没恶意啊,就是开个玩笑啊。我几乎天天看几眼friends, 你随时诗意大发和Phoebe 的那个Insanely Positive boyfriend,Parker ,有点相似, in a positive way though. 😛
Phoebe Dates Insanely Positive Parker
“I slipped on a giant booger.”Season 8 Episode 18: The One In MassapequaRoss and Monica's parents have their 35th anniversary party in Massapequa. Phoebe bri...
没恶意啊,就是开个玩笑啊。我几乎天天看几眼friends, 你随时诗意大发和Phoebe 的那个Insanely Positive boyfriend,Parker ,有点相似, in a positive way though. 😛
Phoebe Dates Insanely Positive Parker
“I slipped on a giant booger.”Season 8 Episode 18: The One In MassapequaRoss and Monica's parents have their 35th anniversary party in Massapequa. Phoebe bri...