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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛受不了猪主席的威协恐吓和打击报复,只好交卷子说说俺的找工心得了,希望对我的网上之家Rolia也有点贡献。

心得之一, Preparation is the key


所以我所有的信息都比别人准备得要早要齐,简历和Cover letter是早就写了改过千万遍了,对重点的网站也溜达得十分娴熟。

从去年开始我就在拉拉碴碴地读几本关于面试,简历等的书,主要是Rolia上汪激昂DX和汪夫人推荐的那个Knock’en Dead系列(鸣谢,不过汪DX退隐江湖了,未得一见, 是我的一大憾事,请Rolia上与汪DX单线联系的朋友帮我转达了)。我也参加了学校的一些workshop,多少有些概念吧。

然后就开始准备Interview Questions, 总共准备了一百多个,反正是cover 了方方面面,连你最喜欢那个动物都胡乱地写了答案。我有一个朋友帮我改那些语法,每天弄到两三点(鸣谢)

其实准备那么多Interview Questions ,最后实际看的也就三十多个,因为这是我在加拿大的第一个真正意义上的interview, (所以我说我是运气好,不具有代表性)不过反正我觉得面试的时候问我的问题都没有超出我准备的scope。

我这个人的毛病是绝对不能背东西。平时准备得再好的Presentation, 到了台了就说出另一番话来了。所以我也没有打算背答案,只是你心中有的基本的思路,至少面试的时候不用再去想该怎么答才好。

Other than general 的 answer, 我觉得对任何一个问题都尽力准备一个小故事什么的,是最好的,可以是风趣的,可以是你犯过的错误,这样才会更真实和生动。





所以,任何Online Application 一定要认真对待,要确保没有任何错别字什么的,还有要让别人看出你的自信和热情。







我不知道是不是有用,不过我天生是个很注重细节的人,还有以前在国内,也是在大公司,受过良好的Training. 所以文件力求漂亮,象对方要求背景调查的时候,我还专门做了自己的传真Cover Page send 过去。


心得之五,Be honest

面试之前,我的一个Professor offered me a pre-interview, (鸣谢了她也看不到)不过才做到十分钟,她就说:Let’s stop in here, I think I can’t help you anymore.

The truth is no matter what kind of track questions I asked you, you always give me the appropriate answers and the key is I was always CONVINCED by your answers, just be yourself, I can’t see there are any reasons that XXX don’t want to hire you.


面试的时候,他们问我,How did you differentiate yourself with other undergraduate students? ( I am Master student)

我说,其实我没有什么地方就真的比他们强的,因为我知道他们成绩都很好,也都很聪明认真。如果一定要我说什么的话,就是我比他年纪都大(俺是最老的一个,sigh…)so I am mature and responsible, 你看看,这不就变废为宝了!

其实我本人还是有很多很多优点可以夸的,以前在国内的工作也很Outstanding, 不过我觉得这种时候稍微谦虚一点感觉comfortable一点,毕竟我们是拿自己的最短处去挑战别人的最强处。







一共是两次面试,第一次Group Interview四小时带吃一顿饭,我就穿了一套黑套裙。第二次更简单,白衬衣黑裙子肉色袜子黑皮鞋。这样打扮还有个好处,就是看不出俺的年龄来,估计他们觉得我二十头也不为过,还可以冒充一下清纯学生。







我想想也是,所以反而没有在英语上太多Concern, 我英语很烂的,语法一塌糊涂,不过大多数老外都好象听得懂我说什么,所以我准备面试的目标就是力求以最简单的语言说最复杂的事,加点他们听得懂的自我嘲讽之类的,纠正一下个别发音。

事实上我看他们倒没有misunderstanding me, 也没有太介意俺的口音,皆大欢喜。




不过我本来就是个爱笑的人,刚拿到面试通知的时候我们老师就说:You would no problem, you always have great smile, you have wonderful personality…所以这个也不是万试万灵的,象我们这次招的人也有那种戴黑边眼镜,从来没见他笑过的。

三,有的时候说话说多了不一定有用,其实他们对你的看法估计在头十五分钟已经形成定论,所以最后他们很客气地问我还有什么要问的,我说昨天已经跟你们谈了四个小时了,I’d better let you go, (俺已经是倒数第二个了)多说且只增厌。


一是心态决定一切,态度积极就比不积极好。我其实是把这次面试当试验来着,因为觉得他们就是选错了都选不到我头上,这是家不错的公司, 但是我也是全力以赴了。所以我面试的当天就十分愉快地又发了好几份简历出去。我面试之前还上了四个小时的课,累得半死才去的,我走的时候对同学们说:我去陪练去了。心态放轻松反而好些。

我后来还有面试,因为已经拿到这家offer, 所以都是去点个名交换一下名片就走了,以示尊重,因为来不及通知他们取消了,感觉他们还很喜欢问我这问我那,好象还很遗憾似的,所以心态轻松很重要。

二是真诚地感谢每一个帮助过你的人。俺的简历也好,Cover letter 也好都不知道有多少人改过看过,全班同学再加全体老师再加全体我觉得还有点作用的朋友(重重鸣谢!顺便提一下,我才想起来,我其实也把简历发给猪主席的,不过你没有回我哟,不够意思,你怎么说?不过猪主席在其他方面对我帮助多多,主席吗,有前例在先,就功过相抵了吧!)其实我看我找到工作他们也挺高兴的,大家都有成就感。所以一个人发一张感谢卡,有的特别significant 的再发两个巧克力,最不济的也发封感谢信,你快乐他们快乐大家都快乐!



希望我的非典型找工经历也会对其他的兄弟姐妹有所帮助!谢谢rolia! 鞠躬!

吐血之作,凌晨两点完工,请大家一定要让瘦猪看到,免得他整天唧唧歪歪地找我碴子要给我穿小鞋子,怕了你了,成不?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 事业与工作 / 受不了猪主席的威协恐吓和打击报复,只好交卷子说说俺的找工心得了,希望对我的网上之家Rolia也有点贡献。
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛受不了猪主席的威协恐吓和打击报复,只好交卷子说说俺的找工心得了,希望对我的网上之家Rolia也有点贡献。

    心得之一, Preparation is the key


    所以我所有的信息都比别人准备得要早要齐,简历和Cover letter是早就写了改过千万遍了,对重点的网站也溜达得十分娴熟。

    从去年开始我就在拉拉碴碴地读几本关于面试,简历等的书,主要是Rolia上汪激昂DX和汪夫人推荐的那个Knock’en Dead系列(鸣谢,不过汪DX退隐江湖了,未得一见, 是我的一大憾事,请Rolia上与汪DX单线联系的朋友帮我转达了)。我也参加了学校的一些workshop,多少有些概念吧。

    然后就开始准备Interview Questions, 总共准备了一百多个,反正是cover 了方方面面,连你最喜欢那个动物都胡乱地写了答案。我有一个朋友帮我改那些语法,每天弄到两三点(鸣谢)

    其实准备那么多Interview Questions ,最后实际看的也就三十多个,因为这是我在加拿大的第一个真正意义上的interview, (所以我说我是运气好,不具有代表性)不过反正我觉得面试的时候问我的问题都没有超出我准备的scope。

    我这个人的毛病是绝对不能背东西。平时准备得再好的Presentation, 到了台了就说出另一番话来了。所以我也没有打算背答案,只是你心中有的基本的思路,至少面试的时候不用再去想该怎么答才好。

    Other than general 的 answer, 我觉得对任何一个问题都尽力准备一个小故事什么的,是最好的,可以是风趣的,可以是你犯过的错误,这样才会更真实和生动。





    所以,任何Online Application 一定要认真对待,要确保没有任何错别字什么的,还有要让别人看出你的自信和热情。







    我不知道是不是有用,不过我天生是个很注重细节的人,还有以前在国内,也是在大公司,受过良好的Training. 所以文件力求漂亮,象对方要求背景调查的时候,我还专门做了自己的传真Cover Page send 过去。


    心得之五,Be honest

    面试之前,我的一个Professor offered me a pre-interview, (鸣谢了她也看不到)不过才做到十分钟,她就说:Let’s stop in here, I think I can’t help you anymore.

    The truth is no matter what kind of track questions I asked you, you always give me the appropriate answers and the key is I was always CONVINCED by your answers, just be yourself, I can’t see there are any reasons that XXX don’t want to hire you.


    面试的时候,他们问我,How did you differentiate yourself with other undergraduate students? ( I am Master student)

    我说,其实我没有什么地方就真的比他们强的,因为我知道他们成绩都很好,也都很聪明认真。如果一定要我说什么的话,就是我比他年纪都大(俺是最老的一个,sigh…)so I am mature and responsible, 你看看,这不就变废为宝了!

    其实我本人还是有很多很多优点可以夸的,以前在国内的工作也很Outstanding, 不过我觉得这种时候稍微谦虚一点感觉comfortable一点,毕竟我们是拿自己的最短处去挑战别人的最强处。







    一共是两次面试,第一次Group Interview四小时带吃一顿饭,我就穿了一套黑套裙。第二次更简单,白衬衣黑裙子肉色袜子黑皮鞋。这样打扮还有个好处,就是看不出俺的年龄来,估计他们觉得我二十头也不为过,还可以冒充一下清纯学生。







    我想想也是,所以反而没有在英语上太多Concern, 我英语很烂的,语法一塌糊涂,不过大多数老外都好象听得懂我说什么,所以我准备面试的目标就是力求以最简单的语言说最复杂的事,加点他们听得懂的自我嘲讽之类的,纠正一下个别发音。

    事实上我看他们倒没有misunderstanding me, 也没有太介意俺的口音,皆大欢喜。




    不过我本来就是个爱笑的人,刚拿到面试通知的时候我们老师就说:You would no problem, you always have great smile, you have wonderful personality…所以这个也不是万试万灵的,象我们这次招的人也有那种戴黑边眼镜,从来没见他笑过的。

    三,有的时候说话说多了不一定有用,其实他们对你的看法估计在头十五分钟已经形成定论,所以最后他们很客气地问我还有什么要问的,我说昨天已经跟你们谈了四个小时了,I’d better let you go, (俺已经是倒数第二个了)多说且只增厌。


    一是心态决定一切,态度积极就比不积极好。我其实是把这次面试当试验来着,因为觉得他们就是选错了都选不到我头上,这是家不错的公司, 但是我也是全力以赴了。所以我面试的当天就十分愉快地又发了好几份简历出去。我面试之前还上了四个小时的课,累得半死才去的,我走的时候对同学们说:我去陪练去了。心态放轻松反而好些。

    我后来还有面试,因为已经拿到这家offer, 所以都是去点个名交换一下名片就走了,以示尊重,因为来不及通知他们取消了,感觉他们还很喜欢问我这问我那,好象还很遗憾似的,所以心态轻松很重要。

    二是真诚地感谢每一个帮助过你的人。俺的简历也好,Cover letter 也好都不知道有多少人改过看过,全班同学再加全体老师再加全体我觉得还有点作用的朋友(重重鸣谢!顺便提一下,我才想起来,我其实也把简历发给猪主席的,不过你没有回我哟,不够意思,你怎么说?不过猪主席在其他方面对我帮助多多,主席吗,有前例在先,就功过相抵了吧!)其实我看我找到工作他们也挺高兴的,大家都有成就感。所以一个人发一张感谢卡,有的特别significant 的再发两个巧克力,最不济的也发封感谢信,你快乐他们快乐大家都快乐!



    希望我的非典型找工经历也会对其他的兄弟姐妹有所帮助!谢谢rolia! 鞠躬!

    吐血之作,凌晨两点完工,请大家一定要让瘦猪看到,免得他整天唧唧歪歪地找我碴子要给我穿小鞋子,怕了你了,成不?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 非常好的经验.
    • 超赞!!!强烈要求该贴进精华区!网管都跑哪里去了?!!!
    • appause
    • 能否简述一下您的情况,何时入学,大概的专业方向
    • 很可爱的说:)
    • 8错,8错!
    • 写得真好. 找工作的心态也好. 向你学习. :-)
    • 我要是男单身,我就追你了!!!!!!!!!
      • 时代不同了,你现在也能追。:))
      • 那就下辈子投胎做男人吧。:-) 不过,你要是真能追到像尚影这样的真诚,开朗,乐观,上进又热爱生活的MM还真是你的福气呢。嘿嘿。。。
        • 风筝JJ忘了说尚影那又可爱又漂亮又懂事的女儿呢,我2年前见过她们母女俩一次,给我的印象好深。
          • 虽然我还没有见过那个又可爱又漂亮又懂事的小姑娘,但我知道她有一个这样的妈妈,一定错不了。
    • Good job.
      • long time no see?
        • hands.
          • where?
            • Home, Toronto.
              • en, ox's head won't fit horse's mouth
                • Please chanage fit to touch.
                  • who is chanage ?
    • No wonder everybody loves you. You really have a very charming personality. :-)
    • 向尚影MM学习,向尚影MM致敬。
    • 恭喜!好久没在这里溜达了,今天一来就看到了你的两篇,很感动。你刚到Rolia的时候,给我的印象就很深,善良、坚韧的感觉。祝好运!
      • How are things
        • so so
    • 很好的经验,谢谢分享!
    • Great job ! Admire ! Good Luck ! :)
    • 这个MM不一般
    • 真棒!尚影,就知道你一定会成功的。
      MM,还是那句话,如果需要任何帮助的话,let me know.
    • 向你学习坚韧不拔和认真的精神,真的:)
    • 写得真好。如果大家都像你一样把功课做足了,一定会有好运的。多谢分享。
    • 太好了,如果我下次再找工作(估计会有下一次的),这些都用的上。就是化妆成问题
    • 谢谢分享。你可真不简单。下次面试的时候一定向你多多请教。
    • 很好的经验,可否公布一下你整理的三十多个问题,很想学习。
      • 对对,发现自己在这种准备上一点头绪都没有,面试起来有点象开无轨电车:-)建议姐姐公布问题给我们一点TIPS.
    • 敬仰!我觉得这篇文章很有实用价值。
    • 好东东!
    • 谢谢大家的回复!工作是我的衣食父母,找工作认真积极一点是天经地义的,实在没有什么值得大家称赞的,你们过奖了。




    • 报告猪主席,你怎么点一卯就跑了,看小女子响应你的号召,写得这么辛苦,你也不肯定肯定?至少也应该签个已阅嘛!很不尽责地说......
    • 风筝JJ,来这里看看你家媳妇!我可是把我最好的宝贝拿出来了,嘻嘻。
      • 真是PP的小公主!!!!!!!!!!
      • Your daughter is very beautiful and lovely
      • 这要是真的长大了,ROLIA上不得血雨腥风啊!!!有儿子的大侠8许看!!!
      • 好可爱的东方小明珠,将来长大了不知会迷死多少男孩子了.
        • 女大十八变。。。
          • 给我拖出去砍了!嘿嘿!
            • Ha.ha.ha..... I actually didn't say anything.
      • 好可爱! 尚影JJ是不是在温哥华呀? 照片里的场景很眼熟啊
        • 是八月份宝贝到温哥华的时候照的。
      • 我最爱这一张. :)
        • 我每张都喜欢得......不得了,怎么办?很想啃她两口!!!
          • 怎么你的漂亮女儿不在身边?
          • 实在是经典的淑女阿:)我最喜欢的类型!笑不露齿,含蓄而典雅~
          • 心情完全理解 :) 孩子回国了?准备什么时候接来 ?
            • 现在还不知道,痛苦ing...
              • pat pat... please check your email
              • 刚打完电话,回了一句话,发现你已下网了. :(
      • 爱死我啦!!!!真恨不能现在就把我的儿媳妇搂在怀里。尚影MM,很认真地说,这个儿媳妇我要定了,不是开玩笑啊。
      • 这么小的女孩子,气质就已经很脱俗了。绝对的一个小美女,小淑女。
      • 女儿如此,妈妈还能错得了吗?:)
    • Interview Questioins 见内,相似的我归在一起的,问题是很好找的,可是答案不容易,你需要好好想一想你该怎么来回答这些个问题。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Behavior Based Questions

      Tell me about a time when you had work problem or stresses that were difficult for you.
      Tell me about a time when you were disappointed in your behavior.
      Tell me about a time when you surmount a major obstacle.
      Describe a problem or challenge you’ve encountered, how did you deal with that?
      Describe a problem you have faced and how you handle it.
      Describe a difficult problem you’ve had to deal with?
      Can you describe for me a difficult obstacle you have had to overcome? How did you handle it? How do you feel this experience affected your personality or ability?
      Describe your most disappointment experience, how did you cope with it?
      What was the most complex assignment you have had? What was your role.
      Give me an example of a time when you faced a lot of obstacles to achieving a goal?
      Give me a example of a stressful situation you’ve experience.
      What was the most difficult task for you to learn on your job? How did you go about learning it?
      Describe a time when you faced obstacles in reaching your objectives. What were the obstacle you encountered? What did you do to go around or remove them?
      Can you give me an example that didn’t work so well?
      What is the toughest problem you have solved so far?
      Tell us about a tough project, which you helped to finish?
      What were some of the things about your last job that you found most difficult to do?
      What difficulties have you faced on the job?
      What are some of the problems you encounter in doing your job, and what do you do about them?
      What is the greatest challenge in your last job? How did you deal with that?

      Tell me about an event that really challenged you, how did you meet the challenge? In what way was your approach different from others?
      What’s your biggest achievement, and what steps did you take to achieve it?
      Give an example of successful job/project you've done.
      Describe a situation in which you believe you were effective in achieving an goal.
      Can you describe for me one or two of your most important accomplishments?
      Describe your most rewarding experience.
      What are your biggest accomplishments?
      What are some of the things on your job you feel you have done particularly well or in which you have achieved the greatest success? Why do you feel this way?
      Can you pinpoint any specific things in your past experience that affected your present career objectives?
      What do your consider to be your greatest achievement to date? Why?
      What was the most challenging project you had?
      What was your greatest working achievement?

      When you have been told, or discovered for yourself, a problem in your job performance, what have you typically done? Can you give me an example.
      Describe a time when you failed.
      Tell us about one of your work assignments or dealings where you failed, what should have you done?

      Describe your most significant success & failure in the last two years.
      Tell me about a time when you were had to adapt to a difficult situation.
      By providing examples, convince me that you can adapt to a wide variety of people, situations and environments.
      Tell me about a time when you worked with people from a culture unlike your own. What did you do to overcome any perceived barriers to communication?
      What is the most difficult situation you have faced?

      Describe how you determined your priorities on your last job?
      Describe the system you use for keeping track of multiple projects, how do you track your progress so that you can meet deadlines?
      How do you determine priorities in scheduling your time? Give examples.
      Tell me about a time you were prioritized the elements of a complicated project.
      Describe a time when you had to juggle several tasks at one time and how you prioritized your work.
      Can you describe a situation that required several things to be done at the same time, how did you handle these tasks?
      How did you organize your work in your last position? What happened to your plan when emergencies came up?
      How do you manage your time at work?

      Tell me about a time when you work effectively under pressure.
      Customers frequently create a great deal of pressure, what has been your experience in this area?
      Do you feel pressure in your job? Tell me about it.
      What has been the highest pressure situation you have been under in recent years? How did you cope with that?
      In your previous job what kinds of pressures did you encounter?
      What types of pressure do you experience on your current job? How do you cope with this pressures?
      I’d be interested to hear about a time when your experienced pressure on your job.
      What types of experience have you had to deal with difficult customers?

      Tell me a time when you handled a difficult situation with a co-worker.
      When was the last time you solved a difficult problem that would have significant impact? What was the situation? How did you go about analyzing the problem?
      Tell me about when you have conflict with someone and how you handle it.
      Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.
      Summarize a situation where you took the initiative to get others going on an important issue, and played a leading role to achieve the results wanted.
      Give me an example when you had to work with someone who was difficult to get along with, why was this person difficult?
      Tell me about a time when you worked with a group or team of people to complete a project.
      Tell me about a difficult problem that you had to solve and how you solved it?
      What are some of the best idea you’ve ever sold to your boss?
      Tell me about the most frustrating person with whom you have worked. What made this experience difficult? How did you resolve the situation with this person?
      Tell me about a situation in which you had to coordinated several people to achieve a goal.
      Describe a problem person you have had to deal with, what did you say or do?
      Describe for me one or two of the biggest disappointments in your work history?

      Tell me about a time were you made a bad decision.
      What was your most difficult decision in the last six months? What made it difficult?
      What was the last major problem that you were confronted with? What action did you take on it?

      What will your previous manager tell me about your strengths and weaknesses, if I call him now?
      How did your supervisor on your most recent job evaluate your job performance? What were some of the good points & bad points of that rating?
      If I were to ask your most recent employer about your ability as a staff accountant, what would he said?
      How would your last boss describe your strengths and weakness?
      How well do you feel your boss rated your job performance?

      Describe your best example of taking the initiative to do something that needed to be done, even though it wasn’t really your responsibility.
      What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?
      What have you done that shows initiative?

      Describe a time when you had great difficulty communicating your thoughts clearly to another person or group.
      Tell me about a time when you had to work hard in order to fully understand what another person was saying to you. What was the situation? What was the outcome?
      Tell me about a time when someone misunderstood what you were attempting to communicate to them.

      We can sometimes identify a small problem and fix it before it becomes a major problem, give an example of how you have done this.

      Tell me about a time when you have to learn something totally new.

      Describe a time on any job you held in which you were faced with problems or stresses that tested your coping skills.
      What is your responsibility for your TA job?

      What are some of the things about which you and your superior disagreed?
      In your current work, what problems have you identified that had previously been overlooked?
      Tell me about a time when you had a conflict with a supervisor.
      Tell me about a time when you voiced a concern or disagreement to a co-worker, supervisor or professor.
      Describe a time when you disagreed with a supervisor. How did you handle the situation?
      Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your superior?

      Will you describe a situation where your work was criticized?
      Give me a specific example of a time when a co-worker or classmate criticized your work in front of others, how did you respond?
      Tell me about a time when your work was criticized, how did you respond to the criticism?

      Give me an example of an important goal, which you had set in the past and tell me about your success in reaching it.

      Describe the most significant or creative presentation which you have had to complete.

      Tell me about a project or role that you’ve taken on that is outside your job description?

      Tell me about a time where you had to use your written communication skills to get your point across?

      Describe how are you going to do if you got a new project that you have no experience on it before - talk this in details

      Tell me about a time when you were persuaded team members to do things your way.
      Describe a situation that best demonstrates your approach to working as part of a team?
      How do you persuade others to agree with your points of view?
      How do you resolve conflict on a project team?
      If you have a disagreement with a coworker, how would you handle it?
      Suppose you are working in a team and a project is given to your team. All the team members want to solve that project in a certain way and you know a better way to solve the problem, how will you convince them?
      What approach do you take in getting your people to accept your ideas?
      How do you react when your see co-workers disagreeing? Do you become involved or hold back?
      How do you work in groups, and what experience have you had working in groups?
      When you are part of a work team, what role do you play?
      Explain your role as a group member.

      What is the most difficult decision you ever had to make?

      Why you didn’t stay with your last firm?

      Why should we hire you for this position?
      I’m not sure you’re suitable for the job
      What are your qualifications?
      How are you qualified for this job?
      In what ways do you think you can make a contribution to our firm?
      What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can’t?
      What are the personal characteristics and qualities that you would bring to this position that would be particularly helpful in fulfilling the responsibilities of this position?
      How much experience do you have?
      What can you do for us that other candidates can’t?
      Do you have any experience in this field?
      Can you tell me about some of your qualifications?

      Why do you want to work for us?
      Why you want to work in this company?
      Do you think you will be better of in a different company?
      What other kinds of job position or companies may interest you?
      What makes you apply for this position?
      What would you say is the most important thing you are looking for in a job?
      What other positions are you considering?
      Why did you decide to apply for this position?
      What appeals to you about this position?

      Where would you like to be in five years?
      What would you like to be doing 5 years from now?
      What is your long-term employment or career objective?
      What kinds of job do you see yourself holding five years from now?
      What are you future goals?
      What are your career goals? And how firm support it?
      What position do you expect to have in 2 to 5 years?
      What is your professional goal?
      What are your future vocational plan?
      What do you hope to accomplish in the next three to five years?
      What kind of work would you like to be doing in a couple of years?

      What things give you greatest satisfaction at work?
      Of your creative accomplishment big or small, at work or home, what give you the most satisfaction?
      When were you most satisfied in your job?

      Can you tell us something about yourself?
      Briefly, would you summarize your work history & education for me?
      Will you please say something about yourself?

      Could you tell us more detail about your work with the last firm?
      What did you accomplish in your last job?
      What were the five most significant accomplishments in your last job?
      What did you learn from your previous job?
      What skills did you improved in your last work?
      Do you have any experience in this field?
      What are the broad responsibilities of a staff accountant?
      What special aspects of your work experience have prepared you for this job?

      Do you have problem in getting along with others?
      How do you get along with different kinds of people?
      What problem do you have getting along with others?
      Do you criticize others? Under what condition?
      What difficulties do you have tolerating people with different background and interests from yours?

      Do you prefer working with others or alone?
      Do you prefer working alone or in groups?
      Do you feel you work more effectively on a one to one basis or in a group situation?
      Do you prefer to work independently or as a part of a team?
      Do you like to work in a team, why?
      Do you like to work alone, why?

      What is your greatest strength?
      What are your strong points?
      What are your outstanding qualities?
      Talk about your major pros and cons.
      Everyone has strength & weakness as workers, what are you strong points for this job?

      What are your hobbies?
      What kinds of books & other publications do you read?

      How would you describe your own personality?
      How would you describe yourself as a person?
      What else besides your school and job experience qualifies you for this job?

      Highlight your skills that are relevant for this position.
      Do you have skills and training required for this job?
      Do you think you have enough skills to work in this position?
      What are your best skills?

      What do you know about our company?

      Do you see any difference with firms?

      Do you have a questions for me?

      Could you work for a younger person?

      Why do you choose this profession?
      Why did you decide to pursue this career?
      Why did you decide to enter the field of accounting?
      What motivated you to seek a accounting degree?
      How have you changed the nature of your job?

      Why you want to immigrate to Canada?更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 这下真是明白了"工夫不负有心人".存盘了,好好琢磨琢磨.
    • 不用看就立马把两篇经典都存盘了,:),珍藏起来等俺慢慢揣摩。// 小公主实在是超……可爱!!不由得想象"美人pi子"一定也是大美女吧!
    • 写的真好,谢谢分享宝贵经验
    • The key in the interveiw is 心态放轻松