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看一下Who will be offered vaccination against covid-19? 除了列出来的那些情况,普通50岁以下的人是不给打的。

The Danish Health Authority expects that the number of covid-19 infections will increase during autumn and winter. Therefore, we recommend vaccination of people aged 50 years and over as well as selected risk groups. Read more about the autumn vaccination programme here.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 继英国、澳大利亚等近百个国家取消一切入境疫苗和检测要求后,新西兰也取消了,看来土豆要和包子并肩作战坚持到最后一刻? +8
    New Zealand lifts COVID-19 testing and vaccination requirements for travelers.
    • 美国也没取消,拜登土豆一丘之貉 +5
      • 拜登这种老年痴呆就随他去了,不过美国入境官员早就在消极抵抗限制政策了,基本上不管。 +4
        • 陆地口岸可能不管,飞机还是不行。
          • 是不是加拿大境内的飞行就没有问题,不会要求什么狗屁ARRIVE CAN和疫苗接种状况和隔离,就是机场飞机上还要戴口罩唯一的要求,对嘛? +1
            • 对。
        • 是吗?陆路进美国还会问疫苗证明吗?
          • 我在脸书2万人的group里看到的情况,大部分人没问,少部分人问有没有打疫苗(没特指covid),答yes就让过。极少数人被要求出示证明,就说没带,会不让进。可以换个关口再试。 +3
            • 这样还是不敢做计划,否则什么都定好了然后关口不让进,酒店机票什么都可能作废了。还是很麻烦
    • Denmark banned covid vaxx to anyone under 50. Tide is turning. +18
      • Britain has banned children under age 12 from receiving the COVID-19 vaccine +5
        • Link?
      • 这还差不多. 查了一下, 7月开始就不给18岁以下打了. 加拿大提倡给小孩强制打针的人是脑子不够用还是心眼太坏? +11

        Vaccination of children against covid-19

        Children and adolescents rarely become severely ill from the Omicron variant of covid-19.

        From 1 July 2022, it was no longer possible for children and adolescents aged under 18 to get the first injection and, from 1 September 2022, it was no longer possible for them to get the second injection.

        A very limited number of children at particularly higher risk of becoming severely ill will still be offered vaccination based on an individual assessment by a doctor.


        • 丹麦卫生局:从2022年7月1日起,18岁以下的儿童和青少年不再接受第一次疫苗接种,从2022年9月1日起,他们不再注射加强针 ------ 良心尚存的政府。对比加拿大COVID-19 vaccination has now been approved for children 6 months to under 5 years of age. +5
          • 关键不是政府要不要了,关键是还有人抱着孩子去打 +1
            • 有些人只看主媒,那是一边倒的说疫苗好啊。有个母亲还发推特,孩子打了第一针就病倒了,她很为孩子骄傲,还准备打第二针。 +3
        • 又蠢又坏。 +4
        • both, 百姓脑子不够用,当权的心眼太坏 +2
      • 看了一下link的内容,不是banned,只是不强制了!政府的态度并没变,至少嘴上没变 +1
        • 不光是不强制,关键的是明确不提倡不建议去打,除非是高危人士。并且给了充足的理由。是没有用BAN这个字眼但态度的转变还是挺明显的。不像加拿大还在抱着疫苗不放。 +2
          • 丹麦现在是50岁以下的非高危人士不给打了,想打也没得打,跟BAN差不多。 +2
            • 英国如何?
            • 我没看到”想打也不给打”的段子
      • 只是逐渐验证一个个被冠以“反疫苗”、“反团结”、甚至“反人类”言论的预瞻性、科学观而已。当然,估计还是会有人跳出来说,要不是他们“主动牺牲”去打了疫苗,哪来这样的“成果”,呵呵。 +5
    • 看昨天中文新闻,貌似土豆要改主意了,arriveCan有望取消了。 +3
    • LILLEY: ArriveCan to be optional, other COVID travel measures gone in weeks? +5
      • 9月30号就取消了?太好了!✌ +3
      • 太开心了 +2
        • 还没有呢。我准备10月1号,和一帮同道,一起越境然后回来反抗arrivecan, 如果土豆到那天还不取消的话。 +9
          • 我估计应该能取消 +1
          • Take care +3
    • Opinion +2
      The federal government is considering turning the page on pandemic-era restrictions by ending the COVID-19 vaccination mandate at the border and scrapping random testing requirements, the Star has learned.
    • The only left to get rid of is Trudeau and his pathetic govt, and that can’t come soon enough. +9


    • 加拿大不检测, 不填 arrive Canada 了 +3
      • 没打疫苗的回国还要隔离吗?
    • 今天看到这个 +13
      • 赞! +8
      • 👍👍👍土豆must go !👍👍👍 +9