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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

澳洲记者Susan Dunham撰文反思对未接种者系统的迫害“If Covid were a battlefield, it would still be warm with the bodies of the unvaccinated”即“如果新冠是战场的话,未接种者的尸骨未寒”


We took pleasure in scapegoating the unvaccinated because after months of engineered lockdowns by political leaders blinded by power, having someone to blame and to burn at the stake, felt good.

We believed we had logic, love, and truth on our side, so it was easy to wish death upon the unvaccinated.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 澳洲记者Susan Dunham撰文反思对未接种者系统的迫害“If Covid were a battlefield, it would still be warm with the bodies of the unvaccinated”即“如果新冠是战场的话,未接种者的尸骨未寒” +2


    We took pleasure in scapegoating the unvaccinated because after months of engineered lockdowns by political leaders blinded by power, having someone to blame and to burn at the stake, felt good.

    We believed we had logic, love, and truth on our side, so it was easy to wish death upon the unvaccinated.

    • 过了不到两年,蓦然回首,原来不打针的人最能抵御COVID病毒。打过针的,越打越弱,越打越病。 +11
    • Poll suggests more than a quarter of Canadians think unvaccinated should be imprisoned
      According to an online survey conducted by Maru Public Opinion for the National Post, the majority (54%) of respondents said they didn’t care if an unvaccinated person died from the virus or became seriously ill.
      • 纳粹土豆买通媒体之后的结果。 +4
    • Majority of Canadians polled support healthcare fines for unvaccinated, survey finds
      • 等美国边境开放了,没打针的医护就南下美国。 +3
    • Most Canadians unsympathetic to unvaccinated who get sick with COVID-19, poll finds
      The poll's findings come amid growing polarization between Canada's vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, with experts calling the divide "dangerous."
      • 如果这样的民调准确的话,可以看出加拿大沉沦成什么样。 反智,反常识,反科学。好笑的是那些打过针后还染毒的人,几乎统一口径地认为幸亏打了针不然会死。 +7
    • Poll shows majority of Canadians support barring unvaccinated from public gatherings
      Unlike in the United States where the vaccine debate is divided by political lines, a majority of Canadians support banning those who refuse to be inoculated against COVID-19 from gathering in public places
      • 现在终于明白为什么曾经的民主国家德国会变成法西斯 +8
        • You literally took the word out of my mouth! +2
      • 媒体的洗脑太厉害。就这土豆还不满意,还要控制互联网的言论。 +6
    • Most Canadians support health-care workers refusing treatment to threatening, disrespectful unvaccinated patients: Nanos survey
      A majority of Canadians say they support or somewhat support health-care workers refusing treatment to threatening or disrespectful patients who are unvaccinated against COVID-19, according to a new survey from Nanos Research.
    • More than 7 in 10 Canadians support barring unvaccinated people from businesses: Nanos survey
      More than seven in 10 Canadians support or somewhat support barring those who don’t have proof of vaccination from businesses where people are in close contact, according to a new Nanos survey.
    • Just a quick rewind of the persecution to the unvaccinated in the past year and half. Till today, Canadian society pretends it never happened, unlike the Australian journalist. +3
      • 这些问题的提出本身就非常恶毒。我们经历了一次小型的纳粹舆论战。除痘不完,导向不止,何谈反思? +6
    • never give up your gun, ever. You won't know when the next mandate is and what it looks like. It could be a mandate death. +4