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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 大家看看推友介绍的1981年出版的一本书,书里提到2020年,武汉生物实验室,人造微生物生化武器,一位姓李的科学家揭露了这个秘密。。。这么多巧合?! +6
    • 这些我以前都知道了😄, 所有的225499094发的帖子我全看过。。这本书我也有, 但是要看的书太多, 还没有轮到它🤣 +2
    • 真相 +1
      • 它的原始文件在这里, 你们可以去看看。其实还有更多, 但是我现在找不到了 +3
        An archive link of a 4chan thred from 2019 appeared online and is doing the rounds: https://archive.is/rm2Cy#selection-4205.0-4205.155 Key posts of ID:FoT86R5e extra in order of appearance, read the whole thing for full context: 9-10 million Americans will be killed during 2020 > 2021 in some kind of major event. Don’t ask me how I know this. No. I’m operative. Do not accept any vaccines that will be released for a deadly virus in the winter of 2020. TORILLE! 🙂 It wi...
        • 这些我也早就知道了。。 好奇还有人到现在还不知道吗?
          • 谁知道呢😄
            • 世界之大。。。 +1
        • 匿名者是 operative?🤔 发的messages 里有一句是宇宙真理😑 +1
    • 找出此书,翻到与中国、俄罗斯甚至伊朗相关的那些内容,截出几页图,各位有兴趣的可以读一下: +2





      • 去狗了一下作者背景,他就是一纯作家,没有奇特背景,怎么会这么精准的提到2020年和武汉? 上世纪80年代,中国还是个世人不了解的国家,作者的几行字,时间地点人物事件的描述与30年后发生的事高度重合,匪亦所思😨
        • 那是说DS 在几十年前plan这些的,五十年大计? +3
          • 介绍一本书👉The Babylonian Woe. 也许会得到答案,该书网评貌似很不错,已网购了这本书,但还没看。恐怕不止50年,可能有几个世纪了。 +1

            Every conclusion arrived at as a result of study of the fragments of information available in respect to money and its creators in the world of the Ancient Civilizations, indicates the existence of a far reaching conspiracy in respect to monetary issuance influencing the progression of man's history in the earliest times of which written record exists. It is also outstandingly clear that it was parent to that acknowledged and most obvious conspiracy such as exists today. Hence was able to develop that conspiracy against mankind most exemplified by a continuous propaganda of hate against all authority: in pre-antiquity and antiquity against the many city gods, and in relatively modern times against the kings that rose out of the ruins of that which had been Rome. As those controlling totally the economic life of a state through monetary creation and emission, must have felt that kings and gods were more of a nuisance than anything else, the instigators of this conspiracy in whatever place and era, obviously were those who first did the business of bankers; the controllers of values, and consequently the economic life of the states wherever the precious metal standard was used.


            🟢A Gem of a History Book

            I've read many books on the history of money, but this one is the only one that goes back before the Roman days. You can now look around in the Western countries and see the result of moral decay which isn't new but thousands of years old. I am grateful to the late author for this book. Materialism now reigns over morals and traditional family values, and anyone who stands up for those values gets punished. Sodom and Gomorrah....

            🟢The truth about the bangsters and the way they work

            All of us should know the truth about the banking and the way the money masters have bin working down thru the history.

            🟢History of Money Oppression

            This is a difficult read but critically important if you want to know how the world really works. The ignorant are always easy to manipulate, control and oppress - don't be from among the ignorant. If you want to have a hope of changing things for the better for humanity, you must build your mind. Support this type of information getting out to the public, buy this book.



        • 假如新冠爆发真是预谋的结果,谁又能排除蓄谋者因早前曾读过此书而受到启发呢?之后世人若不知真相,大概率也就认为是巧合了..... +1
    • 神奇,确实有先知 +3
      • 订划的,不是先知 +2
    • 有人看过The X Files (X档案)1993 ‧ Sci-fi ‧ 11 seasons ?刚看了个剪辑的视频。。。 真的有这么多巧合? +2
      • 在推特上看到推友在议论X档案,据情与现实思维步奏高度吻合,也是匪亦所思,编剧或顾问也许是Operatives 😎 . +1