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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Do you have to pay for a private parking fine?但是理论上你以后如果停在他们的停车场,你又有比较多的未交罚款,他们有可能把你的车拖走。

Do you have to pay for a private parking fine?

Whether you have to pay a private parking fine will depend on who it was issued by. If the fine was issued by the police or council workers, known as a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), you can’t ignore it. This is because they’re backed by the law and if you ignore this for too long, you could get summoned to court.

But if the private parking ticket was issued by a private company (like a college, university, cark park or hospital) they aren’t technically ‘fines.’ Instead, the company is giving you notice that they see your parking as a breach of contract. They’re known as Parking Charge Notices and aren’t an official fine – in fact, private companies don’t have a legal right to demand payment from you.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 各位可知道indigo park 什么机构?今天收到一张罚单,85+税
    • Ignore it +2
    • 扔掉。或者你也罚它85刀 +1
    • 😄,这些骗子,差点儿就成功了,谢谢各位。
    • 我怎么觉得这个名字像一家很大的停车管理公司呢……很多城市都有这家的室内停车场?
      • 是的,楼主有可能不小心停到了这家公司的某个停车场而没付费。不付罚单公司有可能写信吓唬你,但结果不会怎么样,不过下次如果再不小心停在他们任何一个停车场的话,可能会拖车让车主出大血。 +1
    • Do you have to pay for a private parking fine?但是理论上你以后如果停在他们的停车场,你又有比较多的未交罚款,他们有可能把你的车拖走。

      Do you have to pay for a private parking fine?

      Whether you have to pay a private parking fine will depend on who it was issued by. If the fine was issued by the police or council workers, known as a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), you can’t ignore it. This is because they’re backed by the law and if you ignore this for too long, you could get summoned to court.

      But if the private parking ticket was issued by a private company (like a college, university, cark park or hospital) they aren’t technically ‘fines.’ Instead, the company is giving you notice that they see your parking as a breach of contract. They’re known as Parking Charge Notices and aren’t an official fine – in fact, private companies don’t have a legal right to demand payment from you.

    • 回楼上几位,我这张是通过信函收到的,说是什么多伦多机场,我在机场从来没停在收费parking 过,没钱啊,也没必要。
      • 有日期吗?如果有日期,赶快回忆一下那天你在哪儿,并找个证人,万一有需要打官司
        • 关键这种不是政府发的,没有地方辩解。
    • 看这个和你同样的情况: +1
      • 我看你还是付钱吧,这是机场委托他们干的。 +2


        • 记得多年前还没有cell phone parking lot的时候,我也在机场高速边停过等人,不过没多久就被警察赶走了。现在真狠,不赶人了,直接拍照。
          • 我上个月一大早去机场接人,一开始还在找可以停车的路边,但没有一辆车停在路边,我就在到达区外面等了,保安也没管,看了这帖子一研究,吓了一跳😰
        • 可是没有照片啊,没证据呀。
          • 老实讲,你真觉得他们没照片?
            • 有照片通常一起寄过来吧?
              • 肯定自动拍到牌照了,才找到你家地址的。
              • 你从来都没碰上过这种事,怎么会有这样的assumption?
      • 这件事一直不明白,cell phone parking那么近,那么大,距离terminal不到一分钟
        • 肯定是不知道,或者没用过。我很长一段时间没去机场接人了,也不知道有这个。
          • 也许吧。还有EV充电桩,等人的同时免费充电,岂不是太爽。
          • Cell phone parking 存在至少十年了啊。 +3
        • 是啊,可以安安心心坐车里面等,还省了绕机场几圈的油钱。
    • 你唯一的风险就是以后在机场可能被拖车。自己看着办。至于说法律效力,每个人(公司)都可以在自己的财产上自住决定,只要这种决定不违法。 +2
      • 还有可能被讨债公司追债。
    • 还有这么干的?皮尔逊机场真黑。去过底特律机场接人,terminal 外面几条lane排着了一二百米的车,有警察指挥缓慢移动,你到跟前接不到人就接着走,转一圈回来,当然也不好,但是人性话一点。多伦多呢,空荡荡的,一个穿啥制服的立马赶人。 +1
      • pearson有免费的cell phone parking lot,接到电话开两分钟到“空荡荡”的terminals接人,不比排队方便?
        • 底特律也有啊。我也知道啊,可是咱这种不常去的人还是喜欢在terminal 外面等,或许就是个习惯吧。
          • 不常去还有习惯,呵呵。 +1
            • 抬杠了不是,你接啥不是在外面等。机场又不搬家,而且都一样,谁没去过一二十次,算常去吗?
              • 其实我理解你说的“习惯”,就是不习惯在远处等。想起在机场取行李的时候,总有一些人紧挨着转盘组成一堵墙,每次我总得说句excuse me求人让开才能拿到行李。 +1
    • 上面有电话,打电话问问他们怎么回事再定