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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

ZT 拜登费城演讲全文:美国的灵魂是什么…






在这里,我们用三个简单的词开启了世界上有史以来最特别的自治试验,这三个词是:“我们,(美国)人民(We, the People)”。























上次,他们想尽一切办法使8100万人的投票无效。 这一次,他们决心成功阻挠人民的意愿。


但是,虽然对美国民主的威胁是真实的,但我想尽可能明确地说:在这些威胁面前,我们并非无能为力。 在这场对民主的持续攻击中,我们不是旁观者。






但是我们一起,我们可以选择一条不同的道路。 我们可以选择一条更好的道路。 向前走,走向未来。 一个充满可能性的未来。 一个可以建设、有梦想和希望的未来。


我了解这个国家。我了解你们,了解美国人民。我知道你们的勇气。我知道你们的心。 我也知道我们的历史。



这是一个尊重自由和公平选举的国家。我们尊重人民的意愿。 我们不否认它。










我们,美国人,不会让任何人或任何事把我们分开。今天,我们周围有一些危险,我们不能让它们占上风。 我们听到——你已经听到了——越来越多关于暴力是这个国家可接受的政治工具的言论。这不是的。暴力永远不可能成为一个可接受的工具。


我们看到执法部门在1月6日遭到野蛮攻击。 我们看到选举官员、投票工作人员,他们中有许多是两党的志愿者,受到恐吓和死亡威胁。而且你相信吗? 联邦调查局特工只是按照指示工作,却受到来自他们自己同胞的生命威胁。


这是煽动性的,是危险的,是违反法治的。 而我们必须说,这不是我们。

女士们,先生们,我们不能既支持叛乱者又支持美国。 它们是不相容的。




我们是一个庞大而复杂的国家。但只有当我们,所有美国人维护共和政体的护栏, 接受自由和公平的选举结果,不把政治视为全面战争而是调解我们之间分歧的时候,民主才会持久。

当一方认为选举只有两种结果时,民主就无法生存:要么他们赢了,要么他们被骗了。 而这就是今天的MAGA共和党人。










但我看到了一个非常不同的美国——一个拥有无限未来的美国,一个即将起飞的美国。 我希望你们也能看到它。只要看看周围。








听着,我知道过去一年,几年很艰难。但今天,新冠不再控制我们的生活。更多的美国人在工作,比以往任何时候都多。企业正在增长。我们的学校是开放的。数以百万计的美国人已经摆脱了贫困。数百万曾经暴露在有毒燃烧坑(toxic burn pits)中的退伍军人,现在他们将得到应有的补偿。


我在你们,美国人身上打了个赌,而这个赌注正在得到回报。这证明了从黑暗中,从夏洛茨维尔的黑暗、新冠的黑暗、枪支暴力的黑暗、叛乱的黑暗中,我们可以看到光明。 光就在眼前。


即使在这个时刻,面对我们面临的所有挑战,我拜登向你们保证:我从未对美国的未来感到如此乐观。 不是因为我,而是因为你们是谁。







我竞选总统是因为我相信我们正处在一场为这个国家的灵魂而战的战斗中。 我仍然相信这是真的。我相信,灵魂是我们的呼吸、生命,是我们的本质。灵魂使我们成为 "我们 "。




尽管有些人和你立场不同,但他们有权无理取闹。 这是一个民主国家。 但历史和常识性的良好礼仪是他们不曾接受过的。







而这项工作是关于民主的工作,这一代人的工作。 它是我们这个时代的工作,一直要持续下去的工作。


如果我们都能履行我们的职责,如果我们在2022年及以后都能履行我们的职责,那么未来的岁月将告诉我们——我们在座的所有人,我们坚持了信仰。 我们维护了民主。我们听从的不是我们最坏的本能,而是我们更好的天使。我们证明,尽管美国有种种不完美之处,但它仍然是世界的灯塔,是有待实现的理想,是有待兑现的承诺。






My fellow Americans, please, if you have a seat, take it.

I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA.

This is where America made its declaration of independence to the world more than two centuries ago, with an idea unique among nations: that in America, we’re all created equal.

This is where the United States Constitution was written and debated. This is where we set in motion the most extraordinary experiment of self-government the world has ever known.

With three simple words: we, the people; we, the people. These two documents and their ideas they embody — equality and democracy — are the rock upon which this nation is built.

They are how we became the greatest nation on earth. They are why, for more than two centuries, America has been a beacon to the world.

But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.

So, tonight, I’ve come to this place where it all began to speak as plainly as I can to the nation about the threats we face, about the power we have in our own hands to meet these threats and about the incredible future that lies in front of us, if only we choose it.

We must never forget, we, the people, are the true heirs of the American experiment that began more than two centuries ago.

We, the people, have burning inside of each of us the flame of liberty that was lit here at Independence Hall. A flame that lit our way through abolition, the Civil War, suffrage, the Great Depression, world wars, civil rights. That sacred flame still burns. Now on our time as we build an America that is more prosperous, free, and just. That is the work of my presidency, a mission I believe in with my whole soul.

But first, we must be honest with each other and with ourselves.

Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.

Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know, because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.

But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country.

These are hard things, but I’m an American president, not a president of red America or blue America, but of all America. And I believe it’s my duty, my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.

And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, brutally attacking law enforcement, not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger at the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots. And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

They tried everything last time to nullify the votes of 81 million people. This time, they’re determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people. That’s why respected conservatives like Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig has called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy.

But while the threat to American democracy is real, I want to say as clearly as we can, we are not powerless in the face of these threats. We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy. There are far more Americans, far more Americans from every background and belief, who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it. And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.

I believe America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that’s to come after. And now, America must choose to move forward or to move backwards, to build a future or obsess about the past, to be a nation of hope and unity and optimism or a nation of fear, division and of darkness.

MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live, not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. But together, together, we can choose a different path. We can choose a better path forward to the future, a future of possibility, a future to build a dream and hope, and we’re on that path moving ahead.

I know this nation. I know you, the American people. I know your courage, I know your hearts, and I know our history. This is a nation that honors our Constitution. We do not reject it. This is a nation that believes in the rule of law. We do not repudiate it. This is a nation that respects free and fair elections. We honor the will of the people. We do not deny it. And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool. We do not encourage violence. We are still an America that believes in honesty and decency and respect for others. Patriotism, liberty, justice for all, hope, possibilities — we are still at our core a democracy.

And yet, history tells us that blind loyalty to a single leader and a willingness to engage in political violence is fatal to democracy.

For a long time, we’ve told ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed, but it’s not. We have to defend it, protect it, stand up for it, each and every one of us. That’s why tonight, I’m asking our nation to come together, unite behind the single purpose of defending our democracy regardless of your ideology.

We’re all called by duty and conscience to confront extremists who put their own pursuit of power above all else. Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans, we must be stronger, more determined and more committed to saving American democracy. And MAGA Republicans are destroying American democracy.

We, the people, will not let anyone or anything tear us apart. Today, there are dangers around us we cannot allow to prevail. We hear — you’ve heard it, more and more talk about violence as an acceptable political tool in this country. It’s not. It can never be an acceptable tool. So, I want to say this plain and simple: There is no place for political violence in America, period, none, ever.

You saw law enforcement brutally attacked on January the 6th. We’ve seen election officials, poll workers, many of them volunteers of both parties, subject to intimidation and death threats. And, can you believe it, F.B.I. agents just doing their job as directed, facing threats to their own lives from their own fellow citizens.

On top of that, there are public figures today, yesterday and the day before predicting and all but calling for mass violence and rioting in the streets. This is inflammatory. It’s dangerous. It’s against the rule of law. And we, the people, must say this is not who we are.

Ladies and gentlemen, we can’t be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American. They’re incompatible. We can’t allow violence to be normalized in this country. It’s wrong. We each have to reject political violence with all the moral clarity and conviction this nation can muster now.

We can’t let the integrity of our elections be undermined, for that is a path to chaos. Look, I know politics can be fierce and mean and nasty in America. I get it. I believe in the give and take of politics, in disagreement and debate and dissent. We’re a big complicated country, but democracy endures only if we, the people, respect the guardrails of the Republic. Only if, we the people accept the results of free and fair elections. Only if, we the people see politics, not as total war, but mediation of our differences. Democracy cannot survive on one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: Either they win or they were cheated. And that’s where the MAGA Republicans are today.

They don’t understand what every patriotic American knows. You can’t love your country only when you win. It’s fundamental.

American democracy only works only if we choose to respect the rule of law and the institutions that were set up in this chamber behind me. Only if we respect our legitimate political differences.

I will not stand by and watch — I will not — the will of the American people be overturned by wild conspiracy theories and baseless evidence-free claims of fraud. I will not stand by and watch elections in this country stolen by people who simply refuse to accept that they lost. I will not stand by and watch the most fundamental freedom in this country, the freedom to vote and have your vote counted, and be taken from you and the American people.

Look, as your president, I will defend our democracy with every fiber of my being, and I’m asking every American to join me.

Throughout our history, America has often made the greatest progress coming out of some of our darkest moments like you’re hearing in that bullhorn. I believe we can and must do that again, and we are.

MAGA Republicans look at America and see carnage and darkness and despair. They spread fear and lies. Lies told for profit and power.

But I see a different America — an America with an unlimited future, an America that’s about to take off. I hope you see it as well. Just look around. I believe we could lift America from the depths of Covid, so we passed the largest economic recovery package since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and today America’s economy is faster, stronger than any other advanced nation in the world. We have more to go. I believe we can build a better America, so we passed the biggest infrastructure investment since President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and we’ve now embarked on a decade of rebuilding the nation’s roads, bridges, highways, ports, water systems, high-speed internet, railroads.

I believe we can make America safer, so we passed the most significant gun safety law since President Clinton.

I believe we could go from being the highest cost of prescriptions to the world to making prescription drugs and health care more affordable, so we passed the most significant health care reform since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act.

And I believed we could create a clean energy future and save the planet, so we passed the most important climate initiative ever, ever, ever.

The cynics and the critics tell us nothing can get done, but they’re wrong.

There is not a single thing America cannot do, not a single thing beyond our capacity if we do it together. It’s never easy. But we’re proving that America, no matter how long the road, progress does come.

Look, I know the last year, few years have been tough, but today Covid no longer controls our lives. More Americans are working than ever. Businesses are growing, our schools are open, millions of Americans have been lifted out of poverty. Millions of veterans once exposed to toxic burn pits will now get what they deserve for their families in compensation. American manufacturing has come alive across the heartland, and the future will be made in America, no matter what the white supremacists and the extremists say.

I made a bet on you, the American people, and that bet is paying off, proving that from darkness, the darkness of Charlottesville, of Covid, of gun violence, of insurrection, we can see the light. Light is now visible. Light that will guide us forward. Not only in words but in actions. Actions for you, for your children, for your grandchildren, for America.

Even in this moment with all the challenges we face, I give you my word as a Biden, I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future. Not because of me, but because of who you are.

We’re going to end cancer as we know it, mark my words. We’re going to create millions of new jobs and a clean energy economy. We’re going to think big. We’re going to make the 21st century another American century because the world needs us to. That’s where we need to focus our energy. Not in the past, not on divisive culture wars, not on the politics of grievance, but on a future we can build together.

The MAGA Republicans believe that for them to succeed, everyone else has to fail. They believe America, not like what I believe about America. I believe America is big enough for all of us to succeed, and that is the nation we’re building, a nation where no one is left behind.

I ran for president because I believed we were in a battle of the soul of this nation. I still believe that to be true. I believe the soul is the breadth, the life and the essence of who we are. The soul is what makes us, us.

The soul of America is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of God, that all are entitled to be treated with decency, dignity and respect, that all deserve justice and a shot at lives of prosperity and consequence. And that democracy, democracy must be defended, for democracy makes all these things possible.

Folks, and it’s up to us. Democracy begins and will be preserved, and we the people’s habits of the heart — in our character, optimism that is tested, yet endures, courage that digs deep when we need it. Empathy that fuels democracy. The willingness to see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans.

Look, our democracy isn’t perfect. It always has been. Notwithstanding those folks you hear on the other side there. They’re entitled to be outrageous. This is a democracy. But history and common sense — good manners is nothing they have ever suffered from — but history and common sense tell us that opportunity, liberty and justice for all are most likely to come to pass in a democracy. We have never fully realized the aspirations of our founding, but every generation has opened those doors a little bit wider to include more people who have been excluded before.

My fellow Americans, America is an idea; the most powerful idea in the history of the world, and it beats in the hearts of the people of this country. It beats in all our hearts. It unites America. It is the American creed.

The idea that America guarantees that everyone be treated with dignity. It gives hate no safe harbor. It installs in everyone the belief that no matter where you start in life, there’s nothing you can’t achieve. That’s who we are. That’s what we stand for. That’s what we believe.

And that’s precisely what we’re doing — opening doors, creating possibilities, focusing on the future — and we’re only just beginning.

Our task is to make our nation free and fair, just and strong, noble and whole, and this work is the work of democracy, the work of this generation. It is the work of our time for all time. We can’t afford to leave anyone on the sidelines. We need everyone to do their part, so speak up, speak out, get engaged, vote, vote, vote!

And if we do our duty, if we do our duty, in 2022 and beyond, then ages still to come will say we, all of us here, we kept the faith. We preserved democracy. We heeded our words. We heeded not our worst instincts but our better angels. We proved that for all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, a promise to be kept. There’s nothing more important. Nothing more sacred. Nothing more American. That’s our soul. That’s who we truly are. And that’s who we must always be.

I have no doubt, none, that this is who we will be and that we’ll come together as a nation that will secure our democracy. That for the next 200 years we’ll have what we had the past 200 years, the greatest nation on the face of the earth. We just need to remember who we are. We are the United States of America, the United States of America. And may God protect our nation, and may God protect all those who stand watch over our democracy.

God bless you all. Democracy. Thank you.


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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / ZT 拜登费城演讲全文:美国的灵魂是什么…





    在这里,我们用三个简单的词开启了世界上有史以来最特别的自治试验,这三个词是:“我们,(美国)人民(We, the People)”。























    上次,他们想尽一切办法使8100万人的投票无效。 这一次,他们决心成功阻挠人民的意愿。


    但是,虽然对美国民主的威胁是真实的,但我想尽可能明确地说:在这些威胁面前,我们并非无能为力。 在这场对民主的持续攻击中,我们不是旁观者。






    但是我们一起,我们可以选择一条不同的道路。 我们可以选择一条更好的道路。 向前走,走向未来。 一个充满可能性的未来。 一个可以建设、有梦想和希望的未来。


    我了解这个国家。我了解你们,了解美国人民。我知道你们的勇气。我知道你们的心。 我也知道我们的历史。



    这是一个尊重自由和公平选举的国家。我们尊重人民的意愿。 我们不否认它。










    我们,美国人,不会让任何人或任何事把我们分开。今天,我们周围有一些危险,我们不能让它们占上风。 我们听到——你已经听到了——越来越多关于暴力是这个国家可接受的政治工具的言论。这不是的。暴力永远不可能成为一个可接受的工具。


    我们看到执法部门在1月6日遭到野蛮攻击。 我们看到选举官员、投票工作人员,他们中有许多是两党的志愿者,受到恐吓和死亡威胁。而且你相信吗? 联邦调查局特工只是按照指示工作,却受到来自他们自己同胞的生命威胁。


    这是煽动性的,是危险的,是违反法治的。 而我们必须说,这不是我们。

    女士们,先生们,我们不能既支持叛乱者又支持美国。 它们是不相容的。




    我们是一个庞大而复杂的国家。但只有当我们,所有美国人维护共和政体的护栏, 接受自由和公平的选举结果,不把政治视为全面战争而是调解我们之间分歧的时候,民主才会持久。

    当一方认为选举只有两种结果时,民主就无法生存:要么他们赢了,要么他们被骗了。 而这就是今天的MAGA共和党人。










    但我看到了一个非常不同的美国——一个拥有无限未来的美国,一个即将起飞的美国。 我希望你们也能看到它。只要看看周围。








    听着,我知道过去一年,几年很艰难。但今天,新冠不再控制我们的生活。更多的美国人在工作,比以往任何时候都多。企业正在增长。我们的学校是开放的。数以百万计的美国人已经摆脱了贫困。数百万曾经暴露在有毒燃烧坑(toxic burn pits)中的退伍军人,现在他们将得到应有的补偿。


    我在你们,美国人身上打了个赌,而这个赌注正在得到回报。这证明了从黑暗中,从夏洛茨维尔的黑暗、新冠的黑暗、枪支暴力的黑暗、叛乱的黑暗中,我们可以看到光明。 光就在眼前。


    即使在这个时刻,面对我们面临的所有挑战,我拜登向你们保证:我从未对美国的未来感到如此乐观。 不是因为我,而是因为你们是谁。







    我竞选总统是因为我相信我们正处在一场为这个国家的灵魂而战的战斗中。 我仍然相信这是真的。我相信,灵魂是我们的呼吸、生命,是我们的本质。灵魂使我们成为 "我们 "。




    尽管有些人和你立场不同,但他们有权无理取闹。 这是一个民主国家。 但历史和常识性的良好礼仪是他们不曾接受过的。







    而这项工作是关于民主的工作,这一代人的工作。 它是我们这个时代的工作,一直要持续下去的工作。


    如果我们都能履行我们的职责,如果我们在2022年及以后都能履行我们的职责,那么未来的岁月将告诉我们——我们在座的所有人,我们坚持了信仰。 我们维护了民主。我们听从的不是我们最坏的本能,而是我们更好的天使。我们证明,尽管美国有种种不完美之处,但它仍然是世界的灯塔,是有待实现的理想,是有待兑现的承诺。






    My fellow Americans, please, if you have a seat, take it.

    I speak to you tonight from sacred ground in America: Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA.

    This is where America made its declaration of independence to the world more than two centuries ago, with an idea unique among nations: that in America, we’re all created equal.

    This is where the United States Constitution was written and debated. This is where we set in motion the most extraordinary experiment of self-government the world has ever known.

    With three simple words: we, the people; we, the people. These two documents and their ideas they embody — equality and democracy — are the rock upon which this nation is built.

    They are how we became the greatest nation on earth. They are why, for more than two centuries, America has been a beacon to the world.

    But as I stand here tonight, equality and democracy are under assault. We do ourselves no favor to pretend otherwise.

    So, tonight, I’ve come to this place where it all began to speak as plainly as I can to the nation about the threats we face, about the power we have in our own hands to meet these threats and about the incredible future that lies in front of us, if only we choose it.

    We must never forget, we, the people, are the true heirs of the American experiment that began more than two centuries ago.

    We, the people, have burning inside of each of us the flame of liberty that was lit here at Independence Hall. A flame that lit our way through abolition, the Civil War, suffrage, the Great Depression, world wars, civil rights. That sacred flame still burns. Now on our time as we build an America that is more prosperous, free, and just. That is the work of my presidency, a mission I believe in with my whole soul.

    But first, we must be honest with each other and with ourselves.

    Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.

    Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know, because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.

    But there’s no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country.

    These are hard things, but I’m an American president, not a president of red America or blue America, but of all America. And I believe it’s my duty, my duty to level with you, to tell the truth no matter how difficult, no matter how painful.

    And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people. They refuse to accept the results of a free election, and they’re working right now as I speak in state after state to give power to decide elections in America to partisans and cronies, empowering election deniers to undermine democracy itself.

    MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards, backwards to an America where there is no right to choose, no right to privacy, no right to contraception, no right to marry who you love. They promote authoritarian leaders, and they fanned the flames of political violence that are a threat to our personal rights, to the pursuit of justice, to the rule of law, to the very soul of this country.

    They look at the mob that stormed the United States Capitol on Jan. 6, brutally attacking law enforcement, not as insurrectionists who placed a dagger at the throat of our democracy, but they look at them as patriots. And they see their MAGA failure to stop a peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 election as preparation for the 2022 and 2024 elections.

    They tried everything last time to nullify the votes of 81 million people. This time, they’re determined to succeed in thwarting the will of the people. That’s why respected conservatives like Federal Circuit Court Judge Michael Luttig has called Trump and the extreme MAGA Republicans “a clear and present danger” to our democracy.

    But while the threat to American democracy is real, I want to say as clearly as we can, we are not powerless in the face of these threats. We are not bystanders in this ongoing attack on democracy. There are far more Americans, far more Americans from every background and belief, who reject the extreme MAGA ideology than those that accept it. And folks, it’s within our power, it’s in our hands, yours and mine, to stop the assault on American democracy.

    I believe America is at an inflection point, one of those moments that determine the shape of everything that’s to come after. And now, America must choose to move forward or to move backwards, to build a future or obsess about the past, to be a nation of hope and unity and optimism or a nation of fear, division and of darkness.

    MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live, not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. But together, together, we can choose a different path. We can choose a better path forward to the future, a future of possibility, a future to build a dream and hope, and we’re on that path moving ahead.

    I know this nation. I know you, the American people. I know your courage, I know your hearts, and I know our history. This is a nation that honors our Constitution. We do not reject it. This is a nation that believes in the rule of law. We do not repudiate it. This is a nation that respects free and fair elections. We honor the will of the people. We do not deny it. And this is a nation that rejects violence as a political tool. We do not encourage violence. We are still an America that believes in honesty and decency and respect for others. Patriotism, liberty, justice for all, hope, possibilities — we are still at our core a democracy.

    And yet, history tells us that blind loyalty to a single leader and a willingness to engage in political violence is fatal to democracy.

    For a long time, we’ve told ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed, but it’s not. We have to defend it, protect it, stand up for it, each and every one of us. That’s why tonight, I’m asking our nation to come together, unite behind the single purpose of defending our democracy regardless of your ideology.

    We’re all called by duty and conscience to confront extremists who put their own pursuit of power above all else. Democrats, independents, mainstream Republicans, we must be stronger, more determined and more committed to saving American democracy. And MAGA Republicans are destroying American democracy.

    We, the people, will not let anyone or anything tear us apart. Today, there are dangers around us we cannot allow to prevail. We hear — you’ve heard it, more and more talk about violence as an acceptable political tool in this country. It’s not. It can never be an acceptable tool. So, I want to say this plain and simple: There is no place for political violence in America, period, none, ever.

    You saw law enforcement brutally attacked on January the 6th. We’ve seen election officials, poll workers, many of them volunteers of both parties, subject to intimidation and death threats. And, can you believe it, F.B.I. agents just doing their job as directed, facing threats to their own lives from their own fellow citizens.

    On top of that, there are public figures today, yesterday and the day before predicting and all but calling for mass violence and rioting in the streets. This is inflammatory. It’s dangerous. It’s against the rule of law. And we, the people, must say this is not who we are.

    Ladies and gentlemen, we can’t be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American. They’re incompatible. We can’t allow violence to be normalized in this country. It’s wrong. We each have to reject political violence with all the moral clarity and conviction this nation can muster now.

    We can’t let the integrity of our elections be undermined, for that is a path to chaos. Look, I know politics can be fierce and mean and nasty in America. I get it. I believe in the give and take of politics, in disagreement and debate and dissent. We’re a big complicated country, but democracy endures only if we, the people, respect the guardrails of the Republic. Only if, we the people accept the results of free and fair elections. Only if, we the people see politics, not as total war, but mediation of our differences. Democracy cannot survive on one side believes there are only two outcomes to an election: Either they win or they were cheated. And that’s where the MAGA Republicans are today.

    They don’t understand what every patriotic American knows. You can’t love your country only when you win. It’s fundamental.

    American democracy only works only if we choose to respect the rule of law and the institutions that were set up in this chamber behind me. Only if we respect our legitimate political differences.

    I will not stand by and watch — I will not — the will of the American people be overturned by wild conspiracy theories and baseless evidence-free claims of fraud. I will not stand by and watch elections in this country stolen by people who simply refuse to accept that they lost. I will not stand by and watch the most fundamental freedom in this country, the freedom to vote and have your vote counted, and be taken from you and the American people.

    Look, as your president, I will defend our democracy with every fiber of my being, and I’m asking every American to join me.

    Throughout our history, America has often made the greatest progress coming out of some of our darkest moments like you’re hearing in that bullhorn. I believe we can and must do that again, and we are.

    MAGA Republicans look at America and see carnage and darkness and despair. They spread fear and lies. Lies told for profit and power.

    But I see a different America — an America with an unlimited future, an America that’s about to take off. I hope you see it as well. Just look around. I believe we could lift America from the depths of Covid, so we passed the largest economic recovery package since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and today America’s economy is faster, stronger than any other advanced nation in the world. We have more to go. I believe we can build a better America, so we passed the biggest infrastructure investment since President Dwight D. Eisenhower, and we’ve now embarked on a decade of rebuilding the nation’s roads, bridges, highways, ports, water systems, high-speed internet, railroads.

    I believe we can make America safer, so we passed the most significant gun safety law since President Clinton.

    I believe we could go from being the highest cost of prescriptions to the world to making prescription drugs and health care more affordable, so we passed the most significant health care reform since President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act.

    And I believed we could create a clean energy future and save the planet, so we passed the most important climate initiative ever, ever, ever.

    The cynics and the critics tell us nothing can get done, but they’re wrong.

    There is not a single thing America cannot do, not a single thing beyond our capacity if we do it together. It’s never easy. But we’re proving that America, no matter how long the road, progress does come.

    Look, I know the last year, few years have been tough, but today Covid no longer controls our lives. More Americans are working than ever. Businesses are growing, our schools are open, millions of Americans have been lifted out of poverty. Millions of veterans once exposed to toxic burn pits will now get what they deserve for their families in compensation. American manufacturing has come alive across the heartland, and the future will be made in America, no matter what the white supremacists and the extremists say.

    I made a bet on you, the American people, and that bet is paying off, proving that from darkness, the darkness of Charlottesville, of Covid, of gun violence, of insurrection, we can see the light. Light is now visible. Light that will guide us forward. Not only in words but in actions. Actions for you, for your children, for your grandchildren, for America.

    Even in this moment with all the challenges we face, I give you my word as a Biden, I’ve never been more optimistic about America’s future. Not because of me, but because of who you are.

    We’re going to end cancer as we know it, mark my words. We’re going to create millions of new jobs and a clean energy economy. We’re going to think big. We’re going to make the 21st century another American century because the world needs us to. That’s where we need to focus our energy. Not in the past, not on divisive culture wars, not on the politics of grievance, but on a future we can build together.

    The MAGA Republicans believe that for them to succeed, everyone else has to fail. They believe America, not like what I believe about America. I believe America is big enough for all of us to succeed, and that is the nation we’re building, a nation where no one is left behind.

    I ran for president because I believed we were in a battle of the soul of this nation. I still believe that to be true. I believe the soul is the breadth, the life and the essence of who we are. The soul is what makes us, us.

    The soul of America is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of God, that all are entitled to be treated with decency, dignity and respect, that all deserve justice and a shot at lives of prosperity and consequence. And that democracy, democracy must be defended, for democracy makes all these things possible.

    Folks, and it’s up to us. Democracy begins and will be preserved, and we the people’s habits of the heart — in our character, optimism that is tested, yet endures, courage that digs deep when we need it. Empathy that fuels democracy. The willingness to see each other not as enemies but as fellow Americans.

    Look, our democracy isn’t perfect. It always has been. Notwithstanding those folks you hear on the other side there. They’re entitled to be outrageous. This is a democracy. But history and common sense — good manners is nothing they have ever suffered from — but history and common sense tell us that opportunity, liberty and justice for all are most likely to come to pass in a democracy. We have never fully realized the aspirations of our founding, but every generation has opened those doors a little bit wider to include more people who have been excluded before.

    My fellow Americans, America is an idea; the most powerful idea in the history of the world, and it beats in the hearts of the people of this country. It beats in all our hearts. It unites America. It is the American creed.

    The idea that America guarantees that everyone be treated with dignity. It gives hate no safe harbor. It installs in everyone the belief that no matter where you start in life, there’s nothing you can’t achieve. That’s who we are. That’s what we stand for. That’s what we believe.

    And that’s precisely what we’re doing — opening doors, creating possibilities, focusing on the future — and we’re only just beginning.

    Our task is to make our nation free and fair, just and strong, noble and whole, and this work is the work of democracy, the work of this generation. It is the work of our time for all time. We can’t afford to leave anyone on the sidelines. We need everyone to do their part, so speak up, speak out, get engaged, vote, vote, vote!

    And if we do our duty, if we do our duty, in 2022 and beyond, then ages still to come will say we, all of us here, we kept the faith. We preserved democracy. We heeded our words. We heeded not our worst instincts but our better angels. We proved that for all its imperfections, America is still the beacon to the world, an ideal to be realized, a promise to be kept. There’s nothing more important. Nothing more sacred. Nothing more American. That’s our soul. That’s who we truly are. And that’s who we must always be.

    I have no doubt, none, that this is who we will be and that we’ll come together as a nation that will secure our democracy. That for the next 200 years we’ll have what we had the past 200 years, the greatest nation on the face of the earth. We just need to remember who we are. We are the United States of America, the United States of America. And may God protect our nation, and may God protect all those who stand watch over our democracy.

    God bless you all. Democracy. Thank you.

    • 个人感觉,拜登对MAGA的攻击,恰恰是对美国精神的攻击。他自己的施政实践,也证明了这一点。 +8
      • 停止内耗
      • “我相信美国足够大, +1

        我竞选总统是因为我相信我们正处在一场为这个国家的灵魂而战的战斗中。 我仍然相信这是真的。我相信,灵魂是我们的呼吸、生命,是我们的本质。灵魂使我们成为 "我们 "。

      • 惹到CNN都不爽了,说明败登悠过线了,他第二天答记者问把前一天演讲说的话推翻了。CNN质疑总统用海军陆战军人做背景哪门子民主 +1



    • 登子发言高大上但全是虚的,实际问题一个没谈。边境问题有招了吗?BLM算不算暴力? +5
    • 这比串儿扑讲得克制啊,还不撒谎,不利于打动川粉
    • 美国的灵魂是作弊当总统 +3
    • 美国如果走MAGA民粹主义的道路,这个世界真的就没有什么希望了。。。大陆是另一个民粹主义的典范。
      • 左派最喜欢用主义这个词。不是说你啊。 民粹主义是什么意思?有什么好,有什么不好? +2
        • 民粹主义,目前就是反全球化。。。物价飞涨,减少移民都是可能的结果。
          • 这样啊。全球化意味着把发达国家的高污染产业转移到中国之类的,因为那些对污染不care. 但是地球是同一个地球。 从这个角度出发,我也反对全球化。
            • “右翼民粹主义实质上——其实任何形式的民粹主义——是民主制度自陷困境的一种表征;法西斯主义以及其他政治运动是民主危机的后果。
              • “左翼民粹主义”的实质是什么?
                • 就是各国的共产党。
      • 嗯,还是作弊当总统的老白痴靠谱。。。。。。 +4
    • 美国有灵魂?
      • 左派喜欢用这些不着边际的词汇。 +2
    • 看完演讲感觉美国的分裂越来越严重,以后就是两个美国了 +1
    • 服了上面几位,作弊当总统的老白痴讲话,居然也看。。。。。。 +8
      • [标题]拜登费城诡异演讲,真实意图超出外界想象!
        #海湖莊園 #聯邦調查局 #拜登演講聯邦調查局FBI突襲海湖莊園,司法部照片造假三大鐵證首次全揭秘,原來他們阻撓設立特別主事官(Special Master)的原因在於此。9月1日在費城獨立大廳前,拜登演講的真實意圖超出外界想象!民主黨中期選舉前三大目標曝光,著名電視主持人提醒大家不要上鉤,川普也暗示大家要冷靜。...
        • 这个视频最惊人的内容是:有人认为拜登演讲的真实意图是为了煽动内战从而保住权力。川普似乎识破了这个陷阱,暗示大家要冷静,不要上当。 +3