of $400 will receive a tax credit in the amount of $300. The donor would pay out nothing if he or she received a gift card in the amount of $100.

    如果捐款低于 427 元,安省选举会给予捐款者 75% 的税收抵免。 这意味着,向柯先生捐赠 400 元的人将获得 300 元的税收抵免。 如果捐赠者收到价值 100 元的礼品卡,他或她不会支付任何费用。

    Mr. Tony Maoling Lin, president of Fuzhou University Alumni Association of Canada, donated to Mr. Ke $400 each year from 2017 to 2020, according to the documents.


    Mr. Ke and Mr. Lin graduated from the same school, Fuzhou University of China.


    Mr. Lin was paid $1,000 by DVN PC riding association in 2019 as “data process and services”.

    It means that Mr. Lin received a tax credit of $1,200 for his $1,600 donation, plus an income of $1,000 for his “data process and services”. The Chinese News cannot verify if this type of donation/kickback practices were a pattern at DVN or was just a single unique case.

    这意味着林先生的 1,600 元捐款获得了 1,200 元的税收抵免,和1,000 元的“数据处理和服务”收入。 大中网/096.ca无法核实这种捐赠/回扣行为是否是DVN安省保守党选区协会的一种做事模式,或者林先生只是一个独特的案例。

    As an elected MPP, Mr. Vincent Wenbin Ke does have a duty, an obligation and responsibility to provide answers and proofs to his constituents as soon as possible.


    Chinese News plans to apply for access to public information for the receipts if DVN PC riding association and other pertinent parties continue withholding the information requested.
    如果 DVN安省保守党协会和其他有关方面继续隐瞒所要求的信息,大中网/096.ca计划通过透明信息法去获取那些开销收据。
    选区协会在2019年向林先生支付了 1,000 元作为“数据处理和服务”。

    It means that Mr. Lin received a tax credit of $1,200 for his $1,600 donation, plus an income of $1,000 for his “data process and services”. The Chinese News cannot verify if this type of donation/kickback practices were a pattern at DVN or was just a single unique case.

    这意味着林先生的 1,600 元捐款获得了 1,200 元的税收抵免,和1,000 元的“数据处理和服务”收入。 大中网/096.ca无法核实这种捐赠/回扣行为是否是DVN安省保守党选区协会的一种做事模式,或者林先生只是一个独特的案例。

    As an elected MPP, Mr. Vincent Wenbin Ke does have a duty, an obligation and responsibility to provide answers and proofs to his constituents as soon as possible.


    Chinese News plans to apply for access to public information for the receipts if DVN PC riding association and other pertinent parties continue withholding the information requested.
    如果 DVN安省保守党协会和其他有关方面继续隐瞒所要求的信息,大中网/096.ca计划通过透明信息法去获取那些开销收据。

    • 2022 年 5 月 26 日星期四,大中网/096.ca通过努力拿到了DVN保守党选区协会 从2017 年至 2020 年的费用记录。() +2
      • 你不用担心了,今天已经提前投票给他了。 +6
        • 投票给谁与我无关!我只关心钱去哪儿! +2

      • 好多人拿钱了,有你认识的吗?下载放大看! +3
        • 警察叔叔都懒得理你吧? +2
          • 拿💰的名单上有你吗? +3
            • 废话,保守党给有车的人都发钱了! +1
              • 拿💰了,说话就是不一样 +3
                • 郁闷了,居然本坛还有人没拿到。。。站长设个基金吧,就在车坛募 +1
      • 这个柯议员丑闻很多嘛,记得前自由党华人议员出了丑闻后退出竞选,还算有底线, 这个保守党的有没有底线?
        • 我就想知道💰去哪儿了 +2
          • 由党华人议员出了丑闻?是捐精那个吗?不算丑,是被白人歧视了 +3
            • 都丑 +2
              • 您是白人
    • 大中报还是有点那个叫骨气的东东。。赞一个 +3
      • 这就是民主选举的好处,因为总有反对党时时刻刻盯着你翻你的旧帐,所以没机会犯大错误 +2
      • 非常佩服老贾! 微信封了他的096.ca +3
        • 这个很有趣,大概这个域名刺激到国内某些利益集团了
          • 096.ca 域名没问题,就是大中的文章可能太爆料了 +3
    • The defective political system in Canada enables such thing. People don't vote individual MPPs but vote the party. +5
      • So true! +2
    • 这个华人议员好像没干过什么正经事吧, 就是一个什么反歧视提案,翻来覆去说, 让人以为他提出了好几个议案, 其实就一个还不了了之了 +3
    • 楼主是自由党派来吧?安省的自由党可是臭名昭著啊! +15
      • 这次回血了,大概以前攒了不少钱,华人各媒体都动员了。选情还是很危妙呀。 +2
      • 支持真实的新闻报道 +2
        • 当政治人物被无情检视的时候,国家才有希望。 +3
          • 当政治人物被无情检视的时候,国家才有希望!!!!! +1
      • 这次安省保守党的名声被这个柯议员搞的更臭了
    • 这帖子看乐了,自粉天天说华人选华人,一到选举哇塞这么咬啊。 +1
      • 柯文斌的对手也是华人,很有经验还没有丑闻, 为啥不选这个华人呢?
        • 就算他对手是个圣人,又这么样呢?党派决定了一切,党派决定了党领,个别议员对大局影响不大. +7
          • 咬人的圣人,涨见识了
          • The defective political system in Canada enables such thing.
    • 这文章说来说去,也没说出个什么东西。花的钱都是些小钱。只有那个姓黄的最有问题,但文章去不能证实是不是同一个人。这种就是文科生的攻击手法,构造一个假象 +5
      • 从地址看是同一个人 +1
        • 弥敦道9号
          • 安省选民会对邓德华的高档牛排餐无动于衷吗?096.ca +3

            加拿大人讨厌政治领导人支付纳税人钱财的优越感,而来自腐败现象更为猖獗的国家的新移民对政客们动用公款追求高档餐厅或奢侈享受则更是反感。 揭露涉及政治候选人滥用纳税人资金的丑闻对于民主进程至关重要,让选民能够对那些信誓旦旦称要代表他们利益的候选人的品行进行更严格的审视。 随着省选举日期的临近,媒体报道中披露的某些候选人的开支争议引发了公众的关注,并可能改变选民在投票箱中的决定。

            Canadians detest political leaders' sense of entitlement to taxpayers' money, and newcomers – from countries where corruption is more prevalent are more antipathetic to politicians dipping into the public purse for fancy restaurants or luxury entertainment. Exposing scandals involving political candidates abusing taxpayers' money is crucial for the democratic process, allowing voters to put those vowing to represent their interests under heightened scrutiny. As the provincial election drew near, a few candidates' expense controversies revealed by media reports raised public eyebrows and may shift voters' decisions at the ballot box.

            据Global News报道,2013 年至 2018 年间,当作为自由党领袖的邓德华先生在省内阁任职时,他所在 的 Vaughan-Woodbridge 选区在牛排馆和高档餐厅花费了价值 $50,000 元的晚餐。 据透露,邓德华先生曾在多伦多的一些最高端餐厅用餐,自 2018 年以来,他在 Keg 消费了 14,434 元,并在沃恩、温莎和渥太华的其他豪华牛排馆用餐。 在此期间,德尔杜卡先生作为 MPP 和内阁部长的年收入在 130,000 至 165,0000 元之间。正如邓德华先生的自辩之言,虽然用餐成本可以作为合法的政治开支,但他用纳税人款项在高级餐厅的一贯做法已经让这位自由党领袖深陷争议。

            The Global News reported that Steven Del Duca's Vaughan-Woodbridge riding had spent $50,000 worth of dinners at steakhouses and upscale restaurants between 2013 and 2018 when the Liberal Leader served in the provincial cabinet. It revealed Mr. Del dinned at some of the highest-end restaurants in Toronto — spending $14,434 at Keg since 2018 and eating at other ritzy steakhouses in Vaughan, Windsor, and Ottawa. During that period, Mr. Del Duca earned between $130,000 to $165,0000 per year as an MPP and cabinet minister. While food costs can be legitimate political expenses -- as Mr. Del Duca defended, his long pattern of spending at fine dining restaurants on taxpayers' dime has landed the Liberal leader in controversy.

            除了 Del Duca 的高端餐饮外,Global News 还报道了涉及八名寻求连任的PC 党 的省议员消费丑闻。 根据该报告,包括前儿童、社区和社会服务部部长的 Lisa Macleod 在内的安大略省议员们在过去四年中,除了纳税人资助的工资外,还向选区协会报销了在托幼、娱乐和车辆等方面的支出。 据报告称,当谷北区 的省议员 柯文斌 是 8 名 保守党省议员中报销费用最高者,自 2018 年以来,他向选区协会报销了从用餐,食品和饮料到汽油、停车和汽车相关支出超过 54,717 元。 柯先生在一份中文声明中对此报道做出回应,指责Global News对他进行了毫无根据的恶意攻击。

            Apart from the Del Duca's high-end dining, Global News also reported expense controversies involving eight PC party MPPs seeking reelection. According to the report, these Ontario PC candidates – including the former minister of Children, Community and Social Service Lisa Macleod, charged their riding association for childcare, entertainment, and vehicle costs over the past four years while receiving taxpayer-funded salaries. The report pointed out that Vincent Ke, the MPP for Don Valley North, was the biggest spender among the eight PC MPPS, who charged the riding association for over $54,717 since 2018, ranging in a variety of expenses from meals, food and drink to gas, parking, and auto-related costs. Mr. Ke responded to the report in a statement in Chinese, in which he accused the Global News of engaging in groundless, malicious attacks against him.

            加拿大选民对政客挥霍无度的不满的最佳体现非臭名昭著的 16 元橙汁丑闻莫属,该丑闻涉及哈珀政府的内阁部长贝夫·奥达 (Bev Oda)。 加通社所披露的她在 2012 年前往英国伦敦出差期间的开支,给这名从日裔社区中选出的第一名国会议员带来了灾难性的打击。 在选民的愤怒声浪中,奥达不得不进行道歉,并将其在超豪华的萨沃伊酒店、每天 $1000 元的梅赛德斯班车和 $16 元的一杯橙汁的费用原数退还纳税人。 这一消费丑闻给奥达的政治生涯画上了重重的句号,使她不得不在向渥太华的议会告别。

            The infamous $16 orange juice scandal involving Bev Oda, the cabinet minister in Steven Harper's government, has best reflected Canadian voters' disapproval of politicians' extravagance on taxpayers' dime. The Canadian Press revelation of her expenses during her business trip to London, England, in 2012 dealt a catastrophic blow to the first MP elected from the Japanese community. Voters' outrage forced her to apologize and reimburse the taxpayers for the cost at the ultra-posh Savoy Hotel, the $1000/day Mercedes shuttle, and the $16 glass of orange juice. The scandal ended her political career, rendering her to bid the final farewell to parliament in Ottawa.

            加拿大人是不会放过那些有权支付纳税人款项的政客们的消费丑闻的。 如果 16 美元的橙汁丑闻能让一位内阁部长丢了饭碗,那么近期的这场丑闻是否会让自由党党领邓德华先生毫发无损? 选民们会原谅那些给政府机构花销标准不断设置新高、并向纳税人报销数百倍于 16 美元橙汁费用的民选官员们,且不将他们的不满发泄在投票箱中吗?

            Canadians would not dismiss expense scandals of those who have the privilege to access the public purse. If the $16 orange juice scandal cost a cabinet minister's job, would the Liberal leader Del Duca emerge from recent expense unscratched? Can we expect voters to forgive the elected officials who set a new high watermark for government excess, billing taxpayers for costs hundreds of times of $16 orange juices, and not to take their anger to the ballot box?


            Meanwhile, don't discount the democratic qualities of the immigrant electorates, which remain vitally influential in Ontario swing ridings.

            • 老贾是真媒体人! +3
              • 大中报又有更新了! 096.ca

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                On May 31, 2022, Ontario Liberal Party issued a statement after an investigation report was published by the Chinese News questioning expenses that Mr. Vincent Ke and his constituency staffers, among others charged Don Valley North (DVN) PC Ontario riding association.

                2022 年 5 月 31 日,大中网/096.ca发表了一份质疑柯文彬先生,他的议员办公室的雇员和其他人向DVN安省保守党选区协会收取费用的调查报告后,安省自由党就此报告发表了一个声明。

                The report also questioned Mr. Ke’s relationship with a convicted felon, Mr. John Jiancheng Huang. Mr. Huang charged DVN PC Ontario riding association $21,360 professional fees between 2018 and 2020.

                大中网/096.ca的报告还质疑柯先生与被定罪的重罪犯黄建成先生的关系。黄先生在 2018 年至 2020 年间向 DVN安省保守党选区协会收取了 21,360 加元的专业费用。

                Mr. Huang’s corporation, registered after Mr. Ke was elected as an MPP in 2018, received funding of $25,000 from the Ontario government. Mr. Huang is the sole director of the corporation.


                “This is just one in a series of payment schemes coming from Vincent Ke’s riding association, who has been a fundraising juggernaut for Doug Ford since being elected in 2018,” the Ontario Liberal Party states.


                “We now know that Huang has received $25,000 in government funds and another $20,000 from Doug Ford’s candidate. Ford can no longer brush aside questions regarding the connection between Ke and these payments,” the statement adds.

                声明补充说:“我们现在知道,黄已经收到了 25,000 元的省政府拨款,并从福特的议员候选人那里拿了另外20,0000 元。福特不能再忽视有关柯与这些付款之间的问题,”

                The Ontario Liberal Party says it will include the new revelations in its follow up with the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP).


                On May 30, 2022, Ontario Liberal Party sent another letter to OPP and asks OPP to investigate Mr. Ke’s “relationship with John Jiancheng Huang, the director of an apparent shell company that received $25,000 from the Government of Ontario. This same individual has received thousands of dollars in payments from Ke’s riding association.”

                2022 年 5 月 30 日,安大略省自由党再次致函省警,要求他们调查柯先生“与从安大略省政府获得 25,000 加元的空壳公司董事黄建成的关系。这个人从柯的选区协会手中拿走了数千元。”

                On May 30, 2022, Shannon Whitteker, a media contact of Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Multiculturalism responded by email to the Chinese News report.


                Ms. Whitteker slammed the report, calling it “simply a desperate attack from the Del Duca-Wynne Liberals to distract from their failing campaign.”


                “Mr. Ke has never exchanged Costco cards for donations and any insinuation of that is false and libellous, ” said Ms. Whitteker in the email.

                惠特克女士在电子邮件中说:“柯先生从来没有用 Costco 卡换取捐款,任何这样的暗示都是假的和诽谤。”

                In a separate email to Chinese News on May 30, 2022, Ms. Whitteker sent a series of pictures showing “Ontario PC Leader Doug Ford enjoying celebrations with the Greater Toronto Chinese Business Association for the 24th Annual Chinese New Year Gala.”

                在 2022 年 5 月 30 日给大中网/096.ca的另一封电子邮件中,惠特克女士发了一系列照片,显示“安省保守党党魁·福特与大多市华商总会一起庆祝第 24 届中国新年晚会”。

                The Gala was held on May 28, 2022 in Markham.

                晚会于 2022 年 5 月 28 日在万锦市举行。

                In the pictures sent by Ms. Whitteker, Chinese News could not see Mr. Vincent Ke but was able to identify other Chinese-Canadian MPPs - Daisy Wai and Billy Pang.

                在惠特克女士发来的照片中,大中网/096.ca看不到柯文彬的身影,但能够辨认出其他华裔省议员- 韦邱佩芳和彭锦威。

                Vincent Ke, Daisy Dai and Billy Pang were all elected in June 2018. All of them are seeking re-election on June 2, 2022.


                Chinese News asked Ms. Whitteker through email why Mr. Ke did not attend the gala, and if she is a media contact on behalf of PC Ontario from now on, she hasn’t  not responded to the question.


                Chinese News asked Ms. Whittaker why the PC Ontario government funded a convicted felon’s company. Ms. Whitteker hasn’t provided any explanation yet.



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