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旺市condo枪手Francesco Villi,上周自己录的视频,带有明显意大利口音。陈述独白从大概6分钟之后开始。

Francesco Villi - was slated to be in court on Tuesday, wasn't heard due to his death.

What Really Happened - Well here is some information and video of Francesco Villi

Francesco Villi - was slated to be in court on Tuesday, wasn't heard due to his death.

What Really Happened - Well here is some information and video of Francesco Villi

Francesco Villi, pictured here in an image from a video posted to his Facebook account, has been identified by York Regional Police as the Vaughan resident who shot and killed five people in the same condo building where he lived. (Francesco Villi/Facebook - image credit)
The 73-year-old man who police said shot and killed five people at a condo tower in Vaughan, Ont., on Sunday before being shot dead by a police officer has been identified by York Regional Police as Francesco Villi.

Chief Jim MacSween said police are still trying to determine what motivated the attack. Homicide detectives have been conducting interviews and executing search warrants, he said, but the investigation will take time.

Here's what CBC Toronto can confirm about Villi at this time:

Villi lived in the Bellaria Residences condo building where the shooting took place.

York Regional Police said the shooting rampage began around 7:20 p.m. ET, and that Villi allegedly attacked people in multiple condo units.

He used a semi-automatic handgun, according to Ontario's Special Investigations Unit (SIU), to kill three men and two women. He also shot and wounded another woman, who is currently in hospital.

Villi filed lawsuit against condo board members

The SIU, which probes all police-involved fatalities in Ontario, said he was shot and killed by an officer in one of the building's hallways around 8 p.m. ET. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Among the dead are three members of the condo's board.

Court documents indicate that Villi had a long-standing dispute with his condo board.

Villi filed a lawsuit against six directors and officers of the board in 2020, alleging they "committed acts of crime and criminality from 2010 onwards."

WARNING | Photos contain scenes from Vaughan condo shooting:

Justice Joseph Di Luca tossed the suit this summer, calling it "frivolous" and "vexatious."

Court documents also show the board sought a restraining order against Villi in 2018.

In multiple videos shared on his social media accounts, Villi comments about the ongoing dispute with his condo.

Villi was slated to be in court on Tuesday, however his case wasn't heard due to his death.

"Mr. Villi passed away yesterday. On consent of the defendants, this action and the counterclaim are permanently stayed," a court document dated Monday says.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 旺市condo枪手Francesco Villi,上周自己录的视频,带有明显意大利口音。陈述独白从大概6分钟之后开始。
    Francesco Villi - was slated to be in court on Tuesday, wasn't heard due to his death.

    What Really Happened - Well here is some information and video of Francesco Villi

    Francesco Villi - was slated to be in court on Tuesday, wasn't heard due to his death.

    What Really Happened - Well here is some information and video of Francesco Villi

    Francesco Villi, pictured here in an image from a video posted to his Facebook account, has been identified by York Regional Police as the Vaughan resident who shot and killed five people in the same condo building where he lived. (Francesco Villi/Facebook - image credit)
    The 73-year-old man who police said shot and killed five people at a condo tower in Vaughan, Ont., on Sunday before being shot dead by a police officer has been identified by York Regional Police as Francesco Villi.

    Chief Jim MacSween said police are still trying to determine what motivated the attack. Homicide detectives have been conducting interviews and executing search warrants, he said, but the investigation will take time.

    Here's what CBC Toronto can confirm about Villi at this time:

    Villi lived in the Bellaria Residences condo building where the shooting took place.

    York Regional Police said the shooting rampage began around 7:20 p.m. ET, and that Villi allegedly attacked people in multiple condo units.

    He used a semi-automatic handgun, according to Ontario's Special Investigations Unit (SIU), to kill three men and two women. He also shot and wounded another woman, who is currently in hospital.

    Villi filed lawsuit against condo board members

    The SIU, which probes all police-involved fatalities in Ontario, said he was shot and killed by an officer in one of the building's hallways around 8 p.m. ET. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

    Among the dead are three members of the condo's board.

    Court documents indicate that Villi had a long-standing dispute with his condo board.

    Villi filed a lawsuit against six directors and officers of the board in 2020, alleging they "committed acts of crime and criminality from 2010 onwards."

    WARNING | Photos contain scenes from Vaughan condo shooting:

    Justice Joseph Di Luca tossed the suit this summer, calling it "frivolous" and "vexatious."

    Court documents also show the board sought a restraining order against Villi in 2018.

    In multiple videos shared on his social media accounts, Villi comments about the ongoing dispute with his condo.

    Villi was slated to be in court on Tuesday, however his case wasn't heard due to his death.

    "Mr. Villi passed away yesterday. On consent of the defendants, this action and the counterclaim are permanently stayed," a court document dated Monday says.

    • 该枪手用的是非法的半自动手枪。"Authorities say he used an illegal ‘semi-automatic handgun’ in the incident"
      Police have confirmed that an angry condo resident shot dead three men and two women during his rampage - after a five-year feud with the apartment board.
      • C21支持者应该出来走一走 +1
        • 如果受袭者有枪反击,也许不会有这么多遇难者。等警察到了,枪手已经达到了自己的目标。
          • 不要想了, 受袭永远没有袭击者有准备( 美国这周刚刚有一个妈妈用手枪干掉两个全副武装的警察)。更何况是没有准备的普通群众。 +1
            • 这是否认普通人拥枪,自卫权力的理由?
              • yes. 否则愤怒杀人的案子会更多, 加拿大不容许用枪自卫, 这是多数人的选择所以成为法律, 人数够了可以再改到可以用枪自卫, 实在改不了, 自己还觉得危险, 可以南下啊, 有什么比保护自己生命更重要的阻力不可以克服。 +2
                • 南下?NO!这也是我的国家,我的土地!并且我现在讨论的是问题,不是个人选择,请分清楚。
                  • 不必过多与他辩论。
                • 以后不允许自己有车,想开车?去指定的地方租。-- Yonge/Finch开车撞人,十几还是二十几个死伤。 +1





                  • 用自由换取安全感。。。国家成了大监狱就安全了。
                    • 他需要一个什么都管的皇帝
                • 加拿大没有禁止用枪自卫,只是规定有躲避的义务。真到山穷水尽的地步,自卫是与生俱来的权力,没人可以剥夺。 +2
            • 明白人
          • Great point!
      • 自打上次除痘利用枪击案扭曲信息推动禁枪令之后。。。。我自知是个不明真相的群众。 +2
    • 视频陈述中提到加拿大要成为共产主义国家,愤怒无奈 +4
      • 这是除痘教导群众声讨“极右”的好机会。 +1
      • 已经就是啦
        • 按需分配,真好
          • 按你需分他的配
            • 面对美好的加拿大,会哭晕在厕所里吗?,在《2021年最佳国家报告》中,总共有78个国家入围。加拿大超越瑞士,首次摘得桂冠,成为全球最佳国家第1名。在2020年,加拿大排名第2,成绩也不错。


    • 唉!没有人制止一下。他的亲人们要是帮忙解决一下就好了
      • 他原本今天上庭。。。但是,似乎他已失去所有希望。
    • 真可悲啊,被逼急了的老头还是一个善良有信仰的人。




      • 掌权的人里边,上上下下,看不到几个干实事的人了。 +4
        • 社会主义大伙都见识过啦 +1
    • 这宗案件有很深的社会意义,新闻工作者应该全面,无死角报道整个案件的来龙去脉。 +1
      • 去听听主霉的报道。他们都只是政策宣传员;挖掘真相,探究社会问题的记者,不存在了。 +2
        • 25日11:30那个伶牙俐齿出名的若斯迈瑞要电视上现场采访土豆…可以去看看会怎么说🤫🤔
          • 看来他认定这是个值得利用的好机会。
    • 听了前几分钟,很明显这人精神有问题。 +1
      • 他已经打算同归于尽了。
    • 这就是加拿大社会的悲哀。一个无序,摆烂的社会。所有的矛盾因为政府监管就是个摆设而无法得到解决。诉诸法律,法官是只有意识形态的猪,只会拱稀泥。投诉无门,诉讼无用,除了发神经也没什么办法。
      • “Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” 整个官僚系统里,到处都是weak men,没有担当,没有信念,没有个性。 +1
        • 看来很快有strong men 出现了?曙光在望啊!
          • 历史的长河。。。感觉现在远不到艰难时代,等街上没有这么多欢笑轻松,都开始忧虑的时候,才会有strong men的土壤;strong men是可畏的,力挽狂澜之下,谁会不小心落入历史的夹缝当中?
            • 那还是算了吧。我还是选good time 加weak men 的时代
              • 😅  😆 
        • The weakers’ weak morality is prevailing in our society.
          • 各个官僚机构,以及吃官粮的系统里,挤满了哼哼唧唧的软骨头。
    • 世界上总会有一部分人用激进的手段反击他认为的不合理和压迫,就像几年前有人开直升机撞了税务局大楼。其实应该感谢他们,至少让那些掌握话语权的人要收敛一些。 +3
      • 希望共管物业的状态能以此得到一些改进。
        • 不可能。安乐死正在推广
          • 现在有个挺邪行的趋势:我们解决不了你的问题,但是我们可以把你解决了。 +2
      • 这只是因为无钱无势无特殊规则保护的群体,采取不激进的反击手段基本没有任何意义,最好的结果也就是几十年、几百年后被认个错,基本跟当事人没关系。而民主制度最优越的地方就在于,只要勇于认错,事情就过去了,最多就是用税钱赔点,犯错的人都是无辜的。 +2
    • 这人明明有精神病。对精神病人的关心才是当务之急 +2
      • 除痘已经表态了,精神病我们是顾不了的,但是如果想死我们可以帮忙。这人找警察把自己击毙了。 +1
        • 体贴,太帅
          • 全方位无死角! +1