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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

PP刚才群发了一份电邮,很让人担心,本来我以为他在这次党领竞选中必胜无疑,现在突然不淡定了,莫非是JEAN CHAREST买了大量LIBERAL的选票作假? PP的INSTAGRAM FOLLWERS有288K, 那个老家伙连零头都没有。

会不会是一些保守党党员投了ROMAN BABER, LL, 使得选票分散?抑或是PP的策略,好让党员捐款?大家看呢?如果那个老头上台,那跟土豆没两样了。看下面PP的电邮。

I wish I didn't have to send you this email. But I have no choice.

The result of this leadership race is far from a sure thing.

Defeated Liberal premier Jean Charest is now even saying he can win the race, because of low turnout and a complicated points system that determines the winner. And we are almost out of time, the deadline for ballots to be returned to party HQ is in only two weeks.

Min, to win my campaign is pulling out all the stops.

We are putting on a last-minute push, including door-to-door visits, telephone calls and in-person rallies to get people to vote. That costs money. We need your support to make it happen.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / PP刚才群发了一份电邮,很让人担心,本来我以为他在这次党领竞选中必胜无疑,现在突然不淡定了,莫非是JEAN CHAREST买了大量LIBERAL的选票作假? PP的INSTAGRAM FOLLWERS有288K, 那个老家伙连零头都没有。 +2

    会不会是一些保守党党员投了ROMAN BABER, LL, 使得选票分散?抑或是PP的策略,好让党员捐款?大家看呢?如果那个老头上台,那跟土豆没两样了。看下面PP的电邮。

    I wish I didn't have to send you this email. But I have no choice.

    The result of this leadership race is far from a sure thing.

    Defeated Liberal premier Jean Charest is now even saying he can win the race, because of low turnout and a complicated points system that determines the winner. And we are almost out of time, the deadline for ballots to be returned to party HQ is in only two weeks.

    Min, to win my campaign is pulling out all the stops.

    We are putting on a last-minute push, including door-to-door visits, telephone calls and in-person rallies to get people to vote. That costs money. We need your support to make it happen.

    • 不相信那个 Liberals 代理人 JC 能赢 +2
      • 春天里有狼
    • 福特是自由党卧底,庄社理也是自由党卧底……保守党怎么净出这样的人啊。 +1
      • 揭露出来后空出位置给肉脸华人保守党员们去坐坐
        • 原来以为只有部分极端保守派华人会这样说,没想到连PP这位也这样说,不知道会有什么人给他投票。
          • Charest was elected as the leader of the Quebec Liberal Party, and his party went on to form government in 2003.
            • 这次VOTING的参与度很低,这个ROMAN最近也提到过。所以很为PP担心。连他自已也担心,不然就不会群发那样的EMAILS, 难道只有我一个人收到?其他保守党党员都没收到? +1
              • 收到了,能做的都做了。 +1
              • 上次大选华人的投票率也很低,这就是突出政治的恶果
    • 原来保守党也学会了输了就造谣对手作弊
      • 作假、作弊是自由党的一贯伎俩,从WE CHARITY 到施行EMERGENCY ACT. 例子举不胜举。看来跟随自由党的也都选择一概视而不见。 +15
      • 这个“也”字用得好! +4
        • 对吧,保守党从串儿扑那里学了不少下三滥的招数骗人
          • 纪录片2000 Mules了解一下。还有,17个州联合向最高法院控告选举舞弊。 +6
            • 然后没有成功。说明共和党和串儿扑只是用这种说法骗川粉割韭菜。
          • 下三滥招数骗人不用跟TRUMP学,跟你的自由党学学就会“受益匪浅”。 +7
            • 上来就是“你的自由党”的说法,是和串儿扑这卖国贼学的吗? +1
    • 就是让你捐钱,捐了没?
      • 捐了。每年都捐 +4
        • 二月份加入保守党后捐了款,待会还会去捐。支持PP一下。 +3