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斗牛犬在公园扑倒一个不到一岁半的小孩,出结果了。 今天看到法官否定了孩子他妈的恶狗伤人的指控(碰瓷?)不成立。 背景信息量比较大脑回路有点意思肉肉们可以好好看两遍

A B.C. man charged with allowing his dog to attack a toddler has been found not guilty, with a judge finding there was not enough evidence to prove the child was harmed or that the pup's owner was responsible.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 保安防身 / 斗牛犬在公园扑倒一个不到一岁半的小孩,出结果了。 今天看到法官否定了孩子他妈的恶狗伤人的指控(碰瓷?)不成立。 背景信息量比较大脑回路有点意思肉肉们可以好好看两遍
    A B.C. man charged with allowing his dog to attack a toddler has been found not guilty, with a judge finding there was not enough evidence to prove the child was harmed or that the pup's owner was responsible.
    • 小puppy只有10周还不懂得伤人,竟然冠以“恶狗”名声, 就是诬告 +2
      • knocking him over, and then 'attacking' his face" and that she later noticed “small teeth marks on his cheek and some swelling around the eye,” 孩子已经身上留下有印和…
        医院证明是关键 😂😄
    • 可能法官是个宠物爱好者。养无证的狗就是无证驾驶。想想给你多少钱你才愿意把你家的孩子撞翻?没说撞死因为法官法官说没有证据支持。 +3
      • 法官不服
        • 狗主肯定不是故意攻击。但放任和疏忽的责任不能免除。赔1000,罚1000。结案。 +1
          • 狗不是故意攻击,是去抢球的时候把孩子撞倒了
            • 狗主人在不能 off leash 的地方off leash, 尤其是小孩子在场,即使不是故意的也应该重罚 +9
              • 狗主人应该是被罚了吧?但是不是有罪,狗也无罪
                • 我觉得法官有点扯,连狗的照片都没见过就判了。文章里没说狗主人是否被罚款。
                  • 上面说十个星期大的狗,看不看照片有什么关系?
                    • 看照片起码知道那个狗是不是真的很凶会伤害人
                      • 十周的狗年龄和一岁半的小孩年龄相仿, 刚刚换固体食物不太长时间, 还未学会咬人 +1
            • 撞倒时顺便留下了动物口臭和牙印。
    • Vancouver man did not allow dog to attack toddler, court finds -- 标题就有很大的倾向性,拴上绳子才是真的不允许。 +1
    • 咬人的狗就是敢下口,不管多大。这种狗以后还会下口咬人。还会惹麻烦。。。 +2
      • 以后应该不会这样了,凯文已经出示了证明上次是由于不小心 “ … admitted his dog was off leash, something that is not permitted at the park but which Lam said in his evidence he was unaware of at the time.…”


        “…The judge found him guilty of that, saying he did not get a licence for the pooch until October of 2020. ”

        • 难说,如果对不予注册的狗,非法解开狗绳并撞倒孩子都无需负责。--- 这个法官 +1
    • 主人应该拴着,虽然两个月的小狗,对于老人和小孩没有危险,可是那家长和小孩都恐狗,拥有权利。法官是正常加拿大人,animal lover。

      • 里面的内容点不开,奇怪
        • "这个狗不是斗牛犬,斗牛犬是monster,禁养。" 但这对吃瓜群众真区别不大,也是一个长相类似且同样貌似非常凶猛吓人的杂交犬
          • 这样的呀😂我们一个客人有这样一条狗,带来买东西,稍微呆久一点就唧唧唧唧叫,要求出门,样子确实不好看
            • 这样子是蛮类似斗牛犬的,我这样熟悉,喜欢狗的人,看到了也不放心,对成年狗,会躲远一点。
              • 看了介绍,这个狗的来历有点意思。英国人的脑洞厉害完全违背狗逮耗子多管闲事的自然规律,原来当时专门杂交出来这玩意儿居然是为专门用来逮老鼠用的😄😅😂。
                • 原来只是长得丑,只会抓老鼠的狗。😅
    • 1.孩子的监护人是有责任的。2.小狗都nip,而不是bite,这是common sense。
      • 真实情况往往和想像的有点差距 😂😄 “…Importantly,

        this new study shows no evidence that the overall health of Staffordshire Bull Terriers differs significantly from other dogs in general however, it does provide owners and breeders with a list of disorders with higher risk that they can monitor for in their dogs and help address and seek veterinary support as early as possible. …”


    • 本来有医院证明的讨论,被帖主删了? 看来帖主偏见不浅啊,不肯正视 事实,或者不肯认可专业医院? +1
    • 那张照片并不是肇事的狗,下面有小字说明。