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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

Halloween activities, the tradition can be traced back to the Middle Ages and the rituals of Samhain.It was believed that phantoms walked the earth on the night of Samhain, so people would dress up in costumes in an effort to repel the spirits

Halloween is around the corner and I got curious on its origin and traditions so I looked it up. Did you guys know that "Jack o'lantern" comes from the Irish legend of Stingy Jack?

Legend has it that Stingy Jack invited the devil to have a drink with him, but Jack didn't want to pay for the drink, so he convinced the devil to turn himself into a coin. Instead of buying the drink, he pocketed the coin and kept it close to a silver cross in his house, preventing the devil from taking shape again.

He promised to let the devil go as long as he would leave Jack alone for a year – and that if Jack died, the devil wouldn't claim his soul.

After a year, Jack tricked the devil again to leave him alone and not claim his soul. When Jack died, God didn't want such a conniving person in heaven and the devil, true to his word, would not allow him into hell.

Jack was sent off into the night with only a burning coal to light his path. He placed the coal inside a carved-out turnip and has been roaming the earth ever since.

People in Ireland and Scotland began creating their own creations of Jack's lanterns out of turnips, beets and potatoes. The tradition traveled to the United States along with the immigrants and people began to use pumpkins, native to North America, for the lanterns instead.

Another fun fact: Trick-or-treating comes from "souling"

Having children dress up in costumes and go door-to-door like little beggars demanding treats is kind of weird. Like several other Halloween activities, the tradition can be traced back to the Middle Ages and the rituals of Samhain.

It was believed that phantoms walked the earth on the night of Samhain, so people would dress up in costumes in an effort to repel the spirits.

As the Catholic Church started supplanting pagan festivals with their own holidays (like All Souls' Day), the act of souling became popular, and poor children and adults would go door-to-door dressed as spirits accepting food in exchange for prayers.

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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / ZT 韩国这次狂欢挤死人是黑魔法祭祀。几年前的上海踩踏事件,有可能也是这种祭祀性质的事件,当时有报导说有人在楼上窗户往下丢钞票,引发人们争抢导致的。 +6
    • 又来胡说八道了,请版主转欢乐恶搞! +15
      • 很多事件在特定事件发生,都是有其灵性意义的。不过这些知识也被压制,所以大多数人不具备这个知识,因此看不出来。 -nazacalines(游戏改变者); 09:13 (#14920081@0) +5
    • 据说还有台湾的火车事故,和美国的演唱会事故 +4
      • 是,很多事件在特定事件发生,都是有其灵性意义的。不过这些知识也被压制,所以大多数人不具备这个知识,因此看不出来。 +4
        • 天机不可泄露 +1
        • 你的视频我刚刚看了,非常好,也理解了为什么剧烈运动会猝死,原来温度高也会加速MRNA在人体生产有害蛋白质。。。建议大家都看看,至少提高英文 +1
    • 肯定有这种或那种邪恶的信仰,黑魔法祭祀有存在的可能。不了解黑暗的力量,就尽可能的避免陷入黑暗里吧。以前也带孩子要糖、跨年,现在感觉气氛都不对了,我鼓励孩子们多亲近阳光明媚的时刻,站在光里便是对抗黑暗的力量。 +5
      • 是,我也超喜欢阳光,阳光好的日子心情也好,一定要多出去晒太阳 +2
        • 屡次握手😘 +2
      • 有点解读过度了。就是人多,然后有坡度的地方就容易出事。上海那次就是多了几个台阶,这次也是在台阶上中标。 +1
        • 纽约时代广场最近几十年发生过这样重大事件吗?
          • 正好说明管理的重要性啊,每年跨年纽约都如临大敌,人只进不出,不会造成人群涌动,所以没出事呗。 +1
      • 以前觉得过万圣节是融入主流社会,现在不了,看到那些门口挂的鬼怪觉得非常邪恶,不再过万圣节,应该庆祝光明的时刻 +5
    • 昨天看看的一篇文章,也是提到气场和献祭的问题,还有前几年的沉船也是年轻人…… 即便看不懂韩国、日本的诡异,为人父母的也要警醒点儿,适当提醒自己的孩子远离一些阴暗扭曲的东西 +5



      • 谢谢分享 +2
    • 印度断桥这事怎么说?看着更像是祭祀 +2
      • 我不知道。没仔细研究。我只知道印度修行黑魔法的人很多。
        • 算了,你还是别研究了,你一研究事情就变成阴谋或者黑魔法了。
          • LOL
    • 其实就是一脸菊黄粉的串儿扑去推的人。看看监控就知道了🐶
    • Halloween activities, the tradition can be traced back to the Middle Ages and the rituals of Samhain.It was believed that phantoms walked the earth on the night of Samhain, so people would dress up in costumes in an effort to repel the spirits

      Halloween is around the corner and I got curious on its origin and traditions so I looked it up. Did you guys know that "Jack o'lantern" comes from the Irish legend of Stingy Jack?

      Legend has it that Stingy Jack invited the devil to have a drink with him, but Jack didn't want to pay for the drink, so he convinced the devil to turn himself into a coin. Instead of buying the drink, he pocketed the coin and kept it close to a silver cross in his house, preventing the devil from taking shape again.

      He promised to let the devil go as long as he would leave Jack alone for a year – and that if Jack died, the devil wouldn't claim his soul.

      After a year, Jack tricked the devil again to leave him alone and not claim his soul. When Jack died, God didn't want such a conniving person in heaven and the devil, true to his word, would not allow him into hell.

      Jack was sent off into the night with only a burning coal to light his path. He placed the coal inside a carved-out turnip and has been roaming the earth ever since.

      People in Ireland and Scotland began creating their own creations of Jack's lanterns out of turnips, beets and potatoes. The tradition traveled to the United States along with the immigrants and people began to use pumpkins, native to North America, for the lanterns instead.

      Another fun fact: Trick-or-treating comes from "souling"

      Having children dress up in costumes and go door-to-door like little beggars demanding treats is kind of weird. Like several other Halloween activities, the tradition can be traced back to the Middle Ages and the rituals of Samhain.

      It was believed that phantoms walked the earth on the night of Samhain, so people would dress up in costumes in an effort to repel the spirits.

      As the Catholic Church started supplanting pagan festivals with their own holidays (like All Souls' Day), the act of souling became popular, and poor children and adults would go door-to-door dressed as spirits accepting food in exchange for prayers.

      See less
    • 梨泰院惨剧原来是设计好的鱿鱼游戏.韩国万圣节死亡结果出炉,梨泰院牵出神秘组织黑幕!!! +1