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He said.......

He said he used to be hurt by a marriage. So he does not want a marriage any more. But he doesn't want the girl leave him. He said he can give her whatever except marriage. He said he will keep promise to take care of the girl forever. But one day, the girl found he still kept touch with some other girls. He jsut said it is very normal contact when the girl asked him. She almost crazy when she got a chance to read some of the letters they sent to each other. They are all affection poems. But the boy blame her for lacking trust.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 请大家帮着看一看
    • 确实没办法.等下去,恐怕你也得不到你需要的东西
    • 你们多大年纪了?男孩不同意结婚的理由除了“现在这样挺好”还有别的嘛?
    • 他就这样,要么你离开他, 要么就接受...
    • Is it his fault that not being ready for the marriage? NO.
      • He said.......
        He said he used to be hurt by a marriage. So he does not want a marriage any more. But he doesn't want the girl leave him. He said he can give her whatever except marriage. He said he will keep promise to take care of the girl forever. But one day, the girl found he still kept touch with some other girls. He jsut said it is very normal contact when the girl asked him. She almost crazy when she got a chance to read some of the letters they sent to each other. They are all affection poems. But the boy blame her for lacking trust.
        • Dump him asap.
          • Poor girl.....
            Could her get any chance to convert him? IF yes, how to do? Give your idea.
            • 没药可救。永远别去试图改变别人。
        • Hence that guy doesn't worth it. She should not marry him anyway. If she likes the time together with him, keep the relationship; otherwise, stop the relationship.
          She needs to know what kind of man and relationship she wants. It's easier to select someone than to change someone.
          • dear, I am impressed, u married yet?
            I think therefore I am
            I love therefore I am
            I am hurt therefore I am
            I know therefore I am
        • 此公很是为广大单身汉子玩游戏指明了方向. 连台词都可以照搬: 这样挺好; 曾被伤害; 承诺到永远; 婚姻是坟墓; 要信任偶...K, 我要呕.
          • Is that new? I thought these 台词 are toooooo old.
            • "招不怕老, 好使就行" . 且你有所不知, 这玩意儿也要看环境, 讲包装~~~~
              • 同意,越老的办法越可靠
              • 没错,我确实有所不知。只是看到那些话就想笑,这样也能骗人,才叫高手。
                • HHHH, 还挺善于学习
                  • absolutely. :P
            • 对那样的女孩说什么都成啊。----〉“you will have no brain when you fall in a true love“”
              • Do you think they're in true love? Definitely not! No cheating and distrust are inside true love.
              • 听着怎么好像挺捶胸的:"怎么没给我撞上?!"
                • 估计是遇到过没...:P 所以才捶胸
                  • right
          • 你也干过吧?不然一眼就看出来了呢?
            • HH,要不怎么叫过来人??
            • 提醒一下单身帅哥, 好像RR又再组织活动, 你还不去报名??
              另外, 您那ID最好换一个, 太扎眼, 好MM一看ID先给你吓走一半.
              • 呵呵,吓走一半也好啊,省着看花眼了
                • 好, 有志气.
        • 这样的鬼话你的朋友也会信? 有那么多诚实可靠的人,她非得和这个没诚意又自私的人没完没了? 有时候不幸也是自己造成的. 生活就象炒股票,发现错误得赶紧止损.心存侥幸只能越亏越多.
    • 叹气,俺当时认识的女孩怎么各个都老奸巨滑的呢?这正常,成长的烦恼,下次就不会了
      • 各个都老奸巨滑..........订住
    • 上当了(不知道是谁),长痛不如短痛
    • She is my friend.
      I don't know how to help her anymore!!!! Help me!!!
    • 一位关心你的女性朋友的建议
    • I told her.....
      I told her to look for some one else. But she told me it is not good when i still with him. Am i wrong?
    • She is a really nice and good looking girl who has a good heart to everyone.
      • yes, but i think she has not brain
        • you will have no brain when you fall in a true love, otherwise, you are so poor.
          • hehe, it's stupid love,not true love.because that guy does not love the girl,staying with her just for fun
          • true love 不是爱的昏了头. 你是她的朋友,该劝她醒一醒.
      • fear, love, pain, all part of life,enjoy and live with them. are you sure she needs your help?
    • 离开他! 咋这么笨呢? 找一个爱惜她的好男人.别给那些游戏感情的男人机会.
    • 离开他! 别让这种男人自以为是, 找一个爱你的, 别找你爱的~~~