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安省警署情报主管是真英雄! 读读他的证词:the lack of criminal activity at the mass protest “was shocking.”

OTTAWA — The intelligence chief of the Ontario Provincial Police told a federal inquiry Wednesday that he saw no “credible” information of a national security threat or extremist violence during the self-styled “Freedom Convoy” protests.

The statement appears to contradict assertions from the federal government, which cited the threat of political violence as part of its justification for invoking the Emergencies Act to deal with the demonstrations last winter.

Supt. Pat Morris, the head of the OPP’s Provincial Operations Intelligence Bureau, told an inquiry probing the use of the Emergencies Act that his unit turned up no direct evidence of a threat of extremist violence after weeks of analysis and information-gathering on the protest participants.

“Everybody was asking about extremism. We weren’t seeing much evidence of it,” Morris said during his testimony Wednesday evening.

Morris also suggested that fears of extremist violence stemming from the protests were exaggerated by unnamed political leaders and unspecified news reports. “There always seems to be an overreach that comes with this politicization,” Morris said.

He said that politicians’ comments and media reports during the convoy conveyed an inaccurate “problematic” picture of what was going on.

“I was in a unique situation to understand what was transpiring. So when I read accounts that the state of Russia had something to do with it, or that this was a result of American influence, either financially or ideologically, or that Donald Trump was behind it, or that it was un-Canadian, or that the people participating are un-Canadian, that they were not Canadian views and they are extremists, that’s problematic.”

The formal emergency declaration the Liberal government tabled in Parliament last February cited as part of the justification for the law that the ongoing blockades were “being carried on in conjunction with activities that are directed toward or in support of the threat or use of acts of serious violence against persons or property, including critical infrastructure, for the purpose of achieving a political or ideological objective within Canada.”

That borrowed directly from the language used in the criminal code and other laws which deal with extremism or terrorism.

Morris objected to broad characterizations that used the word extremism to describe what was going on in the convoy protests.

He said the OPP had no credible intelligence that pointed to a threat of extremist violence or even evidence of criminal activity. He said in the end, the lack of criminal activity at the mass protest “was shocking.”

Morris conceded under questioning by Brendan Miller, a lawyer for convoy participants, that the OPP had no credible intelligence of espionage, sabotage or threats of physical violence or damage to property that might be committed by individuals with political, religious or ideological motivations.

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino last winter said that police services had asked the government to declare a federal emergency later saying he was misunderstood. He continued to insist police services believed the powers were critical to ending the protest.

At the outset of the inquiry, a lawyer for the OPP said the police agency didn’t believe the federal Emergencies Act was needed to resolve the protest crisis.

At the time of the emergency declaration, Mendicino also pointed out that the RCMP had seized a cache of guns and body armour and arrested 13 people associated with the weeks-long blockade in Coutts, Alta. And called it a “cautionary tale” about what police are dealing with across the country.

Mendicino alleged the protesters that occupied the streets of downtown Ottawa and inspired border blockades in several provinces were led by a “very small, organized group that is driven by an ideology to overthrow the government through whatever means they may wish to use.”

In the wake of the Emergencies Act invocation, opposition politicians, legal experts and civil liberties groups have raised questions about whether the government’s claim of a threat of violence related to a specific and imminent risk or was more general in nature.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 安省警署情报主管是真英雄! 读读他的证词:the lack of criminal activity at the mass protest “was shocking.” +12

    OTTAWA — The intelligence chief of the Ontario Provincial Police told a federal inquiry Wednesday that he saw no “credible” information of a national security threat or extremist violence during the self-styled “Freedom Convoy” protests.

    The statement appears to contradict assertions from the federal government, which cited the threat of political violence as part of its justification for invoking the Emergencies Act to deal with the demonstrations last winter.

    Supt. Pat Morris, the head of the OPP’s Provincial Operations Intelligence Bureau, told an inquiry probing the use of the Emergencies Act that his unit turned up no direct evidence of a threat of extremist violence after weeks of analysis and information-gathering on the protest participants.

    “Everybody was asking about extremism. We weren’t seeing much evidence of it,” Morris said during his testimony Wednesday evening.

    Morris also suggested that fears of extremist violence stemming from the protests were exaggerated by unnamed political leaders and unspecified news reports. “There always seems to be an overreach that comes with this politicization,” Morris said.

    He said that politicians’ comments and media reports during the convoy conveyed an inaccurate “problematic” picture of what was going on.

    “I was in a unique situation to understand what was transpiring. So when I read accounts that the state of Russia had something to do with it, or that this was a result of American influence, either financially or ideologically, or that Donald Trump was behind it, or that it was un-Canadian, or that the people participating are un-Canadian, that they were not Canadian views and they are extremists, that’s problematic.”

    The formal emergency declaration the Liberal government tabled in Parliament last February cited as part of the justification for the law that the ongoing blockades were “being carried on in conjunction with activities that are directed toward or in support of the threat or use of acts of serious violence against persons or property, including critical infrastructure, for the purpose of achieving a political or ideological objective within Canada.”

    That borrowed directly from the language used in the criminal code and other laws which deal with extremism or terrorism.

    Morris objected to broad characterizations that used the word extremism to describe what was going on in the convoy protests.

    He said the OPP had no credible intelligence that pointed to a threat of extremist violence or even evidence of criminal activity. He said in the end, the lack of criminal activity at the mass protest “was shocking.”

    Morris conceded under questioning by Brendan Miller, a lawyer for convoy participants, that the OPP had no credible intelligence of espionage, sabotage or threats of physical violence or damage to property that might be committed by individuals with political, religious or ideological motivations.

    Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino last winter said that police services had asked the government to declare a federal emergency later saying he was misunderstood. He continued to insist police services believed the powers were critical to ending the protest.

    At the outset of the inquiry, a lawyer for the OPP said the police agency didn’t believe the federal Emergencies Act was needed to resolve the protest crisis.

    At the time of the emergency declaration, Mendicino also pointed out that the RCMP had seized a cache of guns and body armour and arrested 13 people associated with the weeks-long blockade in Coutts, Alta. And called it a “cautionary tale” about what police are dealing with across the country.

    Mendicino alleged the protesters that occupied the streets of downtown Ottawa and inspired border blockades in several provinces were led by a “very small, organized group that is driven by an ideology to overthrow the government through whatever means they may wish to use.”

    In the wake of the Emergencies Act invocation, opposition politicians, legal experts and civil liberties groups have raised questions about whether the government’s claim of a threat of violence related to a specific and imminent risk or was more general in nature.

    • 👍👍👍 +6
      • 现在是猜谜时间, +1
        大家猜猜Morris证词中的“unnamed political leaders”是谁?“unspecified news reports”有哪些?Morris also suggested that fears of extremist violence stemming from the protests were exaggerated by unnamed political leaders and unspecified news reports. “There always seems to be an overreach that comes with this politicization,” Morris said.
        • Trudeau?🤔 +2
          • 辛格是紧急令出台的关键人物,当时是他在国会要求采取进一步措施制止车队抗议的,而且是他造谣说车队普遍存在暴力,很多人都没留意到这一点。 +9
            • 谢谢指明🙏 前天听了几分钟的听证会,Ottawa 市长在作证,官僚相互推诿撇清自己,怒火中烧😡 英国接连两个首相辞职,土豆政府继续不要脸。Freeland 说加拿大经济要硬着陆,自己国家经济萎迷一团浆糊,还往外到处撒钱。加拿大没有真正的反对党! +4
        • 除痘及其内阁。还有渥太华的大学通知学生如果觉得有人身安全的威胁就不要来上课了,呵呵。不让饭店开门,想饿着卡车司机,然后回头让主霉发文,说饭店吓得不敢开门儿。。。xxx,什么玩意儿! +11
          • 然后站住来说实话,说感谢车队给他带来生意的Iconic cafe店主立刻被赶走了,土豆就这样帮助市区small business的 +8
            • 自雇小生意赚钱的大好机会,土豆王八蛋砸纳税人饭碗😡 +3
              • 如果Iconic cafe店主这次能出来作证就好了,他甚至在搬家的时候都遭到政府骚扰,来帮助他搬家的卡车司机都吃了罚单,一方面逼他搬家,一方面不允许别人帮他搬家,你说多low! +9
                • Shame ❗️ +2
              • 他专业于断别人的生路,然后再出来给这些人发钱。 +1
            • 嗯,干了太多恶心勾当,想多了我会胃疼。这家店名起的真好。 +2
    • That's far not enough to make him a "hero". He simply answered the questions honestly during the hearing. +4
      • 这年头有头有脸人物能honestly answer question,我等草民也需要庆幸啦。 +8
      • 这年头不为了paycheque,能讲真话就需要勇气,是英雄👍 坚持至今拒绝打针的也是英雄👍 我打了两针,是狗熊👎 +7
        • 哈哈,我也打了二针 +1
          • 你狗熊,我同類😔
            • 你才狗熊,我只是打了二针,嘿嘿🤣 +1
              • 狗熊😜
                • 好吧,一个熊大一个熊二 +1
                  • 😘
      • 在一个纳粹时代,能回答问题honestly就已经是hero了 +9
        • 如果抛开道德标准去谈论民主与专制制度的利弊,就是瞎扯蛋…… 在混乱的时代保持诚实是可贵的品质,能勇敢的说出真相并作证的确是英雄👍 +2
    • 渥太华警察无能,没能及时控制住局势,致使局势升级,联邦不得不出面收拾残局。如果像新西兰那样一开始就控制住局面,后面也不会乱象丛生。多伦多市后来汲取了教训,就控制得比较好。 +3
      • 而且是安省要求联邦加紧祭出紧急状态法平息事态
      • 嗯,局势从一开始一个窗户都没有打破,严重升级到了始终一个窗户都没有打破。 +8
        • 在左媒眼里,不顺从自由党理念的游行示威就是事态严重,即使一扇窗户都没破;顺从自由党理念的游行示威,就是顺带打、砸、抢,都是局势可控,也许还要告警察过度暴力。 +2
    • 实事求是 +1
    • 你个独裁,一言堂,希特勒,总删我的回帖 +1
      • 你知不知道只有管理员才能删别人帖子,有事找管理员,别在这里发疯! +4
        • 你是说,这里的管理员在控制着舆论导向,不骂政府的贴子通通删除?
          • 你去问ta +1
            • ta(管理员同学),出来走二圈,给个删我帖子的理由