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爱妻子,就一定要让她感觉到被爱,被关注,而不是仅仅默默地做。don't say anything here more, just do it!

1. you are not sure that she has a boyfreind. you have to forget it.
2. buy a bund of flower (over 20 dollars) to your wife in the nice time. say sorry to her. tell her you neglected her feeling and you will change it. just kiss her hand and face.
3. buy a gift (over 200 dollars) for her and gift for your son (10 dollars is ok) . At a right time, for examble when you invite your wife for a dinner, give the gift to her. Tell her you love her, you will love her more.
4. you have to know how to make a sex love. you have to know how to make her feeling wonderful. kiss her month, neck, body, leak her nipple and breast. kiss and touching her XXXX. make her crazt, scream. let her have a high point. give her a romatic, phantastic, exciting unforgettable sex expereince.

it is all which can show how you love her. it will work. good luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 我想对‘15年感情’的妻子说;


    • 同意。
    • Agree on your comments on him
      will think about it.
      • Honey, I still love you very much. I only beg for a chance, a chance for both of us, a chance for our lovely little one.
        No matter what happened to you, I will forget it and never mention it later in my life. I am the one who love you most in the world, please bring your heart home.
        • you making us heart breaking....... God bless you
        • 爱妻子,就一定要让她感觉到被爱,被关注,而不是仅仅默默地做。don't say anything here more, just do it!
          1. you are not sure that she has a boyfreind. you have to forget it.
          2. buy a bund of flower (over 20 dollars) to your wife in the nice time. say sorry to her. tell her you neglected her feeling and you will change it. just kiss her hand and face.
          3. buy a gift (over 200 dollars) for her and gift for your son (10 dollars is ok) . At a right time, for examble when you invite your wife for a dinner, give the gift to her. Tell her you love her, you will love her more.
          4. you have to know how to make a sex love. you have to know how to make her feeling wonderful. kiss her month, neck, body, leak her nipple and breast. kiss and touching her XXXX. make her crazt, scream. let her have a high point. give her a romatic, phantastic, exciting unforgettable sex expereince.

          it is all which can show how you love her. it will work. good luck
        • give him a chance!!!
        • give him a chance!!!
      • 很多的激情到了后来参杂进孩子,琐碎的小事后都会变得很平淡,甚至有点丑陋。
    • 嗯,都很不错的人
    • 婚变的原因如果是红杏出墙,双方都不应该挽留对方。婚姻需要的是忠诚和信任。当那个丈夫问妻子是否有了别人的时候,沉默的回答基本代表了肯定的回答。
      • 婚姻需要的东西多了. 红杏出墙有时不意味着对错. 找寻幸福不需要借口.
        • 同意。红杏出墙的原因是“春色满园关不住”,所以对方也有责任。我的意思是没有必要维持这种婚姻。:)
      • the point is, the marriage has already been there for 15 years, so my best guess the wife is around 38 years old or so, so , how big is the possibility of 出墙?
        • 秋菠同学,请注意看题面,不是15年的marriage,是15年的感情。:P
          • oh yeah, sorry. let's minus 5 years off from 38, that is 33. possibility will be greatly increased, but still small. you know, whole bunch of MM around 20 out there, who will bother to find anything else?
        • 三八咋啦?冰心曾经说过,人生从八十岁开始,活到宋美龄的一零六,更有六八年呢。
        • 看错了,是15年感情。从19岁开始。
        • 出墙用在乎年龄吗? 6张多的人都能出墙, 3张半怎么就不能出墙?
      • TT, it's not so simple in marriage.
        • 小金经常在不熟悉的领域发表错误的见解, 这也难怪.
          • 小金经常在其熟悉的水利领域发表错误的见解, 这更难怪.
            • 我从来就没有发表过什么正确的见解,看来。因为天下所有的事情都可以分为两类,一种是我熟悉的,一种是不熟悉的。:)
          • 巨同意 ;)
      • 沉默的回答基本代表了肯定的回答。- too naive r, dd. life is complicated, really. IBM is not good.
        • ?What is IBM? I only know MBA is Married But Available.
          • 1.International Big Mouth,2. I am a Big Mouth
            • Hoho, my English is not very good, can not be called International Big Mouth. How ever it is really a good way to improve your English if you marry a native speaker. I guess this the real reason for this devoice.
              And, the same reason that the wife type English here only. Kidding. :)
              • BIG MOUTH. 你图了一时嘴上的痛快,你想没想过你会让丈夫猜忌,妻子无奈啊。以后拜托你这种话题不要乱插话,还是多谈论一下GCD这样的大话题吧。无论如何,那不会伤害任何人。
                • 没有就是没有,何必故作深沉?
                  • 越说你还越来劲了。这个话题不适合你这个单细胞生物,等你恋爱,失恋了几个回合再来讨论。
                    • 你怎知小金不是屡败屡战?
                      • @@
                        or 屡战屡败?
                    • 我知道错了,我没看见#1473840,愿天下夫妻都和和美美,白头偕老。
                • if TT support GCD, that hurts GCD a lot.
                  • 哦,那怎么办,总不能剥夺人家发表愚见的权力吧。
    • Good point.