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你才是造谣,看纽约时报昨天的文章,Moderna began human trials of its new vaccine this month, and Pfizer plans to do the same later in the month. Initial data from those trials is expected later this year.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 辉瑞第一个针对变种的疫苗终于快要上市了,实验数据来自8只小老鼠。The only data we've seen for the BA.5 booster so far is in mice (N=8) +5
    • 本國完成近九千萬劑新冠疫苗接種,至今仍有人用8只小白鼠做实验。 +3
    • 🐼🐼🐼 +1
    • 造谣也好歹用心点行吗?现在有哪个疫苗是没有临床实验过的呀。这个针对新变种的临床实验3-4个月前就在做了。 +3
    • 又是twitter治国?这种无头无尾的twitter,连谣言都算不上 +2
      • 我猜老川如上台,一定会封了推特
      • 那得看发推的是谁,As a researcher, he has published over 1200 peer-reviewed articles, with more than 290,000 citations, elected to the National Academy of Medicine, and is one of the top 10 most cited researchers in medicine.
    • 已经信任缺失…… 就不当它家的人体小白鼠了🐁 +10
    • 政府买那么多疫苗都是要推的,秋天估计强制又要来了,反抗希望不要出现暴力。 +12
    • 土豆说,靠行骗能赚大把银子,而且骗人和害人不需要任何成本,也没有任何惩罚的时候, 为什么不骗? 他傻吗? +9
    • 别急,很快就有几百万直立行走小白鼠参加实验了。。。。。。咱们就慢慢等试验结果吧 +7